Title: Single-Payer Systems and Pay-for-Performance Reimbursement
1Single-Payer Systems and Pay-for-Performance
- March 14, 2007
- Richmond Academy of Medicine MCV
- Rick Mayes, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor of Public Policy
2Lifes Unavoidable Tradeoffs
- Individuals, families, organizations, companies,
states, nations constantly strike balances
between - Security and Freedom
- Egalitarianism and Individualism
- Every health care system has its strengths
weaknesses - (problems).
3Lifes Unavoidable Tradeoffs
4Lifes Unavoidable Tradeoffs
5Alternative Model?
6Americas Accidental Health Care System
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8Source OECD Data 2007
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10Why is the U.S. so Different from Other
11Why is the U.S. so Different from Other
Countries? Its primarily because of higher
PRICES (less efficiency).
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13Consumer-Directed Health Care Health Savings
14The Moral Hazard Argument Against Expanding
Health Insurance Coverage
- Term used to describe the paradoxical fact that
insurance can change behavior of the person
insured. - example employer-provided donut insurance or
auto insurance - avg. annual amount spent on medical care (by
uninsured person) 934 - avg. annual amount spent on medical care (by
insured person) 2,347 - Conclusion I co-pays, deductibles, utilization
reviews make patients use health care more
efficiently (frugally, wisely, sparingly, etc.) - Conclusion II instead of expanding group health
insurance, reduce it
15The Moral Hazard Argument Against Expanding
Health Insurance Coverage
- Fallacy I Moral-hazard argument only makes sense
if we consume health care in the same way we
consume donuts, car repairs or consumer goods. - Fallacy II Having to pay for your own care does
not automatically make ALL of your health care
consumption more efficient. How could it? - example wifes appt. with dermatologist
- Reality cost-sharing is a very BLUNT instrument
- example RAND Corporations Health Insurance
Experiment (1971-86) - BOTTOM-LINE health insurance is moving in the
actuarial direction and away from the social
insurance model w/enormous consequences to come
16Definition Objectives of p4p
- p4p is basically a new form of
reimbursementdeveloped by insurers and
employersthat attempts to differentiate among
doctors and hospitals in order to financially
reward those that - (1.) provide better quality care
- - fewer complications, quicker recovery times
- - more successful or better patient outcomes,
etc. - and those providers that
- (2.) do so with greater efficiency
- - lower costs
- In short, p4p is an emerging payment model that
tries to link the quality of care to the level of
payment for healthcare services.
17Origins of and Momentum behind Pay for
- Institute of Medicine reports
- - To Err is Human (1999)
- - Crossing the Quality Chasm (2001)
- (2) John Wennberg Small-Area Large-Variation
studies - - tonsillectomy rates (1977)
- - Cesarean section rates (1996)
- - variation in Medicare spending/per
beneficiary -
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20Average Number of Days in Hospital During
Medicare Beneficiaries Last 6 Months of Life
Source Dartmouth Atlas of Virginia
21Number of Acute Care Hospital Beds/per 1,000
Source Dartmouth Atlas of Virginia
22Number of Hospital Discharges of Medicare
Beneficiaries for all Medical Conditions
(DRGs)/per 1,000 residents
Source Dartmouth Atlas of Virginia
23Average number of physician visits per patient
during last six months of life who received most
of their care in one of 77 best US hospitals
Source John Wennberg (2005)
24Origins of and Momentum behind Pay for Performance
- Researchers and Insurers Conclusions
- (1.) Physician practice styles vary considerably,
especially regarding - diagnoses for which treatment decisions are
not driven by consensus - on appropriate care and it is not possible to
obtain evidence-based - guidelines from reading journals or consulting
textbooks. - e.g., back surgery rates (the /per 1,000
Medicare beneficiaries) - - 7/per 1,000 in Naples, FL
- - 2/per 1,000 in Hanover, NH
- - 4.5/per 1,000 national average
- (2.) In medicine, supply generally creates its
own demand
25Rates of Surgery for Back Pain/per 1,000 Medicare
Source Dartmouth Atlas of Virginia
26Rates of four orthopedic procedures among
Medicare enrollees in 306 Hospital Referral
Source John Wennberg (2005)
27Association between cardiologists and the
average of visits to cardiologists among
Medicare enrollees
Source John Wennberg (2005)
28Interview w/Tom Scully, former CMS Administrator
- Mayes Others Ive interviewed have said that
hospitals will cry, cry, cry about their
finances and level of Medicare reimbursement,
but that sometimes you have take it with a grain
of salt. - Scully Oh, theyre doing great! Ill tell you,
go find me a hospital that hasnt built a giant
new bed-tower in the last few years. Theyve
actually slowed down, because the government has
phased out Medicare capital (reimbursement) We
used to pay for capital in Medicare it was a DRG
add-on for capital expenditures. Well, if youre
getting 40 percent of your revenues from Medicare
and you want to build a new building and Medicare
will pay for 40 percent of it, right? Then why
not? - So what you were getting all through the 1980s
was a massive building spree up into the
early 1990s and even through the 90s, because it
was a 10-year phase out of the DRG add-on for
capital. If you wanted to build a new hospital
wing in 1990even if you didnt have any patients
for itif you budgeted 100 million, Medicare
would write you a check for 40 million! So what
do you get? You got a hell of a lot of big new
hospital wings, need them or not. This is one of
the reasons weve had such massive over-capacity
- Youd have to be an idiot not to put up a new
building every couple of years, because Medicare
paid for such a big part of it. That is slowing
down now and youre starting to see the demand
catch up on capacity in a lot of markets. - Roemers Law A hospital bed built is a
hospital bed filled. (behavior is unconscious)
29Association between of hospital beds per 1,000
residents and discharges per 1,000 among
Medicare enrollees in 306 HRRs
Source John Wennberg (2005)
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34- Hospital Compare - A quality tool for adults,
including people with Medicare - Percent of Heart Attack Patients Given Aspirin at
(VCU/MCV) 96 - Percent of Heart Attack Patients Given Beta
(VCU/MCV) 98
www.hospitalcompare.hhs.gov -gt
35Momentum behind Pay for Performance
- Growing ability to measure quality and
performanceand the subsequent discovery that
they vary more than previously assumedis
contributing to the popularity of p4p, because
it would allow health plans and employers to do 3
things - (1) pay more to medical providers with the best
scores/outcomes - (2) encourage the majority of medical providers
to improve - (3) perhaps pay less to providers with poor
scores/outcomes - Question If publishing S.O.L. test scores and
on-time arrival statistics is considered a good
idea for encouraging behavioral change and
improvements on the part of schools and airlines
to improve their performance, the argument goes,
how bad of an idea could it be for medical
36Potential Negative Implications
- Depending on how p4p is structurally designed,
it could be problematic (translation negative)
for several reasons - (1) Some waste that it targets is necessary
defensive medicine. - (2) It could encourage gaming on the part of
medical providers. - (3) Not all clinical practice guidelines (CPGs)
are perfect, particularly - for older Medicare beneficiaries with multiple
chronic conditions - and for some chronic conditionsspecific
cancers, chronic lung disease, - and heart failurethey hardly exist at all.
- (4) In Medicare, as in many private health plans,
patients receive their care - in an a la carte fashion, which makes it hard
to assign responsibility for - performance our outcomes to any one specific
37Potential Positive Implications
- Fortunately, existing p4p plans tend to only
pay more to the best providers. - In addition
- (1) Providers that already meet a performance
standard (e.g., an 80 childhood immunization
rate, 100 administration of aspirin to patients
who present with cardiac arrest) need only
maintain their status quo for bonus payments. - (2) The percentage of a physicians overall
revenue at stake is rarely more than - 5-10.
- (3) So far, p4p plans primarily target the
underuse of preventive care, so - spending generally increases after
implementation. - (4) Which can provide hospitals and physicians
with additional capital to invest in electronic
medical records and other practice improvements.
- p4p is growing rapidly
- (2003) roughly 35 health plans covering
approx. 40 million members - (2006) roughly 80 health plans covering
approx. 60 million members - p4p can generally help to improve the quality
of primary care, as well as the care of patients
with chronic conditions - Medicarethe 800-pound gorilla of American
medicine - - Its hard to convey how big this is going to
be, but its going - to be big, says Dr. Mark McClellan, former
CMS Administrator. - - 80 of beneficiaries have 1 chronic condition
30 have 4 - (this latter group drives almost 80 of
Medicares total spending)
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