Title: Ronald Reagan
1 Ronald Reagan 1981-1989
2The New Right/Conservative Agenda
Support school prayer, a strong defense, and free
market economy.
Oppose abortion, the Equal Rights Amendment, gun
control and busing.
Reaganomics was based on the supply-side
economics argument that lowering the top income
tax rates would spur economic growth.
4Reagan and the Cold War
Regan took a hard line against the Soviet Union,
even branding it an evil empire.
5Assassination Attempt
Honey, I forgot to duck- Reagan to his wife. I
hope you fellas are Republicans- Reagan to his
6Iran-Contra Scandal
U.S. sold arms to Iran for release of American
hostages in Lebanon. U.S. used this money
to support the Contras in Nicaragua.
7Challenger Explosion Jan. 1986
...The crew of the space shuttle Challenger
honored us by the manner in which they lived
their lives. We will never forget them, nor the
last time we saw them, this morning, as they
prepared for their journey and waved good-bye and
"slipped the surly bonds of earth" to "touch the
face of God." Ronald Reagan