Title: Jeanette Pitre and John Pitre
1Jeanette Pitre and John Pitre
2Jack Friel, Allan Griffin and Martin Lee
3Jack Friel
4Larry Avramidis, Phil Scolieri, Rob Smidrovskis
(hidden) and David Bailey
5David Bailey, David Rogerson, Milos Kucera and
Gurmit Besla
6Students enjoying the party
7Peter Hurley, Zahraa Ibrahim, Mrs. Lee
8John Chappell
9Ilda Cunha, Al Valler, Mrs. Marrs
10Retiree John Pitre receiving a boutonniere from
April Seeley and Beth Ernstberger
11Mark Aoshima and Jack Friel
12Physics department Chair Michael Luke
13Jim Drummond
14Aephraim Steinberg, Ingrid Silm, Allan Griffin
15Özden Özdemir and Fraser Code
16Students enjoying the buffet
17John Marrs and Liam Kieser
18David Dunlop and Özden Özdemir
19Undergraduate Chair David Bailey presenting
student awards
20Bryan Wayne Statt Prize winnder Anastasia Danilova
21Bryan Wayne Statt Prize Winner Nan Yang departing
with his award
22David Bailey presenting the van Kranendonk award
to Catherine Robbin
23David Bailey presenting the van Kranendonk Award
to Hongxu Zhao
24Michael Luke
25Michael Luke
26Staff Achievement Award winner Maria Wong
27Everyone waiting to hear who will receive the
staff awards this year
28Michael Luke congratulating Maria Wong on her
Staff Achievement Award
29Students and faculty wait to hear the winner of
the Staff Technical Achievement Award
30Michael Luke presenting the Staff Technical
Achievement Award to Steve Butterworth
31Michael Luke presenting the Staff Technical
Achievement Award to Steve Butterworth
32Gordon West congratulating David Dunlop on his
33Michael Luke and David Dunlop
34David Dunlop
35David Dunlop
36Özden Özdemir, Michael Luke and David Dunlop
37Kimberly Strong speaking about Jim Drummond
38Kimberly Strong speaking about Jim Drummond
39Party goers listening intently to Kimberly Strong
40David Bailey, Liam Kieser, Beth Ernstberger,
Michael Luke
41Aephraim Steinberg
42Jim Drummond
43Jim Drummond
44Jim Drummond
45Jim Drummond
46Jim Drummond
47Michael Luke and Rosemarie Drummond
48Michael Luke, Jim Drummond and Rosemarie Drummond
49Jack Friel being congratulated on his retirement
50Michael Luke, Jack Friel, Liam Kieser
51Jack Friel
52Jack Friel
53Jack Friel being congratulated on his retirement
54Allan Griffin sharing memories of Martin Lee on
his retirement
55Allan Griffin sharing memories of Martin Lee on
his retirement
56Michael Luke and Martin Lee
57Michael Luke and Martin Lee
58Martin Lee
59Martin Lee
60David Bailey, Beth Ernstberger and Michael Luke
61Michael Luke and Martin Lee
62Martin Lee presenting a 1940s lab book to Allan
63Martin Lee presenting a 1940s lab book to Allan
64Michael Luke presents a bouquet to Mrs. Lee
65David Bailey, Mrs. Lee, Michael Luke and Martin
66Martin Lee and Mrs. Lee
67John Pitre
68John Pitre
69Michael Luke congratulating John Pitre on his
70Jeanette Pitre and John Pitre
71Tak Sato, John Pitre, Jeannette Pitre and
Elizabeth Pitre
72Joe Lewin, Jack Friel
73Joe Lewin, Ilda Cunha and Percy Dayrell
74Joe Lewin, Ilda Cunha and Percy Dayrell
75Ilda Cunha, Joe Lewin and Percy Dayrell
76Ron Farquhar, Martin Lee, David Dunlop
77Students and professors enjoying the party