Title: Marcel Duchamp
1Marcel Duchamp Bicycle Wheel Ready Made 1918
2Three Musicians, Pablo Picasso, Oil Painting,
3Georgia OKeefe Cow Skull with Calico
Rose 1930 Oil on Canvas
4Frank Lloyd Wright Falling Water 1930 Modern
5Andrew Wyeth Christinas World 1940 Oil on
6Salvador Dali Persistence of Memory 1931 Oil
on Canvas Surrealism
7Frida Kahlo, The Little Deer, 1946, Oil Painting
8Joseph Cornell Untitled (The Prince of
Medici) Sculpture/Construction Photos, found
objects. Box 1952
9Henry Moore 3 Standing Figures 1953 Cast Iron
10Jackson Pollack Lavendar Mist 1954 Dripped
Acrylic and Latex
11Drip Painting
12Jasper Johns Flag 1958 3 Oil on Canvas
13Jasper Johns Map, 1960, Abstract Expressionism,
Oil Painting
14Andy Warhol, 50 Marilyns, Screen Print, 1960
15Robert Rauschenburg Retroactive I 1964 Silk
Screen, Oil Painting,
16Audrey Flack Marilyn Air Brush 1977
17Nancy Graves Zaga 1982 Bronze Sculpture
18Sandy Skoglund Radioactive Cats 1980
Installation and Ciberchrome photograph
19 Miriam Shapiro Frida 1980 Collage
20Deborah Butterfield, Ferdinand, 1990, Steel
21Essay Slide 1
Essay Slide 2
22(No Transcript)