Title: DebtLessen - Debt Settlement, Reduction & Negotiation
1 Get Immediate and Effective Debt Relief Without
Help From A Debt Management Company!
Become Debt-Free in 12-36 Months Reduce Your
Debt by 50 or More Make No Monthly Payments
2About DebtLessen DebtLessen can help you
quickly eliminate your debts for less than what
you owe save 1,000's... We offer a proven and
effective do-it-yourself debt management
solution. Its the most effective, quickest,
least expensive, and simplest solution to debt
elimination you've been wishing for. It's totally
doable and you can actually do it much faster
than you think! Our program is self-customized
to provide you with a unique solution for your
financial situation.
3About Keith A. Jones, DebtLessens Creator Keith
Jones graduated from the University of Maryland
with a bachelors degree in Finance. He has
worked for and negotiated with many of the
country's largest debt settlement firms. Keith
has also held various positions within the
Consumer Credit Counseling industry and has been
a key debt negotiator within a credit repair
organization as well as a mortgage
brokerage. Keith Jones has been helping
consumers avoid bankruptcy and better manage
their debt since 2004. His goal is always to
help people save money, become debt free and
enjoy a better quality of life. Learn more about
Keith at DebtLessen.net.
4Our Debt Negotiation Program Includes Quick
Start Tutorial Step-By-Step Debt Negotiation
Guidebook Audio CD Course Budget and
Timeline Software Negotiation Audio CDs
Powerful Debt Negotiation Scripts and
Instructions 1 year Unlimited Email Support
1 year Document Review Service Initial
Telephone Consultation
Learn more about our program at DebtLessen.net.
5Don't Waste Any More Time Visit Us Today
At www.DebtLessen.net
6Thank You! Now Go Do Something About Your
Situation And Get Yourself Out of
Debt! DebtLessen.net