Title: Constraint Programming
1Constraint Programming
- Michael Trick
- (actually 75 Pascal Van Hentenryck, 20 Irv
Lustig, 5 Trick)
- Carnegie Mellon
- Motivation
- An Overview of Constraint Programming
- Constraint Programming at Work
- Getting Started
- Sports Scheduling
- Manufacturing
- Perspectives
3Combinatorial Optimization
- Many, many practical applications
- Resource allocation, scheduling, routing
- Properties
- Computationally difficult
- Technical and modeling expertise needed
- Experimental in nature
- Important () in practice
- Many solution techniques
- Integer programming
- Specialized methods
- Local search/metaheuristics
- Constraint programming
4Constraint programming
- Began in 1980s from AI world
- Prolog III (Marseilles, France)
- CLP(R)
- CHIP (ECRC, Germany)
- Application areas
- Scheduling, sequencing, resource and personnel
allocation, etc. etc.
- Active research area
- Specialized conferences (CP, CP/AI-OR, )
- Journal (Constraints)
- Companies
5Constraint Programming
- Two main contributions
- A new approach to combinatorial optimization
- Orthogonal and complementary to standard OR
- Combinatorial versus numerical
- A new language for combinatorial optimization
- Rich language for constraints
- Language for search procedures
- Vertical extensions
6The Tutorial
- Goal to provide an introduction
- What is constraint programming?
- What is it good for?
- How does it compare to integer programming?
- How easy is it to use?
- What is the underlying technology?
7Constraint Programming
- Constraint programming by example
- Illustrate rich language
- Contrast with integer programming
- Illustrate some underlying technologies
- Disclaimers
- Cant cover all of CP
- I want to make you curious
- Language/system used
- Could use many choose OPL
8Modeling in Constraint Programming
- A rich constraint language
- Arithmetic, higher-order, logical constraints
- Global constraints for natural substructures
- Specification of a search procedure
- Definition of search tree to explore
- Specification of search strategy
9Comparison of CP/IP
- Branch and Prune
- Prune eliminate infeasible configurations
- Branch decompose into subproblems
- Prune
- Carefully examine constraints to reduce possible
variable values
- Branch
- Use heuristics based on feasibility info
- Main focusconstraints and feasibility
- Branch and Bound
- Bound eliminate suboptimal solutions
- Branch decompose into subproblems
- Bound
- Use (linear) relaxation of problem ( cuts)
- Branch
- Use information from relaxation
- Main focus objective function and optimality
10Illustrative artificial example
- Color a map of (part of) Europe Belgium,
Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands,
- No two adjacent countries same color
- Is four colors enough?
11OPL example
- enum Country Belgium,Denmark,France,Germany,Nethe
- enum Colors blue,red,yellow,gray
- var Colors colorCountry
- solve
- colorFrance colorBelgium
- colorFrance colorLuxembourg
- colorFrance colorGermany
- colorLuxembourg colorGermany
- colorLuxembourg colorBelgium
- colorBelgium colorNetherlands
- colorBelgium colorGermany
- colorGermany colorNetherlands
- colorGermany colorDenmark
- Variables non-numeric
- Constraints are non-linear
- Looks nothing like IP!
- Perfectly legal CP
12Constraint Programming
- Domain store
- For each variable what is the set of possible
- If empty for any variable, then infeasible
- If singleton for any variable, then solution
- Constraints
- Capture interesting and well studied
- Need to
- Determine if constraint is feasible WRT the
domain store
- Prune impossible values from the domains
- Can have differing techniques to handle a
constraint type
- 3x10y2z 4w 4
- x in 0,1, y in 0,1,2, z in 0,1,2, w in
- Simple bound on sizes gives y in 0
- More complicated handling gives
- x in 0, y in 0, z in 0,2, w in 0,1
14Constraint Solving
- General algorithm is
- Repeat
- select a constraint c
- if c is infeasible wrt domain store
- return infeasible
- else apply pruning algorithm of c
- Until no value can be removed
- Once the constraint solving is done, if the
problem is not infeasible nor are the domains
singletons, then apply the search method
- Choose a variable x with non-singleton domain
(d1, d2, di)
- Foreach d in (d1, d2, di)
- add constraint xdi to problem and solve
16Show OPL solving coloring problem
17Strength of CP
- Since there is no need for a linear relaxation,
the language can represent much more directly (no
need for big-M IP formulations.
18Examples of formulation abilities
- Facility location want a constraint that
customer j can be assigned to warehouse i only if
warehouse open. (yi1 if warehouse i open)
- IP xi,j is 1 if cust j assigned to i
- xi,j
- CPxj is the warehouse cust j assigned to (not
a 0,1 variable)
- yxj 1
19Similar example
- Routing type constraints.
- Let xi be the ith customer visited and di,j
be distance from i to j
- sum (i in 1..n) dxi,xi1
- gives total distance traveled
20Formulation strengths
- Logical requirements if A1 and Beither C3 or D1.
- Really painful in IP. Straightforward in CP
- ((A1) (B ((C3)\/(D1))
21Global Constraints
- Recognize that some types of constraints come up
- Create specialized routines to handle
- Strong pruning
- Efficient handling
- Extend system to include these
22Global constraint alldifferent
- Most well known and studied constraint.
- alldifferent(x,y,z)
- states that x, y, and z take on different values.
So x2, y1, z3 would be ok, but not x1, y3,
- Clear uses in routing (xi is ith customer
visited, alldifferentx says each customer
visited at most once), very useful in many other
23Alldifferent feasibility and pruning
- Feasibility? Given domains, create
domain/variable bipartite graph
24Alldifferent feasibility and pruning
- Pruning? Which edges are in no matching?
Domain is sharply reduced
25Global constraints
- Many different types of constraints have
specialized routines
- distribute(card,value,base) the number of times
valuei appears in base is cardi
- circuit(succ) the values in succ form a
hamiltonian circuit (so if you follow the
sequence 1, succ1, succsucc1 etc, you will
get a loop through 1..n.
26Global constraints
- Many others, and new ones being created all the
- Strengthen and expand the language
- Make modeling easier and more natural
- System is faster at finding solutions
- Details hidden to user
27Vertical language extensions
- Can add constraints and definitions to make
modeling even more natural
- Ideas remain the same there are domains and
constraints constraints check for feasibility
and prune domains a search strategy guides the
system in finding solutions
- Want concepts of jobs, machines, before,
after, jobs requiring machines, and so on.
- Easy to extend
29Example of scheduling
forall(j in Jobs) forall(t in 1..nbTasks-1
) taskj,t precedes taskj,t1
forall(j in Jobs) forall(t in Tasks)
taskj,t requires toolresourcej,t
30Search Strategy
- Combined with model, search strategies are
integral to constraint systems.
- Allow choice of branching variables or more
powerful search strategies
- Can be key in solving problems
- Two steps
- Specify tree to search
- Specify how to explore the tree
31Example of Search Strategies
- forall(s in Stores ordered by increasing
- tryall(w in Warehouses ordered by increasing
supplyCosts,w) suppliers w
- implements a maximum regret ordering (find a
store with maximum regret then order the
warehouses by increasing cost)
32Example Problem
- Painting cars (from Magnanti and Sokel).
- Sequence cars to minimize paint changeover
- Cars cannot be sequenced too far out of order
33Small example
- Small Example 10 cars in sequence. The order
for assembly is 1, 2, ..., 10. A car must be
painted within 3 positions of its assembly order.
For instance, car 5 can be painted in positions
2 through 8 inclusive. Cars 1, 5, and 9 are red
2, 6, and 10 are blue 3 and 7 green and 4 and 8
are yellow. Initial sequence 1, 2, ... 10
corresponds to color pattern RBGYRBGYRB and has 9
purgings. The sequence 2,1,5,3,7,4,8,6,10,9
corresponds to color pattern BRRGGYYBBR and has 5
purgings. -
34Constraint Program
- int n
- int rnge
- int ncolor
- range Slots 1..n
- var Slots slot1..n
- var Slots revslot1..n
- int color1..n
- minimize
- sum (j in 1..n-1) (colorrevslotj
- subject to
- forall (i in Slots)
- i-rngerange /
- alldifferent(slot) /must choose different
slots /
- forall (i in Slots)
- revslotsloti i
35Personal use
- Tremendous help in my work on sports scheduling
much easier to formulate idiosyncratic
- Very fast to create prototypes
- Competitive (at least!) to IP approaches
- Formulation is much easier than IP formulation
- Gets good solutions much faster than IP
- Is competitive in proving optimality
37Finding optimal solutions
- Constraint programs can find optimal solutions.
Typically works by finding a feasible solution
and adding a constraint that future solutions
must be better than it. Repeat until infeasible
the last solution found is optimal
- Many solution techniques
- Integer programming
- Constraint programming
- Local search
- Combinations
- Which to use?
39Comparing IP and CP
- Complementary technologies
- Integer programming
- Objective function relaxations
- Constraint programming
- Feasibility domain reductions
- Might need to experiment with both
- CP particularly useful when IP formulation is
hard or relaxation does not give much information
40Combining Methods
- Local and Global Search
- Use CP/IP for very large neighborhood search
(take a solution, remove large subset, find
optimal completion)
- Combining CP and IP
- Use LP as constraint handler
- Use CP as subproblem solver in branch and price
- Constraint programming should become a part of
every OR persons toolkit
- Combinations of CP and IP represent a big thing
in future techniques
- Blurring of lines between optimization and
- This talk at http//mat.gsia.cmu.edu/INFORMS/cp.pp