1 Your Plan
- Part 1
- February 2, 2009
- Jed Friedrichsen
2Blue ocean planning
- Evaluates the market
- Evaluates your strengths
- Evaluates forces that create competition
- Empowers you to discover a market niche
- Developers your business plan to develop and
deliver new products and new services in open
3This professional development sequence
- February 2
- National trends
- BSN resources
- What other districts are doing
- March 9
- Forces that shape competition in schools
- Discover your market niche
- March 30
- Operational strategies
- Developing your market community
4Major providers of K12 online instruction
- Postsecondary institutions
- Independent vendors
- State Virtual Schools within the districts home
state - The School Districts themselves
The Sloan Consortium, 2007
5States with virtual schools or a statewide
virtual school program
6International migration is the human face of
globalization. There are now between 185 and 200
million transnational migrants, making migration
a global phenomenon involving every region of the
world.United Nations Global Commission on
International Migration, 2005
7The United States is now in the midst of the
largest wave of immigration in history, with more
than 1 million new immigrants arriving each year,
for a total immigrant-born population of more
than 35 million...U.S. Census Bureau, 2007
8This is the first generation in human history in
which the fortunes of youth growing up far apart
will be demonstrably linked by increasingly
powerful global socioeconomic, political, and
demographic realities. In cities like Toronto,
London, and Los Angles, global cultural flows are
increasingly normative people have come to see
immigration as expected part of daily life. This
morning in New York City, for example, youth from
more than 190 countries got up to go to school,
marking the first time in human history that one
city represents practically every country on the
planet.G. Linares, Findings from the Mayors
Office of Immigration Affairs, New York City,
December 9, 2006
9U.S. students need 21st century skills to compete
in a global economy
- 83 of voters say they believe that schools can
and should incorporate 21st century skills such
as critical thinking and problem-solving skills,
computer and technology skills, and communication
and self-direction skills into their curriculum - 53 say they believe schools should place an
equal emphasis on 21st century skills and basic
skills - Partnership for 21st century skills, October 10,
101 million K-12 students now taking an online
The Sloan Consortium, 2009
11Higher ed
- 3.5 million students taking online courses this
year - 1.5 million students 100 online
- 30 of all students seeking a higher ed degree
have taken an online course - Students who have taken an online course see no
difference in quality with onsite courses - Eduventures, 2008
12Online course concerns of higher ed students
- 84 concerned about faculty-student interaction
- 77 concerned about student-student interaction
- Eduventures, 2008
13Market economics
- 500 million high school industry this year
- 2 billion high school industry in 2011
- National private providers are merging for
marketing power and R D empowerment - A high of schools new to online learning prefer
to outsource instruction - PA Virtual High School Study Commission
14Whole Children are
- Healthy
- Safe
- Engaged
- Supported
- Challenged
- ASCD the Whole Child
15To develop the whole child requires that teachers
- Evidence-based assessment and instructional
practices - Student choices
- Rich content and an engaging learning climate
- Student and family connectedness
- Effective classroom management
- Modeling of healthy behaviors
16Teens its our Facebook
17Social Intelligences
- Social Awareness
- Primal empathy feeling with others sensing
nonverbal emotional signals - Attunement listening with full receptivity
attuning to a person - Empathy accuracy understanding another persons
thoughts, feelings and intentions - Social cognition knowing how the social world
18Social Intelligences
- Social Facility
- Synchrony interacting smoothly at the nonverbal
level - Self-presentation presenting ourselves
effectively - Influence shaping the outcome of social
interactions - Concern caring about others needs and acting
19When students basic physiological and
psychological needs (safety, belonging, autonomy,
and competence) are satisfied, they are more
likely to
- Become engaged in school
- Act in accord with school goals and values
- Develop social skills and understanding
- Contribute to the school and community
- Achieve academically
20When we commit to educating whole children
withinthe context of whole communities and whole
schools, wecommit to designing learning
environments that weavetogether the threads that
connect not only math, science,the arts, and
humanities, but also mind, heart, body
andspiritconnections that tend to be fragmented
in ourcurrent approach.Stephanie Pace Marshall
and Hugh B. Price, The Learning Compact
Redefined A Call to Action, ASCD, 2007
21Macrovision for online education
- Public education should provide a variety of
educational options for students, including
online - Students across the state should have equal
access - Online programs should offer full-time and
supplemental opportunities for students - Highly qualified teachers are integral to online
learning - States and oversight agencies cannot be allowed
to stifle innovation - Learn from cyber charter and online private
22Macrovision for online education.2
- Align curricula to district as well as state
standards - Involve parents, guardians and mentors should be
encouraged - Ensure both quality and innovation
- Use online learning to transcend time, bridge
distances and build networks - Integrate with other reform efforts
23Next big influences in education
- Reality virtually
- 80 of all active Internet users will have a
virtual second life by 2011 (Gartner, 2007) - Web 2.0 user-created content
- 175,000 blogs created today!
- Blogosphere content is 2X every 6.5 months
- 800 million people participate in social networks
- Texting
- 70 of Italians age 13-17 socially network thru
texting - Handhelds
- Half of U.S. districts will have a one-to-one
initiative by 2011 (Gartner, 2007)
2470 of all students in public HS graduate32
leave HS qualified to attend 4-year
collegesdrop-out in urban areas average
2551 of all black students 52 of all Hispanic
students graduate20 of all black students
16 of all Hispanic students leave HS college
2647 say a major reason for dropping out was the
classes were not interesting and they were
bored88 of dropouts have passing
gradesBill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2006
2790 of the fastest growing jobs require a college
degreeU.S. Department of Education, 2006
2844 of U.S. HS students studied a foreign
language, learning a 2nd 3rd language is
compulsory for students the European Union.U.S.
Department of Education, 2006
29Resources for your review
- Online learning takes off in schools
- A review of state directed online initiatives
- Connecting students to advanced courses online
- 21st century learning needs to be based in the
real world - iNACOL Quality Standards for Online Programs (in
30How has students use of technology outside of
school changed your school?
32Online Curriculum
- Consortium-created Asynchronous and taught
courses - Partner-created and taught courses
- BSN Language Institute Synchoronous Courses
33Consortium-created online courses
- Created by PA teachers
- For PA students
- To teach the PA Academic Standards
- Matched to National Standards
- Focus on Whole Child Learning and 21st Century
Learning Skills
34The Curriculum Design Process
- Utilize a framework of the Understanding by
Design process - Backward Design Model
- Identify the Essential Content
- Enduring Understandings
- Essential Questions
- Designing Assessments
- Creating the Instructional Units
- Planning Questions
- What will students learn?
- What will provide evidence of student learning?
- What will help students acquire and integrate
learning? - What will help students practice, review, and
apply learning?
35Elementary and middle school online courses
- Primary Courses
- Thematic Kindergarten
- Thematic First Grade
- Mathematics
- Math 2
- Math 3
- PSSA Recovery Math 3
- Math 4
- Math 5
- PSSA Recovery Math 5
- Math 6
- Math 7
- Math 8 (Algebra)
- PSSA Recovery Math 8
- Science
- Science 2
- Science 3
- Science 4
- Science 5
- Reading
- Reading/Language Arts 2
- Reading/Language Arts 3
- PSSA Recovery Reading 3
- Reading/Language Arts 4
- Reading/Language Arts 5
- PSSA Recovery Reading 5
- Reading/Language Arts 6
- Reading/Language Arts 7
- Reading/Language Arts 8
- PSSA Recovery Reading 8
- Social Studies
- Social Studies 2
- Social Studies 3
- Social Studies 4
- Social Studies 5
- Social Studies 6Social Studies 7
- Social Studies 8
36High School Online courses
- Mathematics
- Essential Math
- Algebra 2
- Functions Statistics and Trig
- Pre-Calculus
- AP Calculus
- PSSA Recovery Math 11
- Science
- Earth/Environmental
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- AP Biology
- AP Chemistry
- Fine Arts
- Art History
- Studio Art
- Music Appreciation
- Business Education
- English
- English 9
- English 10
- English 11(American Lit)
- English 12 (World Lit)
- AP Literature and Composition
- AP English
- English Language Learners 1
- PSSA Reading Recovery 11
- Social Studies
- American Studies
- World History
- Civics and Government
- Sociology
- Psychology
- AP US History
- AP World History
- World Languages
- French 1
37New or In Development 08-09 (Textbook Free)
- Mathematics
- Algebra 1
- Algebra 2
- Geometry
- Functions Statistics and Trig
- Pre-Calculus
- AP Calculus
- Science
- Earth and Space (1.0)
- Environmental (1.0)
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- AP Chemistry
- Specialist
- Digital Media
- Digital Art
- Wellness and Fitness
- English
- English 9 -Genre Approach
- English 10 - Ancient World Lit
- English 11 - American Lit
- English 12 Contemporary World Lit
- AP Literature
- Creative Writing (.5)
- Journalism (.5)
- Social Studies
- US History I
- World History
- Civics and Government
- Sociology
- US History II
- AP Government
38How school districts use BSN online courses
39Options for implementing BSN online courses
- Teach any or all the courses to your own students
- Share teachers with other school districts
- Traditional classrooms use the courses for
learning resources and instructional activities - Modify the courses to match your needs
- Use the course resources in your own online
40What blendedschools.net courses is your district
41Learning Objects Repository
- Metadata-tagged library of resources that can be
easily searched - Aligned Nationally and State
- Essential Content identified
- Teachers Created
- BSN purchase of selected teacher created learning
objects - Commercial Created
- Math Street
- Astra Eagle
- Partner Created
- Currently Seeking Partnerships
42BSN Language Institute
- Full Synchronous Language Courses
- Russian
- Arabic
- Japanese
- Mandarin Chinese
- Instructors are adjunct faculty at Seton Hill
University - Courses are Taught Synchronously with Elluminate
or Wimba Classroom
43Online courses from partners
- 400 courses
- Lowest prices anywhere
- A course for everyone
- AP
- World Language
- Mainstream curriculum
- Credit Recovery
- One semester and whole year courses
- Summer classes
- Professional Development
44Other Partners
- Alleghany College of Maryland
- Seton Hill University
- BudgeText
- Follett Education Services
- Carnegie Learning
- Learning Lamp
- Gannon University
- Rodata
- Tuscarora IU 11
46Virtual Learning Environment
- Learning Management System
- Blackboard
- Community Portal Blackboard
- District Customization
- Individual Customization
- Content Management System Blackboard
- E-portfolios
- Content Update and Management
- Wimba Voice Tools (Audio Integration)
- Voice Authoring
- Voice Discussion Boards
- Voice Direct (live)
- Voice Email
- Podcaster
- Voice Presentation
- Wimba Classroom
- Virtual Classroom supporting audio, white board,
application sharing and content display
- Safe Assignment
- Plagiarism Detect System
- Pronto
- Instant messaging and voice chat collaboration
tool - Learning Objects
- Blogging
- Wikis
- RSS Feeds
- Search
- Pulse - Advanced Student Tracking System
- Tracks time in a course
- Bb tracks number of hits
- Waypoint
- Platform for developing standards aligned rubrics
to assess students work
47Licensed Software
- Wimba Create (formerly Course Genie)
- Quickly and easily convert your Microsoft Word
documents into content for your Blackboard - StudyMate
- StudyMate lets teachers create ten Flash-based
activities and games using four simple templates
and published to Blackboard - Respondus
- Powerful tool for creating and managing exams
that can be printed to paper or published
directly to Blackboard
48Other than teaching copies of blendedschools.net
courses, how else is your district using BSN
49Professional Development
50Types of Professional Development
- Onsite hands-on training
- At your district
- Tuscarora IU 11
- Online
- Synchronous
- Asynchronous
- Self-paced
- BSN wiki
- Mark and Mark in the Morning Show
- BSNtube
51BSNs Most Popular Onsite Trainings
- Managing your online school course offerings -
OPC Training - Teaching your online courses
- Teaching learning with Blackboard in your
traditional classrooms - Using Blackboard to deliver professional
development. - Customized
For a complete listing, please visit our website
at http//www.blendedschools.net/pro_dev/index.php
52Creative Uses of Courses ByOnline Member School
- Cyber Academies (Bedford, Central Dauphin,
Solanco, Conewago Valley) - Schedule Conflict (Bellefonte)
- Traveling Students (Multiple districts)
- Home Schooling and Experiential (Everett)
- Summer School and Alternative Ed. (IU 1
Solanco) - Integration into the traditional classroom
(Huntingdon GENIE Project) - Professional Development and Summer School
(Intermediate Unit 1) - Gifted Education (Juniata County)
- Homebound Expelled/Suspended (Solanco)
53(No Transcript)
54(No Transcript)
55BSNs mission is our qualitative purpose
blendedschools.net provides robust, engaging
learning environments.
56What is your online programs mission?
57The Five Forces That Shape Industry Competition
Threat of New Entrants
Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Rivalry Among Existing Competitors
Bargaining Power of Buyers
Threat of Substitute Products or Services
58Conceiving New Market Space
head-to-head competition blue ocean
59(No Transcript)