Title: Network Forensics in
1- Network Forensics in
- Vocational Education in
- The Netherlands
Hans Blankendaal Senior Consultant
ICT h.blankendaal_at_ecabo.nl
2Loket MBO ICT
Centres of Expertise on Vocational Education,
Training and Labour Market
The development of a qualification profile on
digital investigation and network forensics
within vocational education
4- Who are you and where are you from? What do you
want to learn during this session?
5Some quotes of the past days
Crime used to be visible
- Children need smarter parents
Volume of cybercrime is growing
Connectivity increases volnurability
6Ive learned a lot already
- Finding typed search strings on a computer by a
user in a search engine with a registry viewer
The exact hint user password in Vista can be
found in the registry
Every USB device can contain data/malware
How to define which devices have been mounted on
a peticular machine
7- Are we, are parents, are teachers aware of the
information that can be found of for instance
themselves on the internet.
8Lets start with awareness
- Children awareness
- Smarter parents
- Hyves
9- There is a lot to investigate and theres an
increasing demand for digital forensic
specialists on the labour market, on various
10- So lets make sure that we educate enough
qualified professionals for the labour market
11Centre of Expertise on Vocational Education,
Training and Labour Market
- The Dutch are not only famous
- for constructing dikes, but also
- for building bridges
- Juggling between
- economy and education
13- Labour market research and the need for
professionals within the industry lead to the
development of a qualification profile for
digital investigation on the level of vocational
14 15(No Transcript)
16We define the content
- What must every Digital Investigator learn
- National standard for the Ministry of Education
Schools define how they implement it
- What must every Digital Investigator learn
- National standard for the Ministry of Education
17- What in your opinion should be the content of
this qualification profile?
18(No Transcript)
19 Should it be an ICT-professional with a flavour
of forensics or a Forensic Specialist with
knowledge of ICT?
20Employability Impulse
- Educate the teachers
- With help of the industry
- With funding from the industry
The teachers are training 180 students at this
moment in The Netherlands
21- Big issue at this moment
- Are digital Investigators outside the department
of law enforcement allowed to investigate?
22- Thank you for your attention
- h.blankendaal_at_ecabo.nl
- www.ecabo.nl
- www.loketmboict.nl