Title: The Radio
1The Radio
- means "writing in distance" in Greek.
- a communication system able to transmit signals
which represent coded letters, numbers, and signs
of writing. - It can be divided into three basic categories
acoustic, optical, and electrical telegraphy.
3Claude Chappes Optical Telegraph (1792)
4Alessandro Volta (1838 )
6Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1844)
7Electrical Telegraph
8Int. Morse Code
9Western Union, 1857
10Heinrich Hertz
11Nikola Tesla
12Power House No. 1 of the Niagara Falls Power
Company (1895-1899)
13Teslas Tower1901-1905 by Stanford White,
famous architect and Tesla's friend. Located in
Wardenclyffe, Long Island
14Guglielmo Marconi
15Wireless 1895
17TitanicApril 14, 1912
18Receiving News of the Disaster
19Holiness Movement
- 1840s-1850s
- Restoration of Wesleyan piety
- Reemphasis on Sanctification
20John Wesleyhomo uni libris
21Reformist Movement
- Movement with established churches (Methodists,
and to a lesser extent Baptist and Presbyterian)
connection to historical churches. - National Holiness Assoc. did not accept members
who were not members of a church. - Prevailing vision had been to "Christianize"
Christianity within whatever form or rubric it
found a home. - Not until Turn of the century holiness churches
22Restorationist Impusle
- Come-outers appeal to Biblical authority
declared the existing sects to be the source of
disunity and a hindrance to the restoration of
true apostolic order, worship, and experience by
their refusal to establish New Testament Churches
"on the holiness line. - A Church of the Spirit
23Holiness Meeting
24Keswick Higher Life Movement
25Keswick Idea of Sanctification
- Positional Righteousness at conversion the
believer is imbued with the righteousness of
Christ. - Experiential Sanctification the Holy Spirit
works through the believer in daily life - Complete Sanctification comes at the end of life
a.k.a. glorification
26John Fletcher
27Edward Irving
28A. J. Gordon
29A. B. Simpson
30Jesus Casting Out Satan
31Resurrection of Lazarus
32Cane Ridge Revival
33Camp Meeting
34Church Discipline
- Served to remove offenses, vindicate the honor
of Christ, promote general edification of all and
last but not least, benefit the offender
himself. - Presbyterian Book of Discipline.
35Communion Tokens
36Charles Finney
37Asa Mahan
38Phoebe Palmer
39William and Catherine Booth
40Heart to God, Hand to Man
41Lieutenant Eliza Shirley
42Key Religious Writings
- 1845 Article by John Morgan The Gift of the
Holy Spirit - 1856 Book by William Arthur "The Tongue Of
Fire" - 1859 Guide by Phoebe Palmer, "Guide to
Holiness" - 1870 Book by Asa Mahan "Baptism Of the Holy
43Jarena Lee
44Sojourner Truth
45Daniel Alexander Payne
46Philadelphia Holiness Revival 1877-1879
47Daniel Warner
- Church of God Evening Light Saints
- First group to come-out of the traditional
mainstream churches - Vision of a church outside all denominations
- Interracial (Most African Americans were drawn to
Warners message in the midsouth (KY, MS, AK)
48Charles Fox Parham
49Bethel Bible College
50Agnes Ozman
- a.k.a. The Second Blessing
- Justification, marked by the conversion
experience, cleansed the individual of personal
sin - Sanctification cleansed the individual human
nature of original sin
52The Pentecost
53Moses and the Commandments
54Tower of Babel
55William Seymour
56Bonnie Brae Street
57Los Angeles Times
58Azusa Street Revival
60Apostolic Faith
61Gaston Barnabas Cashwell
62Charles H. Mason
63Charles Price Jones
64William Durham
65A Return to Racial Segregation
- 1908 Blacks withdraw from Fire-Baptized Holiness
Church - 1913 Pentecostal Holiness Church dismissed black
members - 1920 Black Floridians withdraw from Church of
God (Anderson, IN) and join COGIC - 1924 Whites withdraw from Pentecostal Assemblies
of the World
- An Act of God
- Shared encounter with the divine (imminent)
- Emphasis not simply on glossolalia but on the
empowerment the holy spirit brings to the
believer. - Second blessing no longer a cleansing, but an
anointing - Emphasis on experience allowed for participation
of women and blacks in leadership roles
67Dust Bowl
70Aimee Semple McPherson
71Fourquare Gospel
- The Holy Scriptures The Bible is God-inspired (2
Timothy 316, 17). - Baptism and the Holy Spirit The Baptism with the
Holy Spirit is to endue the believer with
power and that His incoming is after the same
manner as in Bible days (Act 24). - Divine Healing Divine healing is the power of
Christ to heal the physically sick in answer to
the prayer of faith (James 514-16). - The Second Coming of Christ The second coming of
Christ is personal and imminent (1
Thessalonians 416, 17).
72Angelus Temple
73Aimee on Stage
74Aimee to Holy Land