Title: Providing First Aid
1Providing First Aid Handling Emergencies
First Aid for Choking, Rescue Breathing, And CPR
Chapter 35, Lesson 3Target Group 8th grade
students in a classroom setting
- BY
- Katie Duffy
- Andrew Lebovic
- Melissa Rodriguez
- Heather Purvis
- To arm you with the ammunition to combat the
worst of emergency situations.
3What you need to know
- Define key terms listed under vocabulary list
- Learn proper first aid administration techniques,
as well as learn proper CPR and rescue breathing
techniques - Learn the importance of emergency medicine
- Learn proper prevention methods concerning
emergency medicine
4Changing your attitude
- Feel comfortable with emergency situations
- Have a feeling of empowerment by being able to
identify emergency situations -
5What you will be able to do
- List the steps for aiding a choking adult, child,
and infant - Demonstrate the process for administering rescue
breathing for adults, children, and infants
demonstrate the steps for administering CPR for
adults, children, and infants
6Key Terms
- -Abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver)
- -respiratory failure
- -carotid pulse
- -cardiovascular failure
- -cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- -Xiphoid Process
- -Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
7Incidences of Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- From Coronary Heart Disease
- 900 times/day in the US
- gtAGE 35 1/1000 per year
- ltAge 35 1/100000 per year
8Incidences of Choking(2001)
- lt14 years old
- -17,537 treated in ER
- FOOD-60
- Not Reported-9
9Survival Statistics
- Increased chance of survival with CPR and AED
use. - -3 to 5 min window
- only 24.7 of Cardiac arrest cases received
Bystander CPR. - (Personal communication, Seattle Medic One, Aug.
2, 2005)
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12Steps for aiding a choking person
- -ADULT- (Conscious choking)
- 1. Encourage forceful coughing
- 2. Administer five back blows between shoulder
blades - 3. Administer five abdominal thrusts
13Steps for aiding a choking Person cont.
- -ADULT- (Unconscious choking)
- 1. Call 9-1-1
- 1. Attempt two rescue breaths
- 2. Give 15 chest compressions
- 3. Check victim's mouth for obstruction and
remove if possible - 4. If no obstruction, continue with second set of
15 chest compressions - 5. Give 2 rescue breaths if chest rises
14Steps for aiding a choking Person cont.
- -CHILD- (conscious choking)
- 1. Encourage forceful coughing
- 2. Administer five (5) back blows between
shoulder blades - 3. Administer five (5) abdominal thrusts
15Steps for aiding a choking Person cont.
- -CHILD- (Unconscious choking)
- 1. Call 9-1-1
- 2. Attempt two rescue breaths
- 3. Give five chest thrusts
- 4. Look in victim's mouth for obstruction and
remove if possible - 5. Repeat cycle of rescue breaths, chest thrusts
and mouth sweep until two rescue breaths are
16Steps for aiding a choking Person cont.
- -Infants- (Conscious)
- 1. Turn infant face down and give five back blows
- 2. Give five chest thrusts (using 2 or 3 fingers)
17Steps for aiding a choking Person cont.
- -Infants- (Unconscious)
- 1. Call 9-1-1
- 2. Attempt two rescue breaths
- 3. Give five chest thrusts
- 4. Look in victim's mouth for obstruction and
remove if possible - 5. Repeat cycle of rescue breaths, chest thrusts
and mouth sweep until two rescue breaths are
18Process for administering rescue breathing
- Rescue Barriers
- always use to protect yourself and victim
19Rescue Breathing Process
- 1. Tilt head back
- 2. Pinch nose
20Rescue Breathing Process cont.
- 3. Give two normal breaths (give time for
exhalation between breaths) -
- If chest does not rise, tilt head more
21Introduction to
22Process for administering CPR
23Prevention Methods
- 1. Avoid food that can be a choking hazard
- 2. Keep dangerous household items away
- 3. Supervise children
- 4. Red Cross for kids
- 5. Learn Information on emergency medicine
24Choking Hazards Include
- -Hard, raw vegetables
- -Hot dogs/ sausages sliced into rounds
- -Whole grapes
- -Hard candy, pretzels, popcorn, chips
- -Marshmallows, spoons of peanut butter
- -Chewing gum
25To Prevent Choking
- -Shred hard vegetables and fruits
- -Slice hot dogs lengthwise
- -Remove pits from fruits
- -Finely chop seeds and nuts
- -Spread peanut butter thinly, do not serve
directly from spoon
26Review of Key Points
- -Cardiovascular Disease 1 cause of death overall
- -Accidents 1 cause of death in 14 year olds
- -Food 1 reason for choking
- -Only ΒΌ cardiac arrest victims received bystander
CPR - -Be familiar with prevention methods