Title: A Little Insight Into the Mind of Marisa
1A Little Insight Into the Mind of Marisa
Journey Through My Life
2My Ethnicity
- Birthplace
- I was born August 29, 1983 in Atlanta, Georgia
- I was adopted three days later
- My birthmothers family is Italian
- Religion
- My birthmother is Roman Catholic
- My mom is Jewish and my dad is Christian
- I would not categorize myself as any one of these
in particular because all of these encompass my
life - Language
- English is my first language
- I even know a little French
3My Cultural Paradigm
- Disadvantages
- Growing up in a society that favors the All
American look - Ideas disregarded based on me being female
- Not being able to get certain scholarships or
benefits that others may receive - Not taken seriously because of my age
- Advantages
- Having a well rounded view on life
- Strong-minded and an independent thinker
- Having a supportive, caring family
- Having access to many cultures
- Getting discounts places because I am a student
4My Experiences and Exposure
- I grew up in an urban area where many of my
friends were of different backgrounds than myself - I work with many diverse children at Marietta
Middle School - I have learned about many religions through my
family and school - I have had many teachers from different countries
and ethnic backgrounds - My family raised me to be open minded and
accepting of others beliefs - I continue to learn about different cultures each
day by observation
5Sex and Gender Identity
- Non Traditional
- Less concerned with appearance
- Less reserved, more loud and outspoken
- Have interests such as cars and baseball
- Not prissy
- Traditional
- Like to be taken care of
- Enjoy general female activities such as shopping
- Very emotional, talk about problems
- Dislike bugs
6Teaching Diverse Students
- I feel that not all students are accepting of
others who are different than themselves. A
student who feels isolated by their ethnicity may
see me as a threat or not understanding. As a
teacher, I must show these students the value of
having diverse people in the classroom - Teach the students that everyone has culture,
even if they dont seem differentThe U.S. is a
melting pot - Inspire the students to learn about different
cultures through ongoing projects and guest
speakers. - Have an open classroom where the students are
free to talk to me about insecurities - Assign group work that will pair individuals of
various ethnic backgrounds so they become
familiar with other cultures - If they speak a different language, encourage the
students to learn a little of their language and
make conversation. -