Title: Communitybased Distribution of Injectable Contraception
1Community-based Distribution of Injectable
- Flexible Fund Partners Meeting
- "Tools and Approaches for Successful
- Community-based Family Planning Programs"
- Friday, June 20th, 2008
- Description of the innovation
- Where this innovation is in use
- Data from FHIs studies
- What should be in place before introduction
- Challenges to introduction
- How NGOs can implement the strategy
- Resources for implementation and advocacy
3What is community-based distribution of
4Where is the innovation being used?
- 1970s Bangladesh
- 1990s Latin America
- Guatemala
- Bolivia
- Mexico
- Peru
- 2000s Nepal
- 2005 Uganda
- 2006 Madagascar
5Uganda Study to Assess the Safety and Feasibility
of CBD of injectables
- 2004-5 study to compare two groups of new
- CBD clients (n449)
- Clinic clients (n328)
- The study assessed
- Continuation
- Satisfaction
- Knowledge of side effects
- Problems
7Uganda Study Results
Clients who received a 2nd Injection
(6 mo. continuation)
8Uganda Study Results
Satisfaction with Care (satisfied or very
9Injection Site Problems
Uganda Study Results
10Client Knowledge of Common Side Effects
Uganda Study Results
11Madagascar Study
- 61 CBD workers from 13 communes
- Collaboration of 3 NGOs supported by SanteNet
- The study assessed
- Quality of services
- Effect on uptake of FP
- The systems ability to support the innovation
- Acceptability
12Madagascar Study Results
- High levels of competency were demonstrated
- Increased uptake of FP in communities
- Management systems sustained the innovation
- Overall the innovation was acceptable
13Madagascar Study Results
Contraceptive History of DMPA Acceptors (n303)
14Clients' Reports of Service Quality (n303)
Madagascar Study Results
15Madagascar Study Results
Clients Reports on Satisfaction (n303)
16Where is there demand for the innovation?
- Kenya
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Zambia
- Ethiopia, Mali, Malawi, Senegal and Ecuador
17What should be in place?
- Government support is essential
- An active, strong CBD program
- Existing demand for DMPA
- State-ofthe art service guidelines
- Effective commodity logistics system
18Challenges to introduction
- Sustainability of supplies
- Ongoing monitoring and evaluation
- Supportive supervision
- Health establishment
- National regulations
- Improving counseling
19NGO Implementation
- There is guidance for implementers
- All contexts are unique and will need
individualized planning
- FHI and partners can provide TA in advocacy and
20FHIs Technical Assistance
- Varies widely depending on the context, needs of
partners, and resources.
- South-to-south learning exchanges
- In-country advocacy strategies
- Coordination of a stakeholder input
- Training of trainers
- ME and supervision systems
21 Resources and Tools
- Advocacy strategy and briefs
- The Implementation Handbook
- DMPA Screening Checklists
- Key Factors for Replication Checklist
- Rapid assessment of CBD program
- Training tools
- Available at http//www.fhi.org/en/Topics/CBDof
22Thank You!