Title: Global news, national news
1Global news, national news
2Globalisation, an old phenomena
- Global capitalism, colonialism and imperialism
1850-1945 - The invention of the telegraph
- The international news agencies
- The rise of Hollywood influence
- Shortwave radio
3The old debate media imperialism
- The free flow of information assist the
American media industry to achieve international
dominion - Today the United States exercises mastery of
global communication and culture (Herbert
Schiller 1998) - A small number of transnational media
corporations, mostly owned or based in the US,
have emerged as dominant in the expanded media
export market (McChesney 1998)
- Global flows of information are multidirectional
(Sreberny-Mohammed 1996). - Reverse colonialsation (Giddens 1999)
- Many regional centres.
- Cultural resistance
5Definitions of globalisation (1)
- The concept of globalization implies, first and
foremost, a stretching of social, political and
economic activities across frontiers such that
events, decisions and activities in one region of
the world can come to have significance for
individuals and communities in distant regions of
the globe. In this sense, it embodies
transregional interconnectedness, the widening
reach of networks of social activity and power,
and the possibility of action at a distance. - David Held et al. Global Transformations.
Politics, Economics and Culture.
6Definitions of globalisation (2)
- Globalisation today is only partly
westernisation. Globalisation is becoming
increasingly decentred not under the control of
any group of nations, still less of the large
corporations. Its effects are felt as much in
Western countries as elsewhere (Anthony Giddens,
Observer, April 11 1999) - A social process in which the constraints of
geography on social and cultural arrangements
recede and i which people come increasingly aware
that they are receding. - Malcolm Water Globalization, 2001.
7Global communication
- ..the transnational communication systemoffers
opportunities of news forms of bonding and
solidarity, new ways of forging international
communities (Ien Ang,1990) - Globalization is promoting ethnic, cultural,
religious, and linguistic diversity within
nations states - The local can be global from periphery to
8Media roles in globalisation
- Channels which make information and communication
across space and time possible - Arenas for transnational dialogs, reflections and
debates - Actors which can influence political, cultural
and economic decisions
9News as an international business
- Merging of print and electronic news providers.
Online news with text, sound, visuals/video - Multilanguage editions and regionalisation (Al
Jazzera, BBC, Financial Times) - Output specialisation business news, political
news, soft news for special interest groups - Alliances between global and national news
10The Internet challenge
- The possibility of transnational/global markets
- Integration of news services in the same medium
- The possibility of dialog with users
- Blogs New type of journalism or sources for
journalism? - Cell phone photographers
11However, nations are still important
- Communication systems are still in significant
respect national - National states are still influential in shaping
media systems - The importance of national languages in all
communication - National cultures and traditions have not
withered away
12National media counts
- Newspapers Mostly national and local concerning
market base and news culture - Television radio Mostly national and local.
The popular notion that most people watch
American television programs is unsupported by
evidence (Sinclair al. 1996) - Online papers Mostly national in reach. However,
we can read our local online paper when we visit
another part of the globe.
13Ownership and content
- Though part of the national press is owned by
two transnational corporations based in Australia
and Canada, they publish in fact the most
nationalistic tabloid and broadsheet titles (Sun
and Daily Telegraph) in Britain. Global media
ownership should not be equated with
internationalism (Curran Leys 2000)
14Market orientation and news values
- Less international news in national news outlets?
International affairs accounts for a small and
declining proportion of its content (Curran/Leys
2000) - The framing of the news National angle.
Domestication of content and sources - Example national conflicts and interests
dominate the coverage of the EU in national
European media - Transnational publics limited to small elites?
15The declining independence of the foreign news
desk (Hjarvard)
- Foreign dimension of issues spread to other topic
areas - Cooperation between business news and foreign
news, environmental news and foreign news - Foreign news is placed in many parts of the
newspaper - EU reporting has become both domestic and foreign
16Transnational integration of news (Hjarvard)
- Time
- Syncronization between broadcasters
- Live
- Newsrooms take decisions in sync with other
newsrooms - Increased speed of decision making and production
cycles up-dates, on-line availability - Space
- Both newsrooms and audiences have access to
different socio-geographic levels local,
national, transnational - increased transparency - Communicative space not congruent with social or
public political space
17Contradictory tendencies?
- The Middle East The new television broadcasting
is binding populations into national audiences
in a way that no medium has truly done
before.Television is constructing a public space
that addresses men and women, old and young,
educated and poorly educated, urban and rural - At the same timeaudiences are increasingly able
to compare lifestyles across the region, which
do differ markedly, as well as images from the
US, The UK, and elsewhere (Sreberny 2000)
18Characteristics of theglobal news system
- Not a unified system, but a multilayered,
differentiated and only partly interconnected
system - Global or transnational news services have
extensive reach, a certain reputation (brand
name) and occasional political influence - National media continue to play the most
important role in public political discourse - Both business and technical developments tend to
integrate actors and services across borders
19Questions/exercise for the seminar
- Go to Al Jazeeras English website
(english.aljazeera.net) and look at their section
on global news. To what extent is their global
news different from other international news
providers (for instance news.bbc.co or
www.CNN.com) if at all? - How is your impression of globalisation of news
in you own countries national media?