Title: Regulatory Aspects of CERC
1- Regulatory Aspects of CERC
- By
- Joint Chief (Engg)
- CERC, New Delhi
2Tariff Regulation In India
- Till 1998
- By Govt.
- Since Aug. 1998
- By Central State Regulatory Commissions under
ERC Act 1998 - Since 2003
- By Central State Regulatory Commissions under
EA 2003 -
3Tariff Setting In India
- Prior to 1992-
- Single part Tariff Cost plus on actuals (Schedule
6 of E(S) Act 1948) - Since 1992 to 2001-
- For SEBs- Single part Cost plus on actuals
- For CPSUs IPPs- Two part Cost Plus with
performance based rate making (KP Rao Committee)
4Tariff Setting In India
- Since 2001 to 2003-
- For SEBs- Single part Cost plus on actuals
- For CPSUs IPPs- Availability Based Tariff (ABT)
Cost Plus with performance based rate making
(CERC Regulation) - Since 2003 onward-
- Availability Based Tariff (ABT) Cost Plus with
performance based rate making - Competitively Bid Tariff
5Objective- EA 2003
- An Act to consolidate the lawsfor taking
measures conducive to - development of electricity industry,
- promoting competition therein,
- protecting interests of consumers
- supply of electricity to all areas
6Statutory Provisions in EA 2003
- Section 3 4
- Regulatory Commissions to be guided by the NEP
and TP. - Section 61 Regulatory Commissions to formulate
Terms and Conditions of Tariff for
determination of Tariff under Section 62 duly
considering - The factors which would encourage competition,
efficiency, economical use of the resources, good
performance and optimum investments - The principles rewarding efficiency in
performance - The promotion of co-generation and generation of
electricity from renewable sources of energy
7Statutory Provisions in EA 2003
- Section 62 Provide for determination of Tariff
for sale of power from a generating company to
distribution licensees - Section 63 Notwithstanding anything contained
in section 62, the Appropriate Commission shall
adopt the tariff if such tariff has been
determined through transparent process of bidding
in accordance with the guidelines issued by the
Central Government
8Provisions in Tariff Policy
- All future requirement of power should be
procured competitively by distribution licensees - Expansion of existing projects of State
controlled/owned companies exempted - Expansion of generating capacity by private
developers for this purpose restricted to one
time addition of not more than 50 of the
existing capacity. - New projects of State controlled/owned companies
exempted for five years or more till the
situation is found ripe to introduce such
competition by the Regulatory Commissions.
9Provisions in Tariff Policy
- Clarification issued by the MoP on 9.12.2010 on
Clauses 5.1 and 7.1 exempting following types of
PSUs/CPSUs projects from competitive bidding
route - Expansion projects of already Commission
projects - Projects for which PPA has been sign on or before
5.1.2011 - No such relaxation for Pvt Sector
10Procurement Options for the Discoms
- From State PSUs/ CPSUs at Cost plus tariff
- Procurement through competitive bidding route
under case-1 and Case-2 - Procure power from traders and discoms under
bilateral arrangements though Open access - Procure Power at the power exchanges through
collective transactions though Open access(Day
ahead Market) - Procure Power though UI (Real time market up to
grid frequency 49.7 Hz)
11Regulatory Approach in Cost plus Tariff setting
- Cost of Service based on performance linked
norms - Balancing the interest of Generators on one hand
beneficiaries on the other - Transparency
- Light handed regulation
- Encourage efficiency Economy
- Encourage Investment
- System of incentive and disincentive for
12Availability Based Tariff
- Annual Fixed Charge (Capacity Charges)- Payment
Linked to availability - Energy Charge- Payment linked to scheduled
generation - Unscheduled Interchange (UI) Charge- payment
linked to grid frequency for deviation from the
schedule - Incentive- For Ex-bus generation in excess of
ex-bus generation corresponding to the
availability Norm
13CERCs Terms and Condition of tariff for 2009-14
- Provided for Pre-Tax Return on Equity
- Tightened efficiency norms for the thermal power
stations - For existing 500 MW units Station heat rate norm
reduced from 2450 kCal/kWh to 2425 kCal/kWH - For New units operating margin in Station heat
rate norm reduced from 9 to 6.5 from the design
heat rate values - Raised performance norms of availability from 80
to 85 coupled with incentive linked to
availability - Reduced aux energy consumption norm by 0.5 point
for thermal generating stations. - Provide for efficiency performance norms for
super critical technology units - Provide for sharing of benefit of savings in
secondary fuel oil consumption
14CERCs Terms and Condition of tariff for 2009-14
- Renovation Modernization of Thermal power
Plants - Distinct activity recognized in Tariff Policy
- Aimed at improved efficiency and performance
- Suggesting Phasing out of very old and
inefficient units - Special allowance after useful life for
sustaining efficiency and performance parameters
in well maintained stations Rs.5lakh.MW/Year with
effect from 2009-10 escalated every year at 5.72.
16Rationalisation of Performance/Operational Norms
- Reasonable and achievable
- Commensurate with technology, unit size, fuel
used and operating conditions - With due regard to industries performance
- Wherever scope for improvement a reasonable time
to be allowed
17Regulatory Scope Under Competitive bidding Route
- Scope is limited
- Approval of quantum of capacity/Energy to be
purchased and approval of fuel price in case of
fuel specific enquiry - Approval of Deviations from the guidelines
- Notification of escalation indices for evaluation
and for payment purposes - Scrutiny of the process to see whether it
conforms to the competitive bidding guidelines - Approval of the tariff implications arising out
of change of law
18Escalation indices for Evaluation
19Escalation indices for payment
20Transmission Charges and Losses Matrix
21CERC Regulated Tariffs
22CERC Regulated Tariffs
23Competitive Bid Tariffs
24Competitive Bid Tariffs
25Price of Electricity in Bilaterals/PXs/UI
26Price of Electricity in Bilaterals/PXs/UI
- Presently the prices in the PXs are going as high
as Rs. 14 in the southern Region - The reasons?
- Desperate buying by Tamil Nadu due to
- Increase in Peak Demand by about 10
- No capacity addition
- Unable to over draw from the grid as UI
- Transmission congestion leading to increase in
prices by Rs. 3 due to congestion charges
27Success of Competitive Bidding
- Conducive Environment
- Uniform bidding guidelines
- Standard bid documents and PPA
- Equitable sharing of risk between procurer and
generator - Reasonable penalty and risk mitigation
- Regulatory certainty
- State support in getting land, fuel, water, and
environment clearances - Success of bidding process demonstrated in 3 UMPP
Sasan,Mudra and Krishnapatanam
- Extent of State support in future
- Manner of tackling situations arising out of
Change of law - Abnormal fuel price escalations
- Development of transmission corridors
- To early to say that price discovery is
competitive enough to beat the cost plus prices - There is need for advance action by the States to
start the procurement process with regard to
their demand projections.
29- Thank You
- E-mail scschandra_at_hotmail.com
- CERC Web Site www.cercind.gov.in