Title: 642009
1Bridging the Digital DivideRepublic of Palaus
- Ed Carter
- General Manager
- Palau National Communications Corp.
2Developing Palaus Shared Vision
- Communications Information Technology Technical
Advisory Group (CITA) - Established by the President of the Republic of
Palau - Membership includes all stakeholders
- Government
- Education
- Health
- Business
- Telecommunication Provider
3Developing Palaus Shared Vision
- CITAs Responsibilities
- Recognition of Limited ICT Resources
- Coordinate between public and private sectors to
optimize ICT development in Palau - Develop comprehensive plan and programs
- Further Economic Development of Palau
- Improve the delivery of Government Services
- Improve Health care
- Improve Education
- Improve and expand Internet service and access
4Developing Palaus Shared Vision
- PNCC hosts a monthly Focus Group
- Focal point for getting Technical staff of major
users together - Ideas are exchanged on Internet ICT
- Users and Consultants update PNCC and each other
- Mutual assistance with problems and objectives
5Developing Palaus Shared Vision
- PNCC hosting a series of workshops
- Brings ICT Expertise to Palau for Education
Planning purposes - Leadership and ICT Stakeholders are brought
together to discuss ICT issues with an expert
6Bridging the Digital Divide
- Increasing Access to ICT
- Commercial Public-Use Internet Centers
- PNCC fostered the growth of Centers with
favorable tariffs - Over 10 locations in Palaus Urban Center
- LocalNet
- Unmetered Domestic Access
- Encourages development of Domestic Internet use
- E-Governance/Distant Education/Tele-Health
- Web-page Design and use
7Bridging the Digital Divide
- Problems of Access
- Income Digital Divide
- Many have no access to computers or Internet
- Urban Rural Digital Divide
- Internet Usage almost non-existent outside Urban
center - Development of Rural Telecenters School
Facilities - Ministry of Education is developing Pilot project
- National Conference on Rural Multipurpose
Community Telecenters was held July 1, 2002 - Planning is underway for implementation of Rural
8Developing ICT Infrastructure
- International Connectivity Dependant on Satellite
Service - expensive bandwidth - Palau is exploring
- Submarine Fiber Optic options
- New Satellite options
- Domestic Connectivity
- LocalNet allows unlimited usage with-in Palau
- DSL provisioned to Business, Government, and
Public-Use Centers - Increase of Domestic content
9Developing ICT Infrastructure
- Planning is underway for enhancement of Domestic
Fiber Optic capacity - Currently an OC-3 SONET ring near capacity
- Proposed to increase so that commercial,
education, health, government, and rural needs
are met
10Essential Applications for the Information Society
- E-Government
- PNCC Acting as Consultant/Vendor to Government
Sectors to assist moving into E-Governance - Complete one-stop package
- Internet Access Domain
- Web Hosting Web Site Design and Development
- Local Area Network installation
11Essential Applications for the Information Society
- E-Governance
- Partnering with local businesses to provide
Government - Web presence
- Local Area Network
- Designing Website for Republic of Palau
12Essential Applications for the Information Society
- Health and Education
- Libraries are being interconnected with
high-speed service - Projects are being planned to develop Intranets
for each with high-speed connectivity - International bandwidth projects are being
13Essential Applications for the Information Society
- Ministry of Health is Actively Using ICT for
Training and Consultation - Requires increased connectivity
- Point to Point service needed
- Ministry of Education is developing Distant
Learning capabilities - Video Conferencing with ISDN
14Essential Applications for the Information Society
- Audio Streaming Radio Broadcasts over Internet
- Overseas Countrymen can hear whats going on back
Home - Local news
- Local Entertainment
- Service Provided
- Bandwidth of 16Kbs from Palau Audio server to
Hawaii Audio Server
- Palaus Development of Internet Access should
meet Phase One target of - Tokyo Declaration
- Cost of International access prohibitive
- Development required for Rural areas
- Financial structure of Telecommunications is
fragile small population/high costs