Title: Ubiquitous Virtual Slide System of Korea
1Ubiquitous Virtual Slide System of Korea
- Woo Young Jang M.D.,M.S.
- Hallym University College of Medicine
- Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital
- Department Chief of Medical Informatics of Korean
Society for Cytopathology
2Virtual Slide ?
- Powerful and useful tool for diagnosis
- education of pathology
- A good diagnostic tool substitute for
- light microscopy
- Wide visual field, fast search, easy focusing
- gives good environment for diagnosis
- Save warehouse space for store of paraffin
- slide blocks and glass slides
3Problem of Virtual Slide ?
- The hardware is too expensive to buy.
- It takes some time to scan the glass slides
- for making virtual slide.
- Senior staffs are not familiar with computer
- system for diagnosis.
- The size of data is very big for management.
4The Solution for Problem of Virtual Slide ?
- The hardware is too expensive to buy.
- Buy retail server at friendly company with
discount price. - Get free service of virtual slide machine
from friendly company by negotiation. - Only one set of system needed to solve the
5The Solution for Problem of Virtual Slide ?
- It takes some time to scan the glass slides
- for making virtual slide.
- Use the multi slide tray run overnight
- processing. Multiple case
- Single case No problem (about 5minute)
6The Solution for Weak Point of Virtual Slide ?
- Senior staffs are not familiar with computer
- system for diagnosis.
- Pair up with Resident or Fellow.
- Resident or Fellow operate the system
- Senior staff presents the opinion.
- When they finish discussion reach
- agreement, the diagnosis is decided.
7The Solution for Weak Point of Virtual Slide ?
- The size of data is very big for management.
- Free compression software, High speed of
- internet line high performance computer
- system could make a relative small sized
- data file, large storage fast operation.
- Loading time of 1.27Gbyte sized file
10second - Compression ratio 13 to 120
- Size of storage up to 1Tbyte HDD
8Korean Society for Cytopathology
- Diagnostic tool - Light microscopy only
- - Old fashioned thinking
- - Combination use of Light microscope
- computer system are essential
- - Must make a Pathology Slide Database
- for Future academic commercial purpose
9The Advance for Ubiquitous Environment
- Giving some information experience
- about the virtual slide to the members.
- We link the virtual slide samples at our
- homepage.
- Easy WEB browsing via the Internet
- http//www.cytopathol.com
- http//www.digitalpathology.co.kr
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18The Advance for Ubiquitous Environment
- Starting free browsing/downloading service
- of virtual slide at our New FTP server.
- Combined Cable/ Wireless Internet
- Fixed IP/DNS Emulation software CODNS
- Free FTP software ALFTP
- Free Voice Chatting software SKYPE
- Free Anti-Virus/Spyware software ALYAC
Video/Voice Chatting
Virus/Spyware Scanning Cleaning
24ImageScope Free Aperio Viewer
Download Files via FTP
25ImageScope Free Aperio Viewer
26ImageScope Free Aperio Viewer
27The Result of Effort
- Access of Data file at anytime and anywhere
- with ease via the internet
- - Office Cable or Access Point Repeater
type - - Outdoor Access Point Repeater or USB type
- Performance money saving
- - Select one of the viewers that depends on
- ones situation
- - About 158,538 was saved after web
- searching and negotiation
- - Actual Running Cost 507/year
28F U T U R E
- Prepare for era of IPV6.
- - Make more database files
- - Creating Fund for making software
- - Education of Virtual slide
- We will try continuous technical refinements for
the more advanced expanded tasks.
29Thank you