Title: Achieving the Dream Initiative FAQ
1Achieving the Dream Initiative FAQs
2By which criteria were the cohort groups selected?
- In order to be selected into an AtD cohort group
the student must -- have designated the
institution as his/her home campus for the first
time (styp code is M, F, N, or T), -- be
enrolled (for the first time) at the home
institution in at least one credit course at the
time of the census, -- be in a
degree-seeking program (degree code is not
'ND','000000', 'SC','SPE', 'SPND', and
'UCERT'), -- not be unclassified (major
is not 'UNCL'), early admit - (major is not SPEA/SPCC/SPEH/SPOT), or running
start, -- not MAN, WOA or HIL
home-institution students CC students only. - -- have never attended classes at
that institution in previous terms (e.g.,
exclude previous early admit students and other
students who took classes at the institution)
3By which criteria are the 15 additional
gatekeeper courses selected?
- Gatekeeper courses are those courses where one
half of one percent of your fall headcount (
total fall 04, fall 05, and fall 06
headcount) registered for the course (as
measured at the end of the semester -- includes
all registrations), - and, where the success rate (grades of A, B, C,
pass, CR, or equivalent grade that allows a
student to enroll in the next course in a
sequence) is less than 70. - Gatekeeper course criteria set by UHCC Chief
Academic Officers and capped at HawCC at 15. - See next slide for breakdown
4The 15 courses with the highest enrollments were
selected as the additional" gatekeeper courses
for HawCC
5HawCC additional gatekeeper courses
- English 21 Developmental Reading
- English 22 Intro to Expository Writing
- History 151 World Civilization I
- Math 22 Pre-Algebra Mathematics
- History 152 World Civilization II
- English 20W College Writing Grammar
- Math 24X Elementary Algebra I
- Hawaiian Studies 124 Hawaiian Myths Legends
- Math 50 Technical Mathematics
- Math 26 Elementary Algebra
- Math 100 Survey of Mathematics
- Philosophy 110 Intro to Logic
- Math 1B Basic Mathematics B
- Math 1C Basic Mathematics C
- Math 1D Basic Mathematics D
6Why are the 15 gatekeeper courses additionalin
addition to what?
The AtD term records are grouped into a series of
course levels. The highest level is college
level Math and college level English. These
college level Math and English course(s) are
defined by AtD as, The gatekeeper Math/English
variable as defined by your institution. In
addition to these 2 college level courses we have
15 additional gatekeeper courses that we will
want to track, based upon the criteria set by our
Chief Academic Officers.
7What is the difference between our additional
gatekeeper courses and a remedial/developmental
Additional Gatekeeper courses are those courses
that are both high enrolled and that have success
rates of less than 70. They are a combination
of our remedial/developmental courses and our
college level courses. Remedial/Developmental
courses are not college level courses
(degree/certificate applicable) and usually have
a course number less than 100. There may be
exceptions to this rule like Math 27, which is
treated as a college level course at Hawaii
Community College.