Climate Change and Biodiversity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Climate Change and Biodiversity


The narwhal and beluga forage at ice edges and cracks, therefore loss of sea ice ... All stocks of narwhal. Potential Effects on Marine Mammals ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Climate Change and Biodiversity

Climate Change and Biodiversity
The Arctic
ENVI 5048 Climate Change and Biodiversity Wednesda
y October 10, 2007 Nicole Senyi
Articles Reviewed
  • Tynan, Cynthia T. and DeMaster Douglas P.
    Observations and Predictions of Arctic Climatic
    Change Potential Effects on Marine Mammals.
    ARCTIC VOL. 50, NO. 4 (December 1997) P. 308 322
  • Cressey, Daniel. Arctic Sea Ice at Record Low.
    Nature, published online 18 September 2007.

Observations and Predictions of Arctic Climatic
Change Potential Effects on Marine Mammals
  • Introduction
  • Changes in Air and Sea Surface Temperature
  • Changes in Salinity
  • Sea Level Pressure
  • Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Extent
  • Present Monitoring of the Physical Environment
  • Potential Effects on Marine Mammals
  • Ice as an Important Substrate for Pinnipeds and
    Polar Bears
  • Linkages between Ice and Cetaceans
  • Importance of the Ice Edge and Sea Ice Community
    to Marine Mammals
  • Migrations and Movements of Marine Mammals
    Relative to the Annual Ice Cycle
  • Linkages between Changes in the Freshwater Budget
    and Marine Mammals
  • Conclusion

  • Purpose of Article
  • To give a survey of current model predictions
    (general circulation models or GCMs) of Arctic
    climate warming, and decreased ice in the Arctic
    ocean from the past 30 years
  • To highlight the anticipated impact on marine
    mammals in the face of climate change predictions
    and suggest that this information be used to
    support the existence of climate change
  • Advise precautionary approaches to high-latitude
    ecosystems management until specific responses of
    Arctic species to complex regional air-sea ice
    dynamics, ocean circulation, and production have
    been determined.
  • Main Points
  • Climate change in the Arctic Ocean and subpolar
    seas are nonuniform this makes management more
  • There is a need for monitoring of sea ice extent
    and seasonal distribution of indicator species -
    bowhead whale, ringed seal and the beluga
  • Polar Amplification - warming climate is
    amplified by the poles due to the complex
    snow-sea-ice albedo
  • Evidence of decreasing Arctic sea ice due to
    warming trends for the past 20-30 years
  • Changes in the extent and thickness of Arctic sea
    ice influence global climate by
  • 1) altering the surface albedo and radiative
    balance and
  • 2) affecting the thermohaline circulation of the
    North Atlantic.

Source http//
/08/whalewatching_bad_news_and_goo.php And
Geography - The Arctic Ocean and Subpolar Seas
Bering Sea (1) Bering Strait (2) Chukchi Sea
(3) Beaufort Sea (4) East Siberian Sea (5) Laptev
Sea (6) Kara Sea (7) Barents Sea (8) Fram Strait
(9) Greenland Sea (10) Iceland Sea (11) Norwegian
Sea (12) North Sea (13) Labrador Sea (14) Davis
Strait (15) Baffin Bay (16)
Changes in Air and Sea Surface Temperature
  • GMCs predict polar amplification of warming due
    to complex interactions between temperature,
    water vapor, and snow-sea-ice albedo feedbacks
  • They also predict a reduction of Arctic sea ice,
    a reduction of surface albedo, and consequently
    an increased surface absorption of solar energy
  • Surface air temperatures to warm 45C over the
    Arctic and northern seas by the middle of the
    next century
  • Increased thermal expansion of the oceans and
    melting of ice are expected to increase the
    global mean sea level by 1595 cm by the year
  • SSTs expected to warm by 0.51.0C by the middle
    of the next century
  • Warming is projected to be nonuniform SST should
    increase less in the higher latitudes (Arctic and
    Atlantic Ocean south of Greenland) then the lower
    latitudes due to the heat needed in melting or
    freezing Arctic sea ice and potential for deep
    vertical mixing
  • Increased freshwater flows into the North
    Atlantic could potentially alter this expected
    warming by
  • Capping the surface layer
  • Reduce deep vertical mixing and formation of
    North Atlantic Deep Water
  • Substantially reduce the thermohaline circulation
    in the North Atlantic

Polar Amplification of Warming
Changes in Salinity
  • Increased precipitation and continental runoff
    predicted for high latitudes due to increase in
    CO2 (at a rate of 0.5-1.0 m per year)
  • This increase in freshwater drainage may alter
    salinity in oceans and affect ice extent
    (increase or decrease) and cause ice anomalies
  • Example Great Salinity Anomaly (GSA) of
    196882, led to the advective freshening of the
    surface layer in the subpolar North Atlantic
    which appears to have caused sea ice anomalies in
    the Greenland Sea, and later in the Labrador Sea
  • This change in salinity is thought to have caused
    the Halocline catastrophe where the freshening of
    the oceans due to deglaciation may have shut down
    the thermohaline circulation of the North
  • Changes is salinity may decrease sea ice through
    the reduction of stratification and increase of
    the upward flux of heat from the warm sub-surface
    Atlantic layer
  • Models predict a decrease in salinity for the
    Arctic region. This decrease in salinity is due
    to an excess of precipitation over evaporation at
    high latitudes.
  • This could decrease ice formation as ice
    formation is dependent on the presence of a
    low-salinity layer
  • This decrease could also make the thermohaline
    circulation of the North Atlantic weaker and

Sea Level Pressure
  • Period between 1988-1994 was characterized by
    seven years of negative sea level pressure
  • During this period the sea level pressure
    anomalies were higher in the central Arctic then
    anywhere else in the Northern Hemisphere
  • These anomalies have been linked to cyclone
    activity (closed low pressure systems)
  • Sea level pressure controls the movement of sea
    ice, therefore any change in pressure will change
    distribution and movement of sea ice

Changes in Arctic Sea Ice Extent
  • GCMs predict substantial decreases in both
    coverage and thickness of Arctic sea ice in
    response to greenhouse gas-induced warming
  • In the period between 1961-1990 from July to
    September an ice loss rate of 9 per decade has
    been observed
  • Reductions of Arctic ice extent are nonuniform
    and depend regionally on several complex factors
    freshwater discharge from rivers, salinity
    anomalies, strength and location of atmospheric
    pressure systems, and resultant wind direction
  • I.e. ice extent can grow in one area and decrease
    in an other while the overall sea ice extent
  • Since 1979 there has been a steady decline in
    Arctic summer ice coverage
  • Plus each year the rate of decrease grows
  • Greatest reduction of sea ice monitored occurred
    in Siberia
  • May be premature to rule out the possibility of
    natural climate change

Present Monitoring of the Physical Environment
  • Modern climatic data are derived largely from
    drifting buoys, satellites, and land-based
  • These monitor temperature, SST, surface pressure,
    and sea ice data
  • Some data sources
  • Climate Research Unit of the University of East
  • North Pole drifting ice stations
  • Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set
  • U.S. Navy-National Oceanic and Atmospheric
    Administration Joint Ice Center
  • Polar Science Center at the University of
    Washington (most accurate)
  • Some technologies employed
  • Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR)
  • Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I)
  • For the most part data coverage is uneven and few
    records exist for polar regions
  • Continued monitoring is crucial to establish
    long-term trends

Potential Effects on Marine Mammals
  • Some of the effects of climate change on marine
    mammals include
  • Loss of ice (habitat)
  • Pray availability and therefore nutrition
  • Reproduction
  • Geographic range
  • Migration patterns

Potential Effects on Marine Mammals
  • Ice as an Important Substrate for Pinnipeds
  • and Polar Bears
  • Both mammals are affected by change in
    ice-associated habitat
  • Pinnipeds
  • Seals depend on pack-ice habitat for pupping,
    foraging, moulting, and resting
  • Ringed seals depend on stability of ice for their
  • Bearded seals and walruses require thin or broken
    ice cover over shallow water to forage
  • Population distributions, densities, and foraging
    patterns are all dependant on suitable sea ice
  • Polar Bears
  • Require sold substrate on which to hunt ringed
  • Changes in extent and type of ice cover will
    affect population distributions and hunting
  • As well, any decline in seal populations will
    negatively affect polar bear populations
  • Once ice melts in the southern extent of the
    polar bear's habitat they fast for the summer.
    Earlier ice melts could adversely affect the
    bear's nutrition

Potential Effects on Marine Mammals
  • Linkages between Ice and Cetaceans
  • Loss of sea ice to cetaceans (whales) may relate
    more to prey availability then to habitat
  • Loss of ice may lead to population redistribution
  • Bowhead whale population and distribution may be
    influenced by ice cover and feeding opportunities
    and in a warmer Arctic this distribution may
  • The narwhal and beluga forage at ice edges and
    cracks, therefore loss of sea ice would affect
    them more directly
  • International Whaling Commission (IWC) considers
    the following Arctic species or populations to be
    potentially more vulnerable than other species of
  • Eastern Arctic bowhead whale
  • Okhotsk
  • Sea bowhead whale
  • All stocks of beluga whale
  • All stocks of narwhal

Potential Effects on Marine Mammals
  • Importance of the Ice Edge and Sea Ice
  • Community to Marine Mammals
  • Ice edge production (algae, phytoplankton, etc)
    is crucial to the food supply of other Arctic
  • Ice algae plays an important role in supporting
    the Arctic ice edge ecosystem, especially the
    Arctic cod
  • Cod is an integral part of the Arctic food web,
    providing belugas, narwhals, harp seals, ringed
    seals, bearded seals, and hooded seals with their
    primary food source
  • The mouth of the artic cod is adapted to
    under-ice feeding
  • Regional changes in the extent of sea ice may
    lead to redistributions of Arctic cod, and
    consequently to redistributions and altered
    migration patterns of marine mammals.

Potential Effects on Marine Mammals
  • Importance of the Ice Edge and Sea Ice
  • Community to Marine Mammals
  • Algae production and in turn phytoplankton bloom
    is closely tied with the spring breakup of ice
  • Colder temperatures increases nutrient supply
    while warmer temperatures decrease nutrient
  • The highest concentration of phytoplankton forms
    at the ice edge rather then in the water column
  • The phytoplankton bloom is also closely related
    to the success of cod reproduction
  • Any decrease in spring blooms would adversely
    affect the entire Arctic food web
  • A warmer Arctic may affect mammals who depend on
    polynyas for habitat and hunting (seals and polar
  • Warming waters may decrease nutrient supply
    through greater stratification of the water
  • Increased carbon could also affect the production
    of benthos thereby affecting gray whales,
    walruses and bearded seals

Arctic Food Web
Potential Effects on Marine Mammals
  • Migrations and Movements of Marine
  • Mammals Relative to the Annual Ice Cycle
  • Marine mammals' migrations are tied to seasonal
    sea ice cycles so any changes in these cycles
    could affect migration patterns
  • Bowhead whales, walruses, belugas, ringed seals,
    and bearded seals follow the ice edge as it
    advances and retreats therefore reductions in
    southern sea ice could push southern populations
  • Changes in seasonal sea ice may also affect the
    length of feeding seasons, timing of migrations,
    fecundity, and survivorship of marine mammal
  • The opening of the Northwest Passage and with it
    increased human activity including pollutants,
    effects of increased ship traffic, exploration,
    industrial activities, fisheries, and associated
    noise may affect marine mammals' distribution and
  • Lengthening of the open water season may also
    alter seasonal migrations

Potential Effects on Marine Mammals
  • Linkages between Changes in the
  • Freshwater Budget and Marine Mammals
  • Increased precipitation in the Arctic could
    adversely affect marine mammals
  • Runoff from continents may affect biomass of ice
    algae, prey availability, ice formation, and
    pollutants in the Arctic.
  • Increases in freshwater could disrupt the feeding
    conditions of marine fish larvae, creating a
    chain reaction in the Arctic ecosystem

  • Argues that increased human activity in the
    Arctic, ocean circulation, ice conditions, and
    ecosystem structure and function in the face of
    climate change are all reasons to continue and
    increase research and monitoring in the Arctic
  • Managers of marine resources in the Arctic
    should be aware of present observations and
    predictions of climate change further, they
    should develop risk-averse management strategies
    that take into account possible adverse impacts
    of Arctic climate change on the ecosystem.

10 Years Later..Arctic Sea Ice at Record Low
  • 2007 has the lowest sea-ice extent since 1970s
  • Opening of the Northwest Passage
  • Feedback effects will make the recovery from ice
    loss difficult
  • Arctic ice thickness is at 50 of what it was in
  • US Geological Survey (USGS) predicts that
    two-thirds of the polar bear population could be
    lost within 50 years because of melting sea ice

Discussion Questions
  • In their conclusion Tynan and DeMaster suggest
    that environmental managers need to take a new
    approach when managing and monitoring Arctic
    mammals in the face of climate change. What kind
    of strategies would you employ in this situation?
    How can we manage in the face of so much change
    and uncertainty or can we?
  • After reading the article Arctic Sea Ice at
    Record Low and comparing it to the predications
    made ten years ago in 1997 do you have a greater
    level of confidence in GCM predications?
  • In Observations and Predictions of Arctic
    Climatic Change the authors argue that it may be
    premature to rule out the possibility of natural
    climate change. This was written in 1997. Do
    you think that we are now able to rule out
    natural climate change?
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