Title: Infotainment
- Winnie Chung and John Paynter
- Presented by John Paynter
- Australasian Services Marketing Conference,
Dunedin February 2001
- Information Entertainment
- Infotainment
- A strategy to attract or retain website visitors
- Important in the context of websites
- The flow of information works in two ways
- Business to consumer
- Consumer to business
- To act on each other
- Two dimension of interactivity
- Response time almost real time
- Response contingency the degree to which the
response by one party is a function of the
response made by the other party - It can be
- Informative
- Divertive (e.g. entertainment)
5Information and Interaction
6The New Zealand Herald
8NZ Tourism Online
9Yahoo! Game
11Information and Interaction
12Information and Interaction
13Retention Strategies
14Strategies for each quadrant
- Passive
- Regular competitions (never updated) Steinlager
- E-list service, spot prizes ETA
15Strategies for each quadrant
- Interaction-oriented
- Personalisation Yahoo
- Message boards Yahoo
- Daily draw Free lotto
- Prizes for referring others Free lotto
16Strategies for each quadrant
- Information-oriented
- NetMind Inland Revenue
17Strategies for each quadrant
- Information-oriented
- Free draw (competition) NZ tourism online, NZ
Herald - E-mail services NZ tourism online, Inland
Revenue - Message Board NZ Herald
18Strategies for each quadrant
- Interactive-information
- Competition ANZ, Flying Pig
- Customized web page Eforce (display offers that
will interest the visitor) - Customized Email
- Email newsletters ANZ (email bank magazines)
- Message Board Eforce
- Reward www.consult (earn rewards for taking
part in the survey)
19Strategies for each quadrant
- Interactive-information
- Specials Flying Pig
- Order Tracking Flying Pig
- Discount purchases Flying Pig
20Flow of Information (Interactive-information
21Other suggested strategies
22Other suggested strategies
- Free e-mail services
- Loyalty system
- Online coupons (e.g. McDonalds in Japan)
- Swapping links with complementary websites
- Join a link exchange or Webring to swap links
- Swapping advertisements with complementary
websites - Use of banners such as AllAdvantage for
- Merely building a site is not enough
- Retaining consumers is the main success factor
for a website - Develop and implement retention strategies
effectively - Infotainment is the set of strategies used by
sites in enticing consumers to return