Supply Chain Management Concepts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Supply Chain Management Concepts


... the difference (if any) between SCM and Business Logistics ... It is concerned with two distinct flows (material and information) through the organization. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Supply Chain Management Concepts

Supply Chain Management Concepts
  • OEM 2001
  • Joe Geunes

Supply Chain Management and Analysis
  • What is Supply Chain Management (SCM)?
  • What is the difference (if any) between SCM and
    Business Logistics Management?
  • Supply Chain Definition (G.C. Stevens, 1989) .
    . . a connected series of activities which is
    concerned with planning, coordinating and
    controlling materials, parts, and finished goods
    from supplier to customer. It is concerned with
    two distinct flows (material and information)
    through the organization.
  • The Basic Problem Get the right amounts of the
    right products to the right markets at the right
    time in the most economical way.

Key Supply Chain Activities
  • Customer Service Standards
  • Cooperate with marketing to
  • Determine customer needs and wants for logistics
    customer service
  • Determine customer response to service
  • Set customer service levels
  • Transportation
  • Mode and transport service selection
  • Freight consolidation
  • Carrier routing
  • Vehicle scheduling
  • Equipment selection
  • Claims processing
  • Rate auditing

Key Supply Chain Activities
  • Inventory management
  • Raw materials and finished goods stocking
  • Short-term sales forecasting
  • Product mix at stocking points
  • Number, size, and location of stocking points
  • Just-in-time, push, and pull strategies
  • Information flows and order processing
  • Sales order-inventory interface procedures
  • Order information transmittal methods
  • Ordering rules

Key Supply Chain Support Activities
  • Warehousing
  • Space determination
  • Stock layout and dock design
  • Warehouse configuration
  • Stock placement
  • Materials handling
  • Equipment selection
  • Equipment replacement policies
  • Order-picking procedures
  • Stock storage and retrieval

Key Supply Chain Support Activities
  • Purchasing
  • Supply source selection
  • Purchase timing
  • Purchase quantities
  • Protective package design for
  • Handling
  • Storage
  • Protection from loss and damage
  • Cooperate with production/operations to
  • Specify aggregate quantities
  • Sequence and time production output

Key Supply Chain Support Activities
  • Information maintenance
  • Information collection, storage, and manipulation
  • Data analysis
  • Control procedures
  • We cant forget additional factors related to
    product design for manufacture and distribution,
    i.e., the constraints that product
    characteristics place on ease of manufacture and
    distribution. Another important issue is product
    mix from a marketing standpoint, i.e., which
    products the chain will carry.

Logistics Strategy and Planning
  • Three objectives of logistics strategy
  • Cost reduction (variable costs)
  • Capital reduction (investment, fixed costs)
  • Service Improvement (may be at odds with the
    above two objectives).
  • Major Logistics Planning Areas
  • Customer service goals (customer
    requirements/costs of providing service)
  • Facility location strategy (assign markets to
    plants to minimize distribution costs)
  • Inventory decisions (push, pull, location of
  • Transport strategy (modes, shipment sizes,
    routing, scheduling)

Considerations in Formulating Strategy
  • Demand (volume, dispersion, predictability)
  • Customer service requirements (customer
    expectations and competition)
  • Product characteristics (density, value, risk)
  • Logistics costs (based on above three factors)
  • Pricing policy (does the customer price include
    delivery charge?)

Typical Supply Chain Strategies
  • Postponement Delay product differentiation
    until as late as possible in the production
  • HP printers that serve different countries used
    to be produced as separate products, but now the
    same product uses an external power pack that is
    packed in the box depending on the destination
  • Benetton delays dying of fabrics until after the
    sweater is produced and demand is realized).
  • Postponement usually involves products with a
    highly modular architecture (e.g., Gateway and
    Dell computers).

Typical Strategies
  • Consolidation if the market demands several
    products made by the manufacturer, consolidating
    them into one warehouse will make it more
    economical to send frequent consolidated
    shipments of full truckloads to the market.
  • Mass Customization a modular product
    architecture helps enable mass customization,
    which is the ability to mass produce goods that
    can quickly and easily be customized to
    individual specifications (as in the Gateway and
    Dell computer examples).
  • JIT/VMI - Just-in-time and vendor managed
    inventory strategies to smooth flow of goods and
    increase response time of suppliers.

Product Characteristics
  • Product life cycle
  • 80-20 rule
  • Individual characteristics
  • Weight-Bulk ratio (ration of weight to volume,
    density e.g. cotton vs. steel)
  • Value-Weight ration (coal vs. jewelry)
  • Substitutability (customers reaction when not in
  • Risk characteristics (perishability,
    flammability, ease of being stolen)

Customer Service Elements
  • Pretransaction elements
  • Written policies
  • System flexibility
  • Clarity of procedures
  • Technical help
  • Transaction elements
  • Backorder policies
  • Order cycle time (lead time)
  • Product substitution
  • Complexity of transaction (convenience)

Customer Service Elements
  • Post-transaction elements
  • Installation, warranty, repairs Claims,
    complaints Packaging Temporary replacement
    during repair
  • Courtesy, Reliability and integrity
  • Willingness to respond to customer wants and
    needs (with new or better products)
  • Clarity of communications to customer
  • Integrated information systems
  • A monopolistic company must also adhere to these
    guidelines in case competition strikes in the
    future (e.g. ATT, cable, utility companies)

Customer Service Aspects of Logistics
  • Order cycle time time between placing order and
    receiving product
  • Order transmittal
  • Order processing and assembly
  • Additional stock acquisition time (if out of
  • Delivery time
  • On the average it is approximately six times
    more expensive to develop a new customer than it
    is to keep a current customer. Thus, from a
    financial point of view, resources invested in
    customer service activities provide a
    substantially higher return than resources
    invested in promotion and other customer
    development activities.
  • P.S. Bender, Design and Operation of Customer
    Service Systems, 1976.

Cost vs. Service Models
Transport Fundamentals
  • Transport involves equipment (trucks, planes,
    trains, boats, pipeline), people (drivers,
    loaders unloaders), and decisions (routing,
    timing, quantities, equipment size, transport
    mode). In underdeveloped countries we often find
    it necessary to locate production close to both
    markets and resources, while in countries with
    developed distribution systems people can live in
    places far from production and resources.
  • When deciding the transport mode for a given
    product there are several things to consider
  • Mode price
  • Transit time and variability (reliability)
  • Potential for loss or damage

Single-mode Service Choices and Issues
  • Rail (long distance, heavy goods, slow mover)
    Carload (CL) vs. less-than-carload (LCL per
    hundredweight cwt.)
  • avg. length of haul 720 miles
  • avg. speed 22 mph
  • Larger cars can carry around 83 tons
  • Truck (Smaller goods than rail, medium time
  • avg. 646 miles for truckload (TL), 274 miles for
    less-than-truckload (LTL)
  • More than ½ shipments are less than 10,000 lbs.
  • Trucks can go door-to-door as opposed to planes
    and trains
  • Can hold 30-50,000 lbs. depending on the product
  • avg. 35-45 mph

Single-mode Service Choices and Issues
  • Air (Smallest size goods, quick transport)
  • avg. 545-585 mph
  • avg. distance of 1,300 miles
  • Low variability in lead time
  • Requires transport to and from airport
  • Water (Extremely slow, large goods, international
  • avg. speed on Mississippi 5 9 mph
  • avg. distance 500 miles on rivers, 550 miles on
    Great Lakes, 1775 miles coast lines
  • Up to 40,000 tons
  • Pipeline (limited product line, liquids, gases)
  • 3 4 mph (89,000 gallons per hour in a 1ft
    diameter pipe)
  • Highly reliable
  • Low product losses

Transport Cost Characteristics
  • Fixed costs
  • Terminal facilities
  • Transport equipment
  • Carrier administration
  • Roadway acquisition and maintenance
  • Variable costs
  • Fuel
  • Labor
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Handling, pickup, and delivery

Transport Cost Characteristics
  • Rail
  • High fixed costs, low variable costs
  • High volumes result in lower per unit (variable)
  • Highway
  • Lower fixed costs (dont need to own or maintain
  • Higher unit costs than rail due to lower capacity
    per truck
  • Terminal expenses and line-haul expenses
  • Water
  • High terminal (port) costs and high equipment
    costs (both fixed)
  • Very low unit costs
  • Air
  • Substantial fixed costs
  • Variable costs depend highly on distance traveled
  • Pipeline
  • Highest proportion of fixed cost of any mode due
    to pipeline ownership and maintenance and
    extremely low variable costs

Transportation Rate Structures
  • Volume-based rates (based on weight)
  • Distance-based rates
  • Typically some combination of both of the above
  • Important that rates are consistent and
    relatively simple
  • Simplest rate US Mail first class letter rate
  • Typical rate charts based on distance and weight
  • Freight class also very important the class
    of an item depends on its density and bulkiness

Vehicle Routing
  • Separate single origin and destination
  • Once we have selected a transport mode and have
    goods that need to go from point A to point B, we
    must decide how to route a vehicle (or vehicles)
    from point A to point B.
  • Given a map of all of our route choices between A
    and B we can create a network representing these
    choices The problem then reduces to the problem
    of finding the shortest path in the network from
    point A to B.
  • This is a well solved problem that can use
    Dijkstras Algorithm for quick solution of small
    to medium (several thousand nodes) sized

Multiple Origin and Destination Points
  • Suppose we have multiple sources and multiple
    destinations, that each destination requires some
    integer number of truckloads, and that none of
    the sources have capacity restrictions. In this
    case we can simply apply the transportation
    method of linear programming to determine the
    assignment of sources to destinations.

Transportation Problem Formulation
  • Minimize
  • Subject to

Coincident Origin and Destination The TSP
  • If a vehicle must deliver to more than two
    customers, we must decide the order in which we
    will visit those customers so as to minimize the
    total cost of making the delivery.
  • We first suppose that any time that we make a
    delivery to customers we are able to make use of
    only a single vehicle, i.e., that vehicle
    capacity of our only truck is never an issue.
  • In this case, we need to dispatch a single
    vehicle from our depot to n - 1 customers, with
    the vehicle returning to the depot following its
    final delivery.
  • This is the well-known Traveling Salesman Problem
    (TSP). The TSP has been well studied and solved
    for problem instances involving thousands of
    nodes. We can formulate the TSP as follows

TSP Formulation
  • Minimize
  • Subject to

TSP Formulation
  • In the TSP formulation if we remove the third
    constraint set we have the simple assignment
    problem, which can be easily solved.
  • The addition of the third constraint set,
    commonly called subtour elimination constraints,
    makes this a very difficult problem to solve.

Questions about the TSP
  • Given a problem with n nodes, how many distinct
    feasible tours exist?
  • How many arcs will the network have?
  • How many xij variables will we have?
  • How could we quantify the number of subtour
    elimination constraints?
  • The complexity of the TSP has led to several
    heuristic or approximate methods for finding good
    feasible solutions. The simplest solution we
    might think of is that of the nearest neighbor.

6 City TSP Network
Illustration of subtours
TSP Heuristics
  • A second heuristic, known as the sweep heuristic,
    will perform much better in the worst case then
    the nearest neighbor.
  • The sweep heuristic basically attempts to make an
    outer loop around the nodes.
  • Draw a straight line emanating from the depot
    with a length r which is at least as great in
    length as the maximum straight-line distance from
    the depot to any customer (the direction of the
    line is not important).
  • Visualize the line as sweeping either clockwise
    or counter-clockwise through a circle of radius
    r. Each time the radius line intersects a
    customer location we make that customer the next
    customer on the route.

Single Depot, Multiple Destinations, Vehicle
  • When the depot contains many vehicles and vehicle
    capacity constraints come into play, the problem
    becomes even more complex.
  • If each customer has enough demand to receive a
    full truckload the problem is easy and we simply
    use the shortest path to get the single truck to
    each customer. Otherwise, we must decide which
    customers will receive deliveries from the same
    truck, and then we must decide how to route the
    trucks to the customers on the route.
  • We will look at a mixed-integer programming
    formulation of the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP).

Illustration of VRP
The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)
  • The Vehicle routing problem (VRP) generalizes the
    TSP since we have a set of K capacity constrained
    (homogeneous) vehicles at a depot, each of which
    must visit a subset of the n - 1 customers
    exactly once and return to the depot.
  • No two vehicles may visit the same customer.
    This means that each vehicle must complete a
    Hamiltonian tour (a Hamiltonian tour is a
    feasible TSP solution).
  • The objective is to determine the minimum travel
    cost required to serve each customer. Let A
    denote the set of pairs of cities, and let k
    index trucks, each with capacity u. Assume that
    customer i has demand equal to di.

VRP Heuristics
  • Given the difficulties in solving the TSP
    problem, we cannot expect to have great success
    solving VRP problems without some sort of
    heuristic approaches. We can use several guiding
    principles in developing these heuristics. (Note
    that the above formulation does not consider
    additional practical restrictions such as limits
    on driver time, time window delivery
    restrictions, or return of goods from customers
    to the depot.)

VRP Heuristic Principles
  • 1. Try to assign customers in close proximity to
    the same truck.
  • 2. Assign customers in close proximity (not on
    the same truck) to the same delivery day (to
    better manage capacity usage).
  • 3. Build routes beginning with the farthest
    delivery and cluster around this delivery first.
  • 4. Routes should form a teardrop pattern
    (similar to sweep heuristic for TSP).
  • 5. Allocate largest vehicles to routes before
    small vehicles.
  • 6. Plan pickups during deliveries, not after all
    deliveries have been made.
  • 7. Outliers are candidates for alternate means
    of transport.
  • 8. Avoid time windows if possible.

VRP Sweep Heuristic
  • Note that the sweep method, when applied to the
    VRP, will have a slightly different
    interpretation. That is, we can only add a
    delivery location to a route as long as it does
    not exceed the vehicle capacity. So we can only
    continue to assign deliveries to a route as long
    as the vehicle capacity is not exceeded. Then we
    need to start assigning deliveries to a new truck.

Sweep Heuristic
Start Sweep
Facility Location Decisions
  • Classifying location decisions
  • Driving force (critical factor - traffic, labor
    rates, emergency facilities, obnoxious
  • Number of facilities
  • Discrete vs. continuous choices
  • Data aggregation
  • Time Horizon

Facility Location
  • Rent Curve - The rent of land is a decreasing
    function of the distance to the market
  • Weight gaining vs. weight losing industries
  • Weight losing should locate close to raw
  • Weight gaining should locate close to market
  • Tapered (concave) transportation costs
  • The derivative of total transportation cost is
    non-increasing with the distance to the market
    (holds for inbound and outbound costs)
  • Optimal solution will always locate either at raw
    materials or at market (extreme point solution)

Single Facility Location Model
  • This model assumes a known set, I, of source and
    demand points, each with known demand volumes,
    Vi, and transportation rates, Ri.
  • The objective is to locate the facility at the
    point that minimizes total transportation cost,
  • Let di denote the distance from the facility to
    demand point i.
  • Min
  • subject to
  • The decision variables are the coordinates of
    the facility
  • Xi, Yi denote the coordinates of demand point i.

Single Facility Location Model
  • Differentiating TC w.r.t. and setting the result
    equal to zero gives the center of gravity

Single Facility Location Model
  • This continuous problem is often called the Weber
  • These problems are restrictive because they
    assume continuity of location and straight-line
  • Also, only variable distance related costs are

General Facility Location Model
  • The general facility location problem considers
    the simultaneous location of a number of
  • Notation
  • I - Set of customers, indexed by i.
  • J - Set of facilities, indexed by j.
  • di - demand of customer i.
  • cij - cost of transporting a unit from facility j
    to customer i.
  • Fj - fixed cost of creating facility j.
  • xij - variable for flow from facility j to
    customer i.
  • Yj - binary variable that equals 1 if we create
    facility j, 0 otherwise
  • sj - capacity of facility j.

Uncapacitated Facility Location Model Formulation
Capacitated Facility Location Model Formulation
Supply Chain Design Model
  • The objective of this model is to determine the
    warehouse and plant configuration that minimizes
    total costs for production and distribution of
    multiple products.
  • Based on Geoffrion and Graves, 1974,
    Multicommodity distribution system design by
    Benders decomposition, Management Science, v20,
    n5. (see Tech. Suppl., Ch. 13)
  • Notation
  • i - index for commodities
  • j - index for plants
  • k - index for warehouses
  • l - index for customer zones

Supply Chain Design Model
  • Notation (continued)
  • Sij - production capacity for commodity i at
    plant j.
  • Dil - demand for commodity i in customer zone l.
  • - min and max total throughput for
    warehouse k.
  • fk - fixed part of annual costs for owning and
    operating warehouse k.
  • vk - variable unit cost of throughput for
    warehouse k.
  • Cijkl - average unit cost of producing, handling,
    and shipping commodity i from plant j through
    warehouse k to customer zone l.
  • Xijkl - amount of commodity i flowing from plant
    j through warehouse k to customer zone l.
  • ykl - binary variable 1 if warehouse k serves
    customer zone l, 0 otherwise
  • zk - binary variable 1 if warehouse k is open,
    0 otherwise.

Supply Chain Design Model Formulation
Network Planning
  • Network planning refers to assessing or
    reassessing the configuration of facilities,
    commodities, and flows currently used to satisfy
  • Network planning data checklist
  • List of all products
  • Customer, stocking point, and source point
  • Demand by customer location
  • Transportation rates
  • Transit times, order transmittal times, and order
    fill rates
  • Warehouse rates and costs
  • Purchasing/production costs
  • Shipment sizes by product
  • Inventory levels by location, by product, control
  • Order patterns by frequency, size, season,
  • Order processing costs and where they are incurred

Network Planning
  • Data Checklist (continued)
  • Capital cost
  • Customer service goals
  • Available equipment and facilities and their
  • Current distribution patterns (flows)
  • Note that many of these are decision variables
  • Accumulating these data usually results in
    improvements by uncovering anomalies
  • We must decide our network design strategy
  • Specify minimum service levels
  • Specify shortage costs and minimize cost
  • Levels of acceptable aggregation of demand
  • Optimization vs. heuristic methods
  • Which areas require the most accuracy and

The Role of Information Systems in Network
  • The past five years have seen an explosion in
    customized installations and implementations of
    supply chain and total resource planning software
  • These packages, such as SAP and PeopleSoft,
    integrate all of the elements on the previous
    network planning data checklist
  • These packages integrate human resources,
    accounting, finance, production (push and pull
    capable), marketing, and distribution (DRP)
  • The common name for such systems is ERP
    (Enterprise Resource Planning), although several
    companies have systems dedicated to supply chain
    (production and distribution) planning and
  • The goal of ERP systems is to have one integrated
    place for all vital corporate data.
  • Many of the jobs in IE consulting these days
    focus on implementation and customization of
    these systems for manufacturing and service firms.
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