Title: Destination NeXT: Why Pkistan
1Destination NeXTWhy P_at_kistan ?
2Operating Costs in US, India, and Pakistan
Total Price in Market
23,708 to 35,562
18,000 to 27,000
Pakistani labor is cheaper than India.
Source NASSCOM TBT Analysis for US and India
PSEB Estimates for Pakistani Companies, March 2006
3Source State Bank of Pakistan, PSEB,
BearingPoint Study September, 2005
4Share of Export Revenue by Type
Source PSEB, State Bank of Pakistan, September
5Source PSEB Survey, July 2006
6Expertise Wise Estimation
Source PSEB Survey, July 2006
7Product Wise Estimation
Source PSEB Survey, July 2006
8Total Industry Size 2 Billion
Source BearingPoint Study September, 2005, IT
Revenue Understated V1.4, August 2006
9Source SBP, July 2005
10Office Space and Human Resource Growth Patterns
of Top IT Companies
Combined growth rate
HR 434
Office Space 418
Source PSEB Survey, July 2006
11Increase in number of IT companies over the last
three years 2003-2006
Source PSEB Survey, July 2006
12Source PSEB Survey, July 2006
13Source PSEB Survey, July 2006
14No. of DSL / Broadband Users
Purchased Bandwidth
No. of Dialup Users
Bandwidth Delivered
Source PIE, FLAG, PSEB, May 2007
15Pakistani Industry specializes in these solution
Retail Banking and Financial Products
Medical Transcription
Utilities Insurance Applications
IT Niches
Animation Graphics
ERP Software
Mobile Content
Document Management
16 TELECOM Wavetech Large display systems in pu
blic places Inov8 Leading mobile transaction m
anagement platform Mobile complete mobile test
ing suite Pixsense Mobile Photos JOB PORT
ALS Rozee.com.pk Online recruitment solution Pe
rsonforce.com US Online recruitment solution
ment management and office automation
solution with over 150 international customers
Scrybe Leading Web based email and
calendaring solution RETAIL
ITIM Fast growing retail
solution with over 50 UK customers
uslim social networking portal
18FINANCE Mixit Stock Market Order Management, NYS
E, USD 0.5 Bil per year NetSol Car Leasing and S
ervices. Daimler Chrysler, Toyota, BMW
Autosoft Retail banking Solution running in
three countries Metalbid.com world leading meta
l exchange TPS e-payment and e-banking (Customer
s Al Bilad KSA, CBK, BoK, ESB, UBL Kuwait,
1Link, Allied Bank)
ENTERPRISE COMPUTING Ultimus Business Process Ma
nagement. 160 international customers including
Microsoft White House Five Rivers Technologies
Clear Cube Partner and world leader
in fast growing field of centralized computing.
19SOFTWARE SERVICES Visualsoft Hardware and softwa
re system integration Kalsoft Advanced infrastru
cture design and implementation
Averox Enterprise client/server based solution
Si3 System Integration solution providers
Techlogix Business process improvement
solutions Techaccess Enterprise management solut
ions Systems Ltd IT and BPO services Pi Sigma
Group Consulting and software development
Comcept Innovative telecom solution provider
20IT ENABLED SERVICES Post Amazers Animation. Son
of Mask and Exorcist The Sequel
LMKR Seismological and Geological Data
Management. BP, CALTEX, TEXACO
iEngineering Platform Management. Most
comprehensive database in the world
Touchstone BPO, Ovex, Infospan, TRG, IT24 IT
enabled services/Call Centers