Title: The Endocrine Pancreas
1The Endocrine Pancreas
- Felix E. Grissom, Ph.D.
- 2219 Numa P.G. Adams Bldg
- Howard University
- Tel. 202 806-4512
2Pancreatic Hormones, Insulin Glucagon Regulate
- Beta cells produce insulin cellular uptake of
blood glucose - Alpha cells produce glucagon ? blood glucose
(from cells) - D cells produce somatostatin ? gastric secretion
3Pancreatic Hormones, Insulin Glucagon Regulate
Figure 22-7 b The endocrine pancreas
4Islet of Langerhans Crosssection
- Three cell types are present, A (glucagon
secretion), B (Insulin secretion) D
(Somatostatin secretion) - A D cells are located around the perimeter
while B cells are located in the interior - Venous return containing insulin flows by the A
cells on its way out of the islets
5Pancreatic Hormones, Insulin Glucagon Regulate
Figure 22-8 Metabolism is controlled by insulin
and glucagon
6Insulin Action on Cells Dominates in Fed State
- ? glucose uptake in most cells
- (not active muscle)
- ? glucose use storage
- ? protein synthesis
- ? fat synthesis
7Insulin Action on Cells Dominates in Fed State
Figure 22-10 Insulins cellular mechanism of
8Insulin Summary and Control Reflex Loop
Figure 22-13 Fed-state metabolism
9Glucagon Action on Cells Dominates in Fasting
State Metabolism
- Glucagon prevents hypoglycemia by ? cell
production of glucose - Liver is primary target to maintain blood glucose
10Glucagon Action on Cells Dominates in Fasting
State Metabolism
Figure 21-14 Endocrine response to hypoglycemia
11Diabetes MellitusAbnormally Elevated Blood
Glucose (Hyperglycemia)
- Type 1 beta cells destroyed- no insulin
produced?chronic fasted state, "melting flesh",
ketosis, acidosis, glucosurea, diuresis coma
12Diabetes MellitusAbnormally Elevated Blood
Glucose (Hyperglycemia)
Figure 22-15 Acute pathophysiology of type 1
diabetes mellitus
13Diabetes Mellitus Type II a Group of Diseases
- Over 15 million diabetics in USA- 10 type I, 90
type II - Insulin resistance keeps blood glucose too high
- Problem with receptors, glucagons levels
- Chronic complications atherosclerosis, renal
failure blindness
14Diabetes Mellitus Type II a Group of Diseases
Figure 22-16 Normal and abnormal glucose
tolerance tests