ELUSIVE PEACE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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30 Israelis killed, 140 injured at a Passover celebration, by a Hamas suicide bomber. ... enters Palestinian towns to arrest Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: elusive | peace | hamas


Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Peace between Israel and the Palestinians
  • The peace process between the Palestinians and
    Israel in the 1990s
  • The Intifada and Israel's response
  • Israeli settlements in the West Bank
  • The shortest road to peace

Oslo Peace Process 1993-2000
  • Palestinian autonomy in the Gaza Strip, and
    Palestinian towns in the West Bank
  • Palestinians to end all terrorist attacks in

Why did the Peace Process fail?
  • Israel handed control of all Palestinian towns in
    the West Bank to the Palestinian Authority by
  • Attacks on Israel by Palestinian terror groups
  • Known terrorists in Palestine were rarely if ever
  • Speeches by Arafat incited violence.
  • Attacks on Israeli civilians were praised,
    children were encouraged to hail martyrs.

How did the peace process end?
  • Peace talks abandoned in July 2000 after Arafat
    insisted on the "right of return".
  • In addition to a Palestinian state in the Gaza
    Strip and West Bank, the PLO wanted 4 million
    Palestinian refugees throughout the middle east
    to be resettled in Israel.
  • President Clinton insisted that this demand by
    Arafat, that Israel commit national suicide is
    what ended the peace talks.

The Palestinian Uprising 2000-
The Palestinian Uprising 2000-
How should Israel respond???
  • Israel does not have police control over
    Palestinian towns... so if the Palestinian
    Authority does not arrest terrorists and put them
    on trial, how should Israel respond to terrorist

1. Checkpoints
  • Palestinians who work in Israel must pass through
  • Pros Many terrorists are stopped on the border.
  • Cons Long queues make it difficult for ordinary
    Palestinians to enter Israel.

2. Seal the Borders
  • Pros No attacks happen in Israel when the
    borders are sealed.
  • Cons Harsh on ordinary Palestinians who need to
    get to work in Israel
  • For this reason, sealing the borders has only
    been done for a few days after major terrorist
    attacks in Israel, or on a Jewish holy day if
    there is a heightened level of alert for an

3. Kill terrorists directly
  • Pros This causes the least harm to ordinary
    Palestinians, in most cases.
  • Cons Israel is usually condemned by the media
    for doing this.

4. Arresting Terrorists
  • Pros The Israelis arrest terrorists and bring
    them to trial
  • Cons Israel has to invade Palestinian towns.
    Very disruptive to Palestinian life. Causes more
    casualties on both sides.

Arresting terrorists April 2002
  • 30 Israelis killed, 140 injured at a Passover
    celebration, by a Hamas suicide bomber.
  • The Israeli army enters Palestinian towns to
    arrest Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists.
  • All the known organizers of the Passover massacre
    were arrested.
  • The price was a heavy battle in the Jenin refugee
    camp where 52 Palestinians and 23 Israelis were
  • Palestinian accusations of a massacre in Jenin
    caused widespread media condemnation of Israel.
    The rumors were found to be false by Human Rights
    Watch, and the United Nations.

5. The Separation Fence
  • A wall to separate Palestinian towns from Israeli
  • Pros prevents terrorists from entering Israel
    without preventing Palestinians coming to work in
  • Cons Condemned by the media and the UN
  • The route of the wall is constantly being refined
    by the Israeli justice system to minimize the
    burden on local farms and villages.

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  • Settlements keep Israel secure from an invasion
    from the West Bank.
  • Under Arab control, Jews were banned from
    religious holy sites in the West Bank and

Settlements in the Holy Land
  • The Jews of Hebron were massacred and expelled in
    1929 by Palestinian Arabs.
  • All synagogues in the West Bank were demolished
    by Jordan (1948-1967). Jewish gravestones in East
    Jerusalem were used to make public toilets.
  • Secular Israelis and religious Israelis are split
    on the issue of abandoning all settlements.
  • Many religious Jews do not trust the Arab
    governments to treat Jewish holy sites with
    respect, want Israel to protect holy sites for
    all religions, and want to live in the biblical
    towns of Judea and Samaria.
  • Secular Israelis support the present Israeli
    government's policy to remove as many settlements
    as possible in the hope that the Palestinians
    will reciprocate with peace.

Should Israel remove all the settlements?
  • Israel is certainly willing to remove settlements
    for peace.
  • Peace with Egypt 1979. All settlements in the
    Sinai removed
  • All settlements removed from the Gaza Strip 2005
  • Is a West Bank free of all Jews a genuine peace??

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What has Israel done for peace?
  • Returned land to Egypt in return for peace (1979)
  • Peace treaty with Jordan (1994)
  • Given the Palestinians control of the Gaza Strip
    and all towns in the West Bank (1996)
  • Removed all settlements from the Gaza Strip
    without any gestures in return from the
    Palestinians (2005)
  • Has offered peace since its independence in 1948,
    has offered to help develop agriculture and water
    management in the middle east.

What the Palestinians should do for peace and
  • Arrest known terrorists
  • Confiscate weapons
  • End the incitement to violence and end the child

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The Hamas Administration
  • Excerpts from the Hamas Covenant
  • "Israel will exist and will continue to exist
    until Islam will obliterate it, just as it
    obliterated others before it" (preamble)
  • "The Day of Judgment will not come about until
    Moslems kill the Jews, when the Jew will hide
    behind stones and trees. The stones and trees
    will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew
    behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad
    tree, would not do that because it is one of the
    trees of the Jews." (article 7)
  • The law governing the land of Palestine in the
    Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any
    land the Moslems have conquered by force, because
    during the times of (Islamic) conquests, the
    Moslems consecrated these lands to Moslem
    generations till the Day of Judgment. (Article
  • Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and
    international conferences, are in contradiction
    to the principles of the Islamic Resistance
    Movement. Abusing any part of Palestine is abuse
    directed against part of religion. Nationalism of
    the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its
    religion.... There is no solution for the
    Palestinian question except through Jihad.
    Initiatives, proposals and international
    conferences are all a waste of time and vain
    endeavors. The Palestinian people know better
    than to consent to having their future, rights
    and fate toyed with (article 13)

3 questions for the Palestinians

1. What do you want peace with Israel to look
  • All Palestinian maps show no Israel. There are no
    Palestinian proposals for peaceful borders with

2. Why do the Palestinians never criticize Arab
governments for keeping them in refugee camps?
  • In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in Lebanon,
    Syria, and Jordan, Palestinians have been kept in
    refugee camps since 1948. Palestinians in Israel
    in 1948 became citizens of Israel and today 20
    of Israel is Israeli-Arab.

3. Why do the Palestinians allow the incitement
of children to hatred?
  • There is no future for any peace process with
    Israel if an entire generation of youths have
    been raised on hatred and encouraged to commit
    acts of violence

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