Title: Is it Modeling or Modelling
1Introduction to Ecological modelling
- Is it Modeling or Modelling ??
- Google (an empirical approach to correct
spelling) - 28,700 hits on Ecological Modeling
- 38,500 hits on Ecological Modelling
2Modelling general
3What is a model?
- a relationship between variables
- an abstraction of reality
- expression of essential elements of a problem in
mathematical terms - terms model, prediction, theory, statistics often
used interchangeablyappropriately?
4You model every day!
5or you are exposed to models every day
- predicting the presidential favorite is based on
a representative sample or model of the
entire population - the food pyramid is a model of good nutrition
(though not a very good one) - As you leave this building, think about your
actions how they are really based on our
intuitive models of the world built from
experience. - For example, we cross the street at intersections
when opposing traffic is supposed to stop - a
good model most of the time. If it wasnt a
model, if our decisions were based on complete
information about our world, people would never
get hit by cars. (And cars would never hit
people.) - Jaywalking is a more complex intuitive model,
more variables than waiting at the intersection - whether or not to jaywalk subconsciously, our
minds do the math
7Jaywalking (cont)
8Jaywalking (cont)
So what? 1. Models are all around us 2. Models
can always be more detailed 3. Models can never
be perfected (always make assumptions) 4.
Insights often come from mathematical
9Why do we model?
- Because its impossible to know everything about
a system
10Why do we model? (cont)
- reduce a complex phenomenon in a way that makes
it is easier to understand, discuss, and compare
to others - identify the most salient parts of the phenomenon
in question - describe the important relationships among these
salient parts - reveal weaknesses in our knowledge, therefore
provide mechanism for identifying research
priorities - useful in tests of hypotheses
modified from U of Texas, Grad School of Library
Info Science, and Jorgensen and Bendoricchio
11Famous models
- spherical earth still modeled today and its
not round! - heliocentric solar system Copernicus
- atomic structure Bohr
- general relativity Einsteins theory of
gravitation - DNA structure Watson, Crick, Wilkins, Franklin
- standard model many contributors
12Future models
- Protein folding proteins self-assemble almost
instantaneously from a linear sequence of AA into
their proper 3D structure. How? What tells this
string of AAs to form in just the right way?
(Important for medicine, drug development) - Theory of everything seeks to explain the four
primary forces in nature by merging general
relativity with the standard model of elementary
particles and their interactions
13Modelling often associated with mathematics or
the act of codifying
- Modelling approach
- the process
- (Whats your question? How do you get there?)
Modelling techniques e.g. individual-based v.
dynamic v. neural networks (varies depending on
the approach)
Modelling tools e.g. statistical / mathematical
software, programming languages (varies
depending on the technique)
14Approach to modeling
Define problem
Conceptual Diagram
Simplified from Jorgensen and Bendoricchio
15Modelling techniques
- Mathematical v. verbal v. meso-realistic
- the statement 20 of what politicians say is
true is a verbal model - We have a lab meeting in ½ hour. Thats plenty
of time to read the paper. - Many classes
- Many approaches
16Many classifications..
Modelling techniques (cont)
- Paired
- Deterministic predicted values computed exactly
- Stochastic predicted values depend on
probability distribution - Reductionist includes many (ones hopes relevant)
details - Holistic relies on general principles
- Static variables describing the system not
dependent on time - Dynamic time dependent
- Distributed parameters considered functions of
time and space - Lumped parameters within certain pre-defined
time and space, constant - Linear first degree equations are used
consecutively - Non-Linear includes non-proportional
relationships - Other
17Many approaches.
Modelling techniques (cont)
- Statistical
- Regression
- Analysis of variance
- Mathematical
- Matrix
- Compartment
- Structural equations (SEM)
- Genetic/evolutionary algorithms (GARP)
- Individual-based
- Cellular automata
- Classification and regression tree analysis
18Modelling techniques (cont)
- As a result, models often described as a chain of
adjectives - e.g., our model of the onset of migration is a
stochastic, individual-based, simulation model - ..of course we can go to far.
- stochastic, dynamic, reductionist, iterative,
convergent, individual-based, simulation model
19Too many models?
- May end up with many competing model solutions to
one modelling problem - Which model is best? How do you choose?
- Akaikes information criterion
- from information theory
- method for selecting among competing models
- has become very popular in recent years
20Modeling tools
- Virtually any software that aids in calculation
- Vary in specificity for modeling
- Generalized software
- Greater flexibility, higher learning curve
(more complicated syntax), faster, closer to the
math - High level languages (C, C, Java)
- Statistical packages (SPSS, SAS, S)
- Math oriented (MATLAB, Mathematica)
- Specialized software
- Less flexible, lower learning curve (no or
little coding), slower, further from the math
(graphical representation of relationships) - Stella
- Madonna (Mac)
- Simile
- Vortex
21Ecological Modelling
22- Is there a father of ecological modelling?
- Not really, but it turns out Eugene P. Odum has a
brother - Howard T. Odum
- widely respected among ecological modelers
- Died in 2002 tribute in 2004
- International Society for Ecological Modelling
(http//www.isemna.org/) - and related journal Ecological Modelling
- mediocre
23Why do we model in ecology?
- Todays computing allows it
- .. but mostly..
- To gain insights into complex systems and
behavior. - species conservation (extinction probabilities)
- wildlife management (setting harvest limits)
- human impacts (disease transmission - WNV)
- basic ecology (scaling, predation, competition)
- Just one of many useful tools, so beware.
- When you have a new hammer, everything looks like
a nail. - - old Russian proverb
24The very definition of ecology evokes a
complexity that is poorly understood
Ecology the study of how organisms interact with
each other and their environments
25Trophic relationships
- How strong are the
- interactions between
- these species?
- How do these interactions
- change if we remove/add a
- species? (Do species
- matter?)
- How do these interactions
- change as species vary in
- number?
- Ecologists use highly simplified model food webs
to study these questions. - Many say too simplified.
Aquatic food web
26We often use model systems in ecology
- Mesocosms simplified or model ecosystems that,
when used in scientific experimentation, allow
greater control and understanding of ecological
relationships - e.g., the classic tribolium beetle experiment
- studies of ecosystem function, the role of
biological diversity, understanding species
27Approach to modeling (revised)
Define problem
Conceptual Diagram
Mathematical formulation
Sensitivity analysis
28Systems approach
- get mind around the big picture and work in
- all models have bounds
- relationships between organisms are so numerous
and poorly understood, models must be bounded for
simplicity - e.g.
- Spatially this landscape only, please
- Temporally spring
- limit number of interactions one predator, two
prey - limit to first order effects ignore indirect
effects? - more complex models get divided into logical
subsystems - e.g.
- the animal dispersal subsystem
- foraging subsystem
- Defined simplest assumption in the formulation
of a theory or in the interpretation of data - Does Ockhams razor apply to model development?
- Is always unexplained variation
- Adding complexity with the goal of explaining
additional variation is justified - However....
- tend to work from the top down, beginning with
variables that explain the greatest variance - We may not have detailed knowledge of variables
that explain less variation (more obscure
variables are likely supported by less data) - All parameters have error therefore more
parameters increases model uncertainty by
contributing to error propagation - Diminishing returns variance explained may be
small relative to uncertainty in estimates - In principle, should have data for state
variables success of later stages of model
development linked to data quality
30Jorgensen decomposes the math of environmental
modelling into 5 elements
- Forcing functions
- External variables that influence ecosystems
- E.g. climate, weather
- State variables
- Describe the ecosystem
- E.g. if were modelling the effects of
agricultural runoff on trophic relationships in
aquatic systems, state variables would be the
species at different trophic levels and nutrient
concentration - Mathematical equations
- Represent the biological and physical processes
- can describe the relationship between external
forcings and state variables - E.g. nutrient load per unit volume in water, Nc,
in aquatic systems is proportional to rain
accumulation, R, - Nc R (I dont have a proportional to symbol
so we go with )
31Five elements (cont)
- Parameters
- Coefficients in the mathematical representations
of processes - they may be constants within specific ecosystems
- e.g. proportion of rain water, p, entering
aquatic systems (aka runoff accumulation) is
f(slope, distance from water, soil type, etc) and
nutrient load per unit volume of runoff, Nr, is
f(agricultural treatment, nutrient saturation of
the soil, etc), - Nc NrpR
- Constants
- Universal constants
- E.g. speed of light, atomic weights (none of
these in our example), so we get, - Nc NrpR / (Vw pR), where Vw is the volume
of the body of water
32Example genetic structure in jack pine (for
context, see Young and Merriam 1994, Young et al.
- How does forest fragmentation influence
relatedness among conspecifics of Pinus banksiana
(jack pine)? - gametes disperse via seed and pollen
- cones serotinous, short dispersal
- pollen annual, abundant, wind dispersed
- greatest potential to project genetic material
long distances - Does fragmentation facilitate or inhibit the
movement of pollen?
33Pollen density model - linear, no feedback -
- Does fragmentation facilitate or inhibit the
movement of pollen? - compare pollen dispersal through fragmented and
unfragmented landscape matrices
Continuously forested
34Pollen density model - linear, no feedback -
- map pattern of fragments to nearby continuous
forest - some proportion of wind dispersed pollen that
leaves patch A will arrive in the area of patch B - if pollen movement through landscape matrices
differs, so should this proportion - so at patch B, we want to model the density of
pollen from patch A
Continuously forested
35Pollen density model - linear, no feedback -
Environmental/forcing variables
State variables
Process variables (parameters)
36Pollen density model (cont)
Specifying the model
Source stem density, age, etc
Source airborne pollen density
Target airborne pollen density
37Pollen density model (cont)
Bounding the system - in retrospect -
Source pollen production
Source airborne pollen density
Target airborne pollen density
- Already bounded in space (previous figure)
- Interested in movement of pollen between habitats
- We need to know source airborne pollen density
- Do we need to model source pollen production or
the mechanisms of pollen release? - Production can be measured directly in the field
- Model development is an
iterative process !
38Pollen density model (cont)
Dispersal sub-model
Pollen proportion to distance
Prevailing wind speed
Target patch distance
Pollen settling rate
Pollen dispersal
Landscape matrix
Pollen proportion in direction
Prevailing wind direction
Target patch direction
39Pollen density model (cont)
Weaknesses? Assumptions?
Pollen proportion to distance
Prevailing wind speed
Target patch distance
Pollen settling rate
Pollen dispersal
Landscape matrix
Pollen proportion in direction
Prevailing wind direction
Target patch direction
40Pollen density model (cont)
- How do we verify airborne pollen density at the
target location? - genetic studies (enough generations?)
- How do we calculate
- pollen release?
- possible to build empirical relationships
- settling rate?
- Topographic relief
- Sources differ in pollen
- Competing hyhpothses
41For next class.
- outline a research question that frames a good
modelling problem use own research - Candidate ecological models have many of the
following characteristics - Good question The scientific question the model
seeks to address remains unanswered or poorly
addressed in the literature - Sufficient data There is sufficient data on the
biology supporting the model so as to minimize
assumptions - Sound ecology Potential ecological mechanisms
and relationships are known (e.g. gape limitation
in fish predation) - Best approach Addressing the question by other
means (e.g. field research) is impractical
financially, logistically, etc. or is a successor
to modelling - construct a conceptual diagram of the ecological
relationships in your candidate model - this lecture will be on the web if needed
- We will discuss in 2 weeks