Title: Exponential Growth and Decay in the Real World
1Exponential Growth and Decay in the Real World
- In this project, you, the student, will be in
charge of investigating the best way to invest a
particular amount of money (received upon
graduation of college) in such things as a car, a
place to live, etc.
3Process-Part 1
- Upon graduating from college, you receive a
20,000 check from your grandmother. She wants
you to put it in a savings account so that it can
grow over the years. Click the arrow to
investigate different potential banks to invest
in. - Be sure to pay attention to interest, extra fees,
and minimum required balances. - Calculate how much your money will grow over a
10-yr period in the different banks by using the
exponential growth function - Document your findings.
- Complete this part before moving on to the next
4Process-Part 2
- Now that youve invested your money, its time to
look into buying a new car. Its your job to
learn how much cars depreciate so you can
determine whether its worth it to put money into
a new car, or keep the one you have. - Click the arrow for specific instructions, and
links to websites to gather information on cars. - Document your findings.
5Process-Part 3
- Its time to look into buying a house! Look at
different houses that are for sale. Include a
copy of the advertisement. - Click the arrow for full instructions and links
to helpful websites. - Document your findings.
Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Completeness The assignment is missing one or more of the three main parts Not all questions completed and/or missing equations All parts are completed, but may include incomplete responses, thoughts, or ideas All responses give a thorough explanation. Answers responses are thoughtful and complete
Use of Exponential/ Decay Models No correct equations and/or no correct results Wrong equation used in at least one of the problems and/or several computational mistakes Although incorrect, the appropriate type of equations are used for each problem and/or minor computational mistakes Correct equations are used for each problem. All work is done correctly.
Presentation Presentation lacks two or more parts and/or not presented in the form required. Lacking any form of order/neatness Presentation is missing a part or is hard to read/ understand. Little attention to neatness. Presentation includes all necessary information, but is unorganized or lacking neatness or color. Presentation is neat and includes all required material. All material is organized in a way thats interesting and easy to understand. Use of color.
- Hopefully now you have a better understanding of
how investing money works, and how the
exponential functions relate to it. May you take
this knowledge with you out into the real world
and better your lives!
- For this webquest, I followed the general
format of a webquest found at this link
Webquest Exponential Growth and Decay - See the Creative Commons AttributionNon-Commercia
lShare-Alike license for details on using or
modifying this webquest.
9Potential Banks in Which to Invest
- Bank of America
- Suntrust
- Wachovia
10Instructions/Links for Part 2
- Decide on a used automobile youd like to
purchase, for which theres an ad in the
newspaper, etc. Attach a copy of the ad to your
work. The car must be at least 5 years old. - For the car, you must
- Determine current price
- Determine original price
- Find rate of depreciation by using an exponential
equation model - Using this, what will the car be worth in 3
years? - Is a car an investment or not?
- Auto Trader Cars.com Carmax
11Instructions/Links for Part 3
- What is the current value of the house? Original
value? - How old is the house?
- Write an equation to represent the rate of
appreciation and determine the rate. - What will the price of the home be in 15 years?
- Is a house an investment or not?
- Prudential Century21 RE/MAX