Title: Energy Poverty in Japan
1Energy Poverty in Japan
32nd USAEE/IAEE North American Conference
- How does the energy price escalation affect
low income and vulnerable households?
Shinichiro OKUSHIMA and Azusa OKAGAWA
University of Tsukuba National Institute for
Environmental Studies
- Introduction
- Motivation
- Energy poverty
- Concept and definition
- Methodology
- Model and microdata
- Results
- Energy price escalation
- Energy price escalation countermeasure
- Conclusion
3Introduction motivation
- Increasing concern about energy/fuel poverty in
Japan - Energy costs are soaring
- More dependent on fossil fuel imports after the
Fukushima accident - Introduction of a feed-in tariff scheme
- A new tax on fossil fuels (a carbon tax) in
October 2012 - Raising the consumption tax twice by 2015
- A weak yen, etc.
- Share of low-income households is increasing
- Reflecting Japans aging and sluggish economy
since the 1990s - Deteriorating job quality
- Vulnerable households (e.g., lone-parent-with-depe
ndent children, elderly, and single-person
households) are also increasing
Energy poverty could be an important political
issue in Japan
4Introduction motivation
- This study examines the energy poverty issues in
Japan by - the applied / computable general equilibrium
model - the microdata on the Japanese household
- This study analyzes
- the impact on households when energy prices are
doubled - the effectiveness of an alleviation policy (a
kind of social tariffs) - This study empirically shows
- the severe impacts especially on low-income or
vulnerable households - An alleviation policy will be effective when the
energy price escalation goes forward in the future
5Energy poverty concept and definition
- To date, much less attention has been given to
the energy poverty problem in developed countries
compared with developing countries - The lack of access to modern types of energy
(e.g., electricity) is the focal point in the
context of energy poverty in developing countries
(e.g., IEA, 2010) - Only a few studies for developed countries except
the UK - In the UK, since Boardmans (1991) seminal work,
several studies have been made - Various reports are published by the UK
government such as the Hills fuel poverty review
(2011, 2012) - The recent literature on the UK e.g., Chawla and
Pollitt (2013), Moore (2012), and Waddams Price
et al. (2012) - However, no research has been found that examined
the energy poverty problem in Japan in detail
6Energy poverty concept and definition
- Energy poverty can be defined conceptually as
- the condition of lacking the resources necessary
to meet their basic energy needs - A similar definition by Bouzarovski et al. (2012)
- the condition wherein a household is unable to
access energy services at the home up to a
socially and materially necessitated level - In developed countries like Japan, broader issues
that prevent people from satisfying their basic
energy needs should be the focus of the energy
poverty problem
7Energy poverty concept and definition
- Energy poverty can be measured practically by the
two steps like the general income poverty
measurement (Sen, 1979) - Identification- who are the poor?
- Aggregation - how are the poverty
characteristics of different people to be
combined into an aggregate measure? - For simplicity, this study defines energy poverty
households as those that spend more than 10 of
their income on energy expenses (electricity,
gas, and heating oil) - Identification (poverty line) energy budget
share, 10 - Aggregation - identifying the extent of poverty
in the society simply with the
proportion of the poor to the total population
Energy poverty
8Energy poverty concept and definition
- The definition is similar to the UK governments
one - However, the energy expenses in this study are
actual ones based on our microdata, rather than
the calculated ones like the UK. - Identification (setting the poverty line) and
aggregation are controversial but necessary tasks - Energy budget shares have often been used for the
poverty lines (Pachauri et al., 2004). - However, this simple 10 ratio measure has
various problems, e.g., it pays no attention
to the depth of poverty - the 10 ratio measure evaluates the marginally
poor as the same as the miserably poor - Future research is needed for the definition
9Methodology an applied/computable GE model
- Many studies point out that economic impacts
cannot be evaluated correctly without using
general equilibrium models (e.g., Hazilla and
Kopp, 1990) - Hence, this study develops an applied/computable
general equilibrium model with multihouseholds
characterized by their income levels on the
Japanese economy - The model is composed of 10 households, 40
industries, a government and 48 commodities (9
fossil fuels) - The models parameters are calibrated to the 2005
base year social accounting matrix (SAM) - the data sources the most recent 2005
InputOutput Tables, the 2005 Family
Income and Expenditure Survey, etc.
10Methodology an applied/computable GE model
 Industry (40) Industry (40)  Commodity (48) Commodity (48)
1 AGR Agriculture 1 AGR Agriculture
2 MIN Mining 2 MIN Mining
3 COG Coal, oil and gas 3 COL Coal
   4 OIL Crude oil
   5 GAS Gas
4 FDP Food 6 FDP Food
5 TEX Textiles 7 TEX Textiles
6 WPP Paper and pulp 8 WPP Paper and pulp
7 CHE Chemicals 9 CHE Chemicals
8 O_P Oil products 10 GSL Gasoline
   11 JET Jet fuel
   12 KRS Heating oil
   13 LGH Light gas oil
   14 FOA Bunker A
   15 FOC Bunker BC
   16 NPH Naphtha
   17 LPG Liquid petroleum gas
   18 OOP Other oil products
9 C_P Coal products 19 C_P Coal products
10 PLR Plastics 20 PLR Plastics
11 CLY Cement 21 CLY Cement
12 STL Iron and steel 22 STL Iron and steel
13 MTL Non-ferrous metal 23 MTL Non-ferrous metal
14 MTP Metal products 24 MTP Metal products
15 MCH Machinery 25 MCH Machinery
16 ELM Electrical machinery 26 ELM Electrical machinery
17 TRM Transport equipment 27 TRM Transport equipment
18 OMF Other manufacturing 28 OMF Other manufacturing
19 CNS Construction 29 CNS Construction
 Industry (40) cont Industry (40) cont  Commodity (48) cont Commodity (48) cont
20 NUC Nuclear electricity supply 30 ELY Electricity
21 THM Thermal electricity supply   Â
22 HYD Hydro electricity supply   Â
23 OWP Privately owned power generation 31 OWP Privately owned power generation
24 GHS Gas supply 32 GHS Gas supply
25 WTR Water supply 33 WTR Water supply
26 WST Waste management service 34 WST Waste management service
27 CMM Trade 35 CMM Trade
28 FIN Finance and insurance 36 FIN Finance and insurance
29 EST Real estate 37 EST Real estate
30 TRT Transport via railways 38 TRT Transport via railways
31 TRR Transport by road 39 TRR Transport by road
32 TRO Private transport 40 TRO Private transport
33 TRW Water transport 41 TRW Water transport
34 TRA Air transport 42 TRA Air transport
35 TRX Other transport 43 TRX Other transport
36 ICT Telecommunications 44 ICT Telecommunications
37 SVG Public service 45 SVG Public service
38 SVB Business service 46 SVB Business service
39 SVP Private service 47 SVP Private service
40 OTH Other 48 OTH Other
The model is composed with 40 industries and 48
commodities, nine of which are fossil fuels
11Methodology an applied/computable GE model
Higher income
HHLD group Yearly income (10 thousand yen)
I - 192
II 192 - 272
III 272 - 336
IV 336 - 399
V 399 - 473
VI 473 - 556
VII 556 - 655
VIII 655 - 792
IX 792 - 1003
X 1003 -
Lower income
The model has 10 household groups characterized
by income bracket
12Methodology an applied/computable GE model
Transport and retail margin
Intermediate goods (Armington goods)
Energy composite goods
Armington goods
Fossil fuels (Armington goods)
13Methodology an applied/computable GE model
Supply side
Intermediate goods
Import goods
Goods market
Labor market
Capital market
Demand side
14Methodology Applied/computable GE model to
- This study links the simulation results given by
the AGE model to the detailed information on
individual households provided by the microdata
Applied/computable GE model
Evaluating the impacts of energy price escalation
on households by income decile groups
Microdata (provided by the National Statistics
Center for our research purpose)
A sample of about 50,000 households, covering the
whole of Japan The dataset is created from the
anonymized data based on the 2004 National Survey
of Family Income and Expenditure
Performing a detained analysis of the impact on
low-income and vulnerable households like
mother-child, single-aged, etc.
15Results when energy prices are doubled (Scenario
- This study first analyzes the impact on
households when energy prices are doubled
Energy prices doubled
Scenario 1
- In the scenario, electricity prices for
households are doubled compared with those in the
base case (BaU) - Electricity price escalation is caused by the
change of power supply composition from nuclear
to thermal (oil and LNG), as well as rises
in the import prices of fossil fuels - Together with the electricity price hike, all
kinds of energy are appreciated in the simulation - The scenario and assumptions are in line with the
scenarios in the governmental reports
(e.g., Energy and Environmental Council (2012a,
16Results Changes in household income energy
- The table indicates the changes in household
income, energy consumption, and energy
consumption ratios (energy budget shares) by
income group - The changes in the energy consumption ratios
(energy expenses / income) are larger for the
lower income groups. - The results clearly indicate that the impacts of
the energy price escalation are regressive.
Changes in household income, energy consumption
energy consumption ratio (compared with BaU, )
1. Changes in household income -9.7 -10.7 -11.6 -11.8 -12.1 -12.5 -13.4 -13.9 -14.5 -17.7
2. Changes in energy consumption (in real terms) -26.2 -27.3 -28.2 -28.5 -28.8 -29.5 -30.1 -30.8 -31.4 -34.4
3. Changes in the energy consumption ratio 1.36 1.36 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.32 1.32 1.31 1.27
17Results the proportion of energy poverty
households by income decile group (Scenario1)
- This study combines the simulation results with
the detailed information on individual households
by the microdata. - The result shows the severe impact on low-income
households, especially the lowest income decile
group when energy prices are escalated.
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2 to 10
18Results the impact by household type (Scenario 1)
- From the result, motherchild households and
single-aged households can be categorized as
vulnerable to the energy price escalation. - About one-tenth of motherchild and single-aged
households are in energy poverty
even in the BaU. The poverty rates are almost
doubled by the energy price escalation.
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19Policy scenario (Scenario 2)
According to the results, there are sure signs of
energy poverty in lower income groups, as well
as vulnerable households
Scenario 2
With the policy Subsidizing the energy costs of
low-income households (I II)
Subsidy totaling 500 billion yen (5 billion
This policy can be interpreted as a kind of
social tariffs, i.e., it
involves discounted energy prices for low-income
households Social tariffs were introduced in the
UK from 2008 to 2011
20Results the proportion of energy poverty
households by income decile group (Scenario 2)
- The policy offsets the negative impacts of energy
price escalation. - The result indicates the effectiveness of the
policy to counteract the negative
influence of energy price escalation.
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10 to 4
21Results the impact by household type (Scenario 2)
- The policy can also neutralize the negative
impact of energy prices doubling on the
vulnerable households. - This study empirically shows the effectiveness of
the alleviation policy as well as the amount of
the budget needed to cancel out the impact.
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- This study investigates
- the impact of energy price escalation on the
Japanese households - the effectiveness of countermeasure (social
tariffs) - This study empirically shows
- energy price escalation greatly harms Japanese
households - especially, low-income and vulnerable households
- the effectiveness of countermeasure
- the budget required to offset the negative
impacts - Future research definition of energy poverty
- a number of problems related to the 10 ratio
measure (e.g., Hills, 2012) - plural standards may be needed to reflect
regional differences in the country (e.g.,
climates or prices)
23Thank you !