Title: Module 5: Severe Behavior
1Module 5 Severe Behavior
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5
2Module 5 Agenda
- Legal Requirements
- Defusing Behavior
- Crisis Management
- Critical Attributes
- Case Study
Texas Behavior Support Initiative Module 5
3Legal RequirementsDefinition of Restraint
- Restraint means the use of physical force or a
mechanical device to restrict the free movement
of all or a portion of the students body. - TAC 89.1053(b)(2)
Texas Behavior Support Initiative Module 5
4Legal RequirementsUse of Restraint
- Restraint can only be used in an emergency with
the following limitations - Limited to reasonable force necessary to address
emergency - Discontinued when emergency no longer exists
- Implemented to protect health/safety of student
and others - Shall NOT deprive student of basic human
necessities - TAC 89.1053(c)
Texas Behavior Support Initiative Module 5
5Legal RequirementsDefinition of Emergency
- Emergency means a situation in which a students
behavior poses a threat of - imminent, serious physical harm to the student or
others or - imminent, serious property destruction
- TAC 89.1053(b)(1)
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5
6Legal RequirementsClarification Regarding
- Restraint does NOT include
- Physical contact or appropriately prescribed
adaptive equipment to promote normative body
positioning and/or physical functioning - Limited physical contact with a student to
promote safety (e.g., holding a students hand),
prevent a potentially harmful action (e.g.,
running into the street), teach a skill, or
provide comfort - TAC 89.1053(f)
Texas Behavior Support Initiative
Module 5
7Legal RequirementsClarification Regarding
- Restraint does NOT include
- Limited physical contact or appropriately
prescribed adaptive equipment to prevent a
student from engaging in ongoing, repetitive
self-injurious behaviors - Seat belts and other safety equipment used to
secure students during transportation - TAC 89.1053(f)
Texas Behavior Support Initiative
Module 5
8Legal RequirementsTraining on Use of Restraint
- Who?
- By 4/1/03Core campus team (administrator and
general/special education personnel likely to use
restraint) - After 4/1/03Personnel using restraint who have
not received prior training
- What?
- Prevention/de-escalation techniques
- Alternatives to restraint
- Professionally accepted practices and standards
regarding behavior management and use of
restraint - TAC 89.1053(d)
Texas Behavior Support Initiative
Module 5
9Legal RequirementsDocumentation of Restraint
Day of restraint
Within 1 school day
Timely Manner
- Student Special Education Eligibility Folder for
ARD consideration (written)
- Administrator/ designee (written or verbal)
- Parent --good faith effort (verbal)
- Parent---placed in mail or otherwise provided
Texas Behavior Support Initiative
Module 5
10Legal RequirementsNotification/Documentation
- Name of student
- Name of staff member(s) administering restraint
- Date of restraint
- Time began/ended
- Location of restraint
- Description of activity student engaged in
immediately preceding restraint
- Behavior that prompted restraint
- De-escalation efforts/alternatives attempted
- Parent contact/notification
- TAC 89.1053(d)
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5
11Legal RequirementsData Collection Requirement
- Cumulative data regarding use of restraint
reported through Public Education Information
Management System (PEIMS) - TAC 89.1053(d)
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5
12Defusing Behavior
- Pre-correcting problem behavior
- Utilizing effective correction procedures
- Managing off-task behavior
- Managing provocative or challenging behavior
- Responding to disrespectful behavior
- Managing agitation
- Establishing limits and defusing defiance
- Managing threats and intimidating behavior
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5
13Pre-Correcting Problem Behavior
- Prevention or interruption of predictable problem
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5
14Pre-Correction Procedures
- Identify context and predictable behavior
- Specify expected behavior
- Modify context
- Conduct behavior rehearsal
- Provide strong reinforcement for expected
behaviors - Prompt expected behaviors
- Monitor the plan
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5
15Utilizing Effective Correction Procedures
- The goal is to interrupt the chain of behavior
and assist the student in engaging in the present
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5
16Managing Off-Task Behavior
- Determine the motivation for the off-task
behavior. Is it attention-getting or avoidance
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5
17Managing Provocative or Challenging Behavior
- The students behavior may escalate or become
defused, depending on how the teacher addresses
the problem
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5
18Responding to Disrespectful Behavior
- Delay responding
- Avoid escalating prompts
- Respond calmly
- Deliver appropriate negative consequence
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5
19Managing Agitation
- Identify the signs of agitation
- Utilize techniques to defuse it
Texas Behavior Support Initiative
Module 5
20Establishing Limits and Defusing Defiance
- Pre-teach procedures
- Present choices non-confrontationally
- Follow through
Texas Behavior Support Initiative
Module 5
21Managing Threats and Intimidating Behavior
- Disengage and Get Assistance
Texas Behavior Support Initiative Module
22Phases of Escalating Behavior
23Phase One Calm
- On-task
- Follows rules and expectations
- Responsive to praise
- Initiates behavior
- Goal oriented
- Socially appropriate
24Signs of Escalating Behavior
- Questioning and arguing
- Non-compliance and defiance
- Verbal abuse
- Disruption
- Bothering others
- Destruction of property
- Whining and crying
- Limit testing
- Threats and intimidation
- Avoidance and escape
- Off task behavior
25Phase Two Triggers/Antecedents
- School-Based
- Conflicts
- Denial of something needed
- Something negative is inflicted
- Changes in routine
- Provocations
- Pressure
- Interruptions
- Ineffective problem- solving
- Academic errors
- Corrections
26Phase Two Triggers/Antecedents
- Non-School-Based
- Family disruption
- Health problems
- Abuse
- Nutrition
- Sleep
- Substance abuse
- Gang involvement
27Phase Three Agitation
- Increase in Behavior
- Eyes dart
- Language non-conversational
- Busy hands
- In and out of group
- Off-task/On-task
- Decrease in Behavior
- Stares into space
- Language subdued
- Hands contained
- Withdraws from group
- Off-task, Frozen
28Managing the Agitation Phase
- Teacher support
- Space
- Choices
- Preferred activities
- Teacher proximity
- Independent activities
- Movement activities
- Involvement of the student
- Relaxation activities
29Phase Four Acceleration
- Questioning arguing
- Non-compliance defiance
- Off-task
- Provoking students
- Compliance with accompanying inappropriate
- Criterion problems
- Whining crying
- Avoidance escape
- Threats intimidation
- Verbal abuse
30Managing the Acceleration Phase
- Limit verbal instructions and commands
- Allow student to express emotion
- Provide more space
- Assess the need for assistance
- Maintain a calm demeanor
- Mentally review the emergency plan
- Limit number of persons interacting with student
31Phase Five Peak
- Serious destruction of property
- Assault
- Self-abuse
- Severe tantrums
- Hyperventilation
- Screaming, running, violence
32Managing the Peak Phase
- Assess safety needs of self and all students
- Implement a behavior support plan
- Institute emergency plan
- Assess need for restraint
- Request assistance
- Coordinate response with other staff
- Use room clears
33Phase Six De-escalation
- Confusion
- Reconciliation
- Withdrawal
- Denial
- Blaming others
- Sleeping
- Responsive to directions
- Responsive to manipulative or mechanical tasks
- Avoidance of discussion (unless there is occasion
to blame others)
34Managing the De-escalation Phase
- Monitor for health and safety of
- all involved
- Monitor student for re-escalation of behavior
- Allow time and space
- Provide opportunity for non-judgmental discussion
- Provide easy/concrete tasks
- Determine appropriate time to de-brief with
student and staff
35Phase Seven Recovery
Assist student in returning to normal
36Things to Avoid
- Getting in the students face
- Discrediting student
- Nagging or preaching
- Arguing
- Engaging in power struggles
- Tugging or grabbing the student
- Cornering the student
- Shouting or raising voice
- Move slowly and deliberately
- Keep reasonable distance
- Minimize body language
- Speak privately
- Speak calmly
- Speak respectfully
- Use simple language
- Acknowledge cooperation
- Withdraw if problems escalate
38Crisis Management
- Systems response
- Safe strategies
Texas Behavior Support Initiative
Module 5
39Systems Response
- Planning
- Action
- Follow-up
Texas Behavior Support Initiative
Module 5
40Safe Strategies for Managing Behavioral Crisis
Texas Behavior Support Initiative
Module 5
41Interventions During the Behavioral Emergency
- Removal of the other students
- Removal of the student who is in crisis
- Defusing verbal aggression and intimidation
- Display non-involvement behavior
42Interventions After the Behavior Emergency
- Restore the environment
- Conduct debriefing session
- Develop problem-solving action plan
- Utilize additional strategies for chronic
- Gathering information
- Delivering consequences
- Providing support to victim as needed
- Restoring environment as needed
- Conducting a debriefing session
Texas Behavior Support Initiative
Module 5
44Debriefing Session
- What did you do?
- Where, when, and why did the problem behavior
occur? - What could you do differently next time?
- What do you need to do next?
- What is the action plan
- How do we check on how you are doing?
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5
45Utilizing Additional Strategies for Chronic
- Additional Assessment
- Functional Behavioral Assessment
- Mental Health or Other Health Assessment
- Assessment of Risk Factors
- Specific Behavior Support Plan
- Follow-up
Texas Behavior
Support Initiative Module 5
46Critical Attributes
- Development
- Program Review
- Additional Considerations
47Activity Crisis Management
48Activity Crisis Management
49Activity ABC Definitions
50Activity ABC InterventionsNot to all be used
at same time
51Activity Systemic Interventions
52Activity Additional Considerations
- Additional Assessments
- Consider additional evaluation for written
language and/or emotional concerns - Additional Interventions
- Referral to community programs for medical and
supportive services - LRE Issues
- Appropriate interventions will avoid the need for
a more restrictive environment - PBS Issues
- Positive interventions will reduce the frequency
of behavior emergencies and need for restraint
53Big Ideas!
- Defuse behavior by interrupting the crisis
behavior early in the behavior chain - Understand the phase of escalation in student
behavior to better respond to the behavior - Prepare a schoolwide or system response to crisis
Texas Behavior Support Initiative
Module 5
54Big Ideas!
- Plan for behavioral emergencies
- Train staff in the use of professionally accepted
methods of physical restraint - Prevent or reduce the use of physical restraint
by using positive interventions
Texas Behavior Support
Initiative Module 5