Title: Dev Ops and Chef
1DevOps and Chef
2About Neev
Key Company Highlights
Magento eCommerce SaaS Applications Video
Streaming Portals Rich Internet Apps Custom
iPhone Android Windows Phone 7 HTML5 Apps
AWS Consulting Partner Rackspace Joyent
Heroku Google App Engine
250 team with experience in managing offshore,
distributed development.Neev Technologies
established in Jan 05 VC Funding in 2009 By
Basil Partners Part of Publicis Groupe Member
of NASSCOM.Development Centers in Bangalore
and Pune. Offices at Bangalore, USA, Delhi,
Pune, Singapore and Stockholm.
User Interface Design and User Experience Design
Performance Consulting Practices
Quality Assurance Testing
Outsourced Product Development
3 About Opscode
- Opscode is a US-based software company founded
in the year 2008. Opscode is one of the worlds
leading providers of products and services for IT
infrastructure automation. - Opscode helps enterprises create easily and
predictably scalable fully automated server
infrastructures. These infrastructures can be
rebuilt quickly in any environment. This helps
system engineers and developers save time and
money. - Its flagship product is the Chef Software
configuration management tool. - Its client list includes Facebook, Prezi, Wharton
School, Splunk, Branchout, Get Satisfaction among
4About Chef
- IT cos who follow the DevOps philosophy of
application and infrastructure management have
Chef in their kitty for sure. - Chef is an automation platform that transforms
infrastructure into code. Chef enables conversion
of infrastructure into code and helps manage
con?gurations, put them together in recipes,
track it like source code and con?gure your
5How it works
- The following diagram shows the relationships
between the various elements of Chef the nodes,
the server, and the workstations. These elements
work together to provide the chef-client the
information and instruction that it needs so that
it can do its job. -
Image Source Opscode
6Functions of Server, Nodes and Workstations
- Chef comprises of three main elements a server,
one (or more) nodes, and at least one
workstation. - The server acts as a hub that is available to
every node in the organization. - Ensures right cookbooks (and recipes) are
available, right policies are applied, the node
object used during the previous chef-client run
is available to the current chef-client run, and
that all of the nodes that will be maintained by
the chef-client are registered and known to the
server. - The workstation is the location from which
cookbooks (and recipes) are authored, policy data
(such as roles, environments, and data bags) are
defined, data is synchronized with the chef-repo,
and data is uploaded to the server. - Each node contains a chef-client that performs
the various infrastructure automation tasks that
each node requires.
- Cookbooks are treated as a separate component
(alongside the server, nodes, and the
workstations). - Generally, cookbooks are authored and managed
from the workstation, moved to the server, and
then are pulled down to nodes by the chef-client
during each chef-client run.
- Neev is a partner to license and resell Opscode
products and services. - For more info, log into our blog.
- http//www.opscode.com/chef/
- http//docs.opscode.com/release/11-4/chef_overview
.html - http//devopsangle.com/2013/06/24/ask-devops-nine-
ons/ - http//docs.opscode.com/chef_overview.html
- http//www.slideshare.net/Clogeny/deep-dive-into-o
pscode-chef-16512960 - https//learnchef.opscode.com/starter-use-cases/co
nvert-bash-to-chef/ - Â
Neev Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
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Neev AB, Birger Jarlsgatan 53, 6tr, 11145,
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1121 Boyce Rd Ste 1400,Pittsburgh PA 15241 Phone
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