Title: Electric Fields
1Electric Fields
2Review of Eclectic Charge
3Review Electric Charge
- Let two charged particles (point charges) have
charges q1 and q2 and be separated by a distance
r. - What is the electrostatic force of attraction or
repulsion between them?
4Review Electric Charge
- Coulombs Law
- Each particle exerts a force of this magnitude on
the other particle.
5Review Electric Charge
- Coulombs Law
- Do the particles repel each other or are they
attracted to each other?
6Review Electric Charge
- Opposite signs attract each other.
- Like signs repel each other.
- "The laws of gravity cannot be held responsible
for people falling in love." - Albert Einstein
7Electric Fields
- How can one particle know about another
particle in such a way as to act on it? - We can answer those questions by saying that one
particle sets up an electric field in the space
surrounding it.
8Electric Fields
- Electric Fields are vectors fields that consist
of a distribution of vectors. - Note Vectors have both __________ and
9Electric Field Definition
Point P
Test charge
q0 Positive charge
10Electric Field Lines (Direction) for a Single
Point Charge
- Electric field lines for a single positive
11Electric Field (Magnitude)for a Single Point
- The magnitude of the vector E tells you how many
Newtons per Coulomb a positive charge will
experience when placed a Point P.
12Electric Fields for multiple charges
Point P
Test Charge 1
Test Charge 2
13Electric Field Lines (Direction) for a Two
Opposite Point Charges
Note The direction of the electric field is
tangent to the field lines.
14Field Lines
- Field lines trace the direction of the Electric
field through space - Field lines extend from positive to negative
- The direction of the electric field is tangent to
the field lines. - Field lines represent the direction the net force
of the charge (q0) will be acting.
15Electric Field Lines (Direction) for a Two Equal
Positive Point Charges
16Electric Field Lines (Direction) for a Two
Oppositely Charged Plates
17Electric Fields for multiple charges
Point P
Test Charge 1
Test Charge 2
- For any charge distribution the Electric Field
(vector) is just the sum of the individual
charges from all the charges in the distribution.
19Electric Fields for multiple charges
Point P
Test Charge 1
Test Charge 2