Title: The New Library User in Sweden: a LibQUAL
The New Library User in Sweden a LibQUAL
Martha Kyrillidou Ann-Christin Persson
6th Northumbria International Conference on
Performance Measures in Libraries and
Information Services Durham 22 - 25 August 2005
2Focus of the Paper
- 1.how is the Information Control dimension
depicted in the results of the Swedish
participants - 2.how does the Information Control dimension
compare between the Swedish implementation and
other libraries -
- 3. the 'new user' as he emerges from the comments
that support the notion of the self-sufficient,
independent, and autonomous information seeker at
Lund University and, - 4. the new users as reflected in the linguistic
translation issues of the LibQUAL survey
instrument in Swedish
3The new library user
- Kruse
- Nagata
- Calvert
- Cook and Thompson
- Cook and Heath
- Lincoln
4The wild library user
- A user who is self-reliant and who views
library control of resources as an obstruction to
the creation of his or her own cognitive skills.
- Lincoln (2002)
5LibQUAL in Sweden 2004
6Descriptive Statistics for LibQUAL in 2004
7Information Control in 2004
8LTH Staff Students
- Undergraduate students 5842
- Postgraduate students 540
- Professors 192
- Lecturers 219
- Other Teachers researchers 280
- Technical administrative staff 230
- Equivalent to fulltime
9Zones of tolerance
10The five most desired items overall
11The five largest Adequacy gaps overall
12All comments divided into subjects
13Comments on the importance of self-sufficiency
- Phase-out the whole service and build a new
digital library! - The access to electronic journals is the
absolutely most important for my work - To be able to compete with search engines on the
net the information needs to be more easily
accessible. The possibility to search and find
information fast must increase extremely strong
- (Employees who are consistently courteous)
- Att alltid få ett tillmötesgående bemötande av
personalen - Personal som alltid är tillmötesgående
- Memory was something you lost with age
- An application was for employment
- A program was a TV show
- A cursor used profanity
- A keyboard was a piano
- A web was a spider's home
- A virus was the flu
- A CD was a bank account
- A hard drive was a long trip on the road
- A mouse pad was where a mouse lived
- And if you had a 3-1/2 inch floppy .. ...
you just hoped nobody ever found out
16September 2006 Charlottesville, VA, USA