Title: Metarepresentation in linguistic jokes
1Metarepresentation in linguistic jokes
- Peiling Cui
- University of Bremen
- 29.09.2006
2Jokes combination of two different semantic
respresentations (1)
- SSTH Semantic Script Theory of Humor
- A text can be characterized as a
single-joke-carrying text if both of the
following conditions are satisfied. - 1. The text is compatible, fully or in part, with
two different scripts. (Script overlapping) - 2. The two scripts with which the text is
compatible are opposite. (Script opposition) - The two scripts with which some text is
compatible are said to overlap fully or in part
on this text. - (Raskin 1985 99)
3Jokes combination of two different semantic
respresentations (2)
- The two overlapping and opposite scripts are the
two different semantic interpretations of the
joke text (see Attardo Raskin 1991 308). - At the mean while, they also represent two
different worlds - One of them is our expectation of the story in
the joke before the punch line, and the other one
is the real occurrence in the text (see Schultz
1976 12).
4A joke example
- Is the doctor at home? the patient asked in his
bronchial whisper. No, the doctors young and
pretty wife whispered in reply. Come right in.
(American, 20th century, Raskin 1985 100) - Script 1 vs. Script 2
- Representation 1 vs. Representation 2
- patient vs. lover
5Linguistic jokes
- Jokes which are expressed by means of a
linguistic system. (Attardo 1994 96) - Jokes whose effect is produced through the
special use of some linguistic elements with
their semantic potentials. (see Jurasz 2001 169)
6Examples for linguistic jokes
- A miser who heard the water running in his house
rushed downstairs and into the street shouting,
Im being robbed! Someone is taking a bath.
(Koestler 1964) - A very famous German company which serves as a
job offer center is called Bindan. (The
authors own observation) - Bindan sounds similar to the Chinese word
bendan which means fools. -
7The mechanism of linguistic jokes
- - A description of the combinational rules of the
two scripts/representations in linguistic jokes. - - The metarespresentation in linguistic jokes.
- homophone
- homograph
- polyseme
- syntactic ambiguity
- Two or more words that share the same or similar
pronunciation but different writing forms and
meanings. (see Bußmann 2002 284)
9A joke example for homophone
- A foreigner saw a young and pretty Chinese woman
wearing a T-shirt with 9 9 on the breast. He
found it very nice and wanted to give her a
compliment, but he didnt remember how to say 9
in Chinese, so the foreigner just pointed to the
numbers and said Both of your nine nine are
very beautiful (http//joke.tom.com. Authors
translation from the Chinese) - /nain/
- 1) nine a number in English
- 2) ?(nai) breast in Chinese
- Two or more words share the same or similar
writing form but different sounds and meanings.
(see Bußmann 2002 283)
11A joke example for homograph
- A foreign student who has just begun with
Chinese learning once wrote an article with the
title A letter to my mother, and his first
sentence was Dear????(nü ma nü ma)
(joke.tom.com, authors translation from the
Chinese) - ? ? / ????
- ma ma / nü ma nü ma
- mama / female horse female horse
12Some more examples for homograph - acronym jokes
- BS, MS, PhD Bull Shit, More of the Same, Piled
Higher and Deeper. (see Nilsen Nilsen 2000
175) - BMW Bavarian Must Wander.
- Bayerischer Müll Wagen (Bavarian dust car).
- A word or phrase with different meanings (in
different contexts) which share the same meaning
core. (see Bußmann 2002 524)
14A joke example for polyseme
- The first thing which strikes a stranger in New
York is a big car. (Esar, 1952 77, Raskin 1985
15Syntactic ambiguity
- A property of sentences which have more than one
syntactic derivation, i.e., a sentence which may
be reasonably interpreted in more than one way
(see Deemter Peters 1996 XV)
16Joke examples for syntactic ambiguity
- In the Frank and Ernest comic strip, Frank says
to a real estate agent, Sure, wed like to see a
model home. What time does she get off work?
(Nilsen Nilsen 2000 26) - Diner Sign Wanted Man to scrub floor and two
waitresses. (Norman Stageberg)
- Metarepresentation the two representations
- (joke mechanism)
- Homophone Script 1, representation 1
- Homograph linguistic joke
- Polyseme
- Syntactic ambiguity Script 2, representation 2
18Main References (1)
- Raskin, Victor. Semantic Mechanisms of Humor.
Dordrecht D. Reidel, 1985. - Attardo, Salvatore. Humorous Texts A Semantic
and Pragmatic Analysis. Berlin/New York Mouton
de Gruyter, 2001. - Nilsen, Alleen Pace, and Don L. F. Nilsen.
Encyclopedia of 20th Century American Humor.
Westport, CT Greenwood, 2000. - Sperber, Dan (ed.). Metarepresentations. A
Multidisplinary Perspective. Oxford Oxford
University Press, 2000.
19Main References (2)
- Van Deemter, Kees, and Stanley Peters (ed.).
Semantic Ambiguity and Underspecification.
California Center for the study of language and
information Stanford, 1996. - Bußmann, Hadumod (ed.). Lexikon der
Sprachwissenschaft. Dritte, aktualisierte und
erweiterte Auflage. Stuttgart Alfred Kröner
Verlag, 2002. - Stageberg, Norman C. "Structural Ambiguity Some
Sources." English Journal 55 (1966) 558-563.