Foundation Appraisers Coalition of Texas Report 71409

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Foundation Appraisers Coalition of Texas Report 71409


Walker Beard, Appraiser Member. Mark A. McAnally, Secretary, Designee Member ... The EC appointed Clint Sayers to head an ad hoc committee to develop a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Foundation Appraisers Coalition of Texas Report 71409

Foundation Appraisers Coalition of Texas
  • Greg Stephens, SRA
  • Vice President, FACT
  • Government Relations Chair, North Texas Chapter

TALCB UpdateBoard Meeting 4/24/09
  • Loretta DeHay Interim Commissioner
  • Board Members
  • Robert D. Davis, Public Member
  • Walker Beard, Appraiser Member
  • Mark A. McAnally, Secretary, Designee Member
  • Danny R. Perkins, Public Member
  • James (Jamie) B. Ratliff, Vice Chair, Appraiser
  • Clinton P. Sayers, Chair, Appraiser Member
  • Bill F. Schneider, Public Member
  • Donna L. Walz, Public Member

Staff Reports - Licensing
  • Gwen Jackson, Director of Licensing Services
  • Total Number of Licensees
  • 2,355 2,532 862 60 816
  • Total 6,605 Change -42 L/C -18 Trainees
  • Exams Total Passed Failed Pass
  • CG 82 28 54 34.15
  • CR 99 38 61 38.38
  • LIC 91 41 50 45.05

Staff Reports- Enforcement
  • Deloris Kraft-Longoria, Director. Enforcement
  • 2009 Fiscal YTD Cases Summary
  • Open as of 9/08 319
  • New 150
  • Closed 171
  • 4/25 Open 298

Staff Reports - Enforcement
  • Cases open 1 Yr as of 4/17/09 - 109
  • 7 Presented 4/25
  • 18 Set for Hearing
  • 20 In Process for OSAH
  • 22- Covert ( Fraud )
  • 30 Regulatory Review
  • 6 With Peer Investigative Committees
  • 6 Conference Dates Set

TALCB Legislative Update
  • Devon Bijansky, Counsel to TALCB
  • Amendments to 22.T.A.C. 153.5,Fees
  • Waives Licensing Certification fees for
    employees of TALCB who only use the license or
    certification for Board appraisal work.
  • Amendments to 22.T.A.C. 153.20, Guidelines for
    Revocation, Suspension or Denial of Licensure or
  • Amendments clarify that a person seeking
    reinstatement must meet all requirements that
    would apply if the persons lic. / cert. was

Appraisal Management Companies
  • Requested by Appraiser Board Member Luis De La
    Garza Jr.
  • Interim Director Loretta DeHay provided copy of
    NAR letter recommending regulation of AMCs
  • Greg Stephens, Certified General Appraiser and
    employee of an AMC provided testimony
  • HVCC provides oversight of AMCs
  • Appraisal Institute Model AMC Legislation
  • 10 States Introduced. That number is now up to
  • 3 States passed and signed by Governors
  • Illinois published Real Estate Board Findings
  • FACT Advocate Roger Miller is evaluating need for
    AMC legislation in next session
  • Recommended FACT working with TALCB on future
  • recommendations

Enforcement Matters
  • 4 Cases - State Office of Administrative Hearings
  • 8 Agreed Final Orders
  • 5 Requests for Extension to fulfill requirements
    of previous Agreed Orders
  • All Approved as Presented.

Texas Legislative Update
  • To Provide Perspective
  • Over 7,000 Bills Introduced in the 81st
    Legislature Session
  • Nearly 40 Bills Relating to Real Estate Appraisal
  • Less Than Half Dozen Appraisal Bills Will
    Ultimately Be Signed Into Law

Texas Legislative Update
  • Disclosure Bills
  • Failed to make it out of Committee
  • HB 133 by Villarreal
  • HB 2257 by Giddings
  • SB 444 by Wentworth

Disclosure Bills
  • HB 133 - Relating to Mandatory Sales Price
    Disclosure in Real Property Sales, introduced by
    Villarreal / Castro
  • HB 2257 Relating to Mandatory Sales Price
    Disclosure in Certain Real Property Sales,
    Providing a Civil Penalty, introduced by Giddings
    - Commercial, Multi-family and Vacant Land.
  • SB 444 Relating to Mandatory Sales Price
    Disclosure in Real Property Sales Providing a
    Civil Penalty, introduced by Wentworth.

Disclosure Bills
  • HB133- Villarreal -committee substitute
  • completely changed the substance of the bill,
    removing residential, changing from sales price
    disclosure to a process by which commercial
    sellers would be required to complete a survey,
    mostly dealing with "cap rates" and submit the
    survey to the state comptroller who would then
    forward the information to the Texas AM Real
    Estate Center for compilation into a report
    detailing information for market areas and
    specific categories.
  • Roger noted a great deal of opposition and the
    bill and it failed to make it out of committee.

Disclosure Bills
  • HB 2257 Sales Price Disclosure
  • HB 2257 was filed on 3//09 by Giddings relating
    to mandatory sales price disclosure indicating an
    estimated five year impact of 60,464,000 in
    additional General revenue Related Funds by 2014.
    On 3/24 testimony was taken in subcommittee
    hearing which FACT lobbyist Roger Miller attended
    and concluded the bill will most probably fail
    due to high opposition with minimal support
  • Failed to make it out of committee.

Disclosure Bills
  • SB 444 Sales Price Disclosure
  • Was filed 1/9/09 by Wentworth, referred to
    Intergovernmental Relations Committee 2/17/09
    where it died at the closure of the session.

Ad Valorem
  • HB 3454 , Property Interests - Real Property
    Taxation - Property Appraisals Appraisal
    Districts Home Sales Prices, introduced by Otto,
    filed 3/11/08.
  • A committee substitute was adopted to preclude
    consideration of personal property if an income
    approach is used.
  • Referred to Finance Committee 5/6/09

Mortgage Fraud
  • HB 2840 by Solomons Relating to Mortgage Fraud
  • Amends HB 716 2007 80th Legislature
  • Passed House 4/29/09
  • Referred to Business Commerce 5/6/09
  • Public Hearing 5/14/09

Mortgage Fraud
  • (b-1)A person commits an offense if the person
  • intentionally or knowingly makes a materially
    false or misleading written statement in
    providing an appraisal of real property for
    compensation or in providing any other service
    related to the closing or settlement of a real
    property transaction.

HB716 - 2007
  • (a) A lender, mortgage banker, or licensed
    mortgage broker shall provide to each applicant
    for a home loan a written notice at closing.

HB 716 - 2007
  • Language
  • "Warning Intentionally or knowingly making a
    materially false or misleading written statement
    to obtain property or credit, including a
    mortgage loan, is a violation of Section 32.32,
    Texas Penal Code, and, depending on the amount of
    the loan or value of the property, is punishable
    by imprisonment for a term of 2 years to 99 years
    and a fine not to exceed 10,000.

Open Records
  • HB 1813 - Relating to the exception from required
    public disclosure of certain records of an
    appraisal district.
  • This is the bill that was supposed to correct the
    confusion created in the 2007 legislature by HB
    2188 which the appraisal districts are
    interpreting as a prohibition from providing
    sales data to appraisers.

Open Records
  • There was a committee substitute to the bill
  • ( CSSB 1813 ) which was presented to committee on
    4/16/09 that does restrict application to
    counties with populations under 20,000.

CSSB 1813 - Duncan
  • The 80th Legislature, Regular Session, 2007,
    passed H.B. 2188, which made records submitted to
    an appraisal district by a private entity
    confidential. The intent behind H.B. 2188 was to
    protect information obtained by an appraisal
    district via subscription to a multiple listing
    service (MLS).

CSSB 1813 - Duncan
  • However, this provision has proven to be a hurdle
    for appraisers in counties that do not have an
    MLS. In those small, rural counties, appraisers
    are unable to obtain the information needed to
    perform property appraisals.

HB 2188 History
  • Original Text 2007 Bill
    Information relating to real property sales
    prices, descriptions, characteristics, and other
    related information received from a private
    entity by the comptroller or the chief appraiser
    of an appraisal district under Chapter 6, Tax
    Code, is excepted from the requirements of
    Section 552.021.

HB 2188 - History
  • Original Text 2007 Bill
  • (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), before the
    14th day preceding the date of a hearing on a
    property owner s protest brought under Section
    41.41, Tax Code, the chief appraiser of the
    applicable appraisal district shall, on request,
    provide the property owner or owner s agent with
    a copy of each item of information described by
    Section 41.461(a)(2), Tax Code.

HB 2188 - History
  • Enrolled Text 2007 Bill
  • (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the property
    owner or the owner s agent may, on request,
    obtain from the chief appraiser of the applicable
    appraisal district a copy of each item of
    information described by Section 41.461(a)(2),
    Tax Code, and a copy of each item of information
    that the chief appraiser took into consideration
    but does not plan to introduce at the hearing on
    the protest.

HB 2188 - History
  • Enrolled Text 2007 Bill
  • In addition, the property owner or agent may, on
    request, obtain from the chief appraiser
    comparable sales data from a reasonable number of
    sales that is relevant to any matter to be
    determined by the appraisal review board at the
    hearing on the property owner s protest.

HB 2188 - History
  • Enrolled Text 2007 Bill
  • Section Misinterpreted by the Appraisal Districts
  • Information obtained under this subsection
  • (1)remains confidential in the possession of the
    property owner or agent and
  • (2)may not be disclosed or used for any purpose
    except as evidence or argument at the hearing on
    the protest.

Confidential Information, Cont
  • Enrolled Text 2007 Bill
  • Section Misinterpreted by the Appraisal Districts
  • Confidential information obtained by a property
    owner, a school district, an appraisal district,
    or an agent of the owner or district under this
  • (1)remains confidential in the possession of the
  • owner, district, or agent and
  • (2)may not be disclosed to a person who is not
    authorized to receive or inspect the information.

Additional Bills
  • 25 Additional Bills introduced relating to
    appraisal, ad valorem property taxation, etc.
  • 1 Passed HJR 36- Otto
  • Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing
    the legislature to provide for the ad valorem
    taxation of a residence homestead solely on the
    basis of the propertys value as a residence
    homestead and authorizing the legislature to
    authorize a single board of equalization for two
    or more adjoining appraisal entities that elect
    to provide for consolidated equalizations. The
    Legislature, by general law, may authorize a
    single board of equalization for two or more
    adjoining appraisal entities.

Executive Session of TALCB6/24/09
  • Attendees
  • TALCB Members
  • Clint Sayers, Chair
  • Jamie Ratliff, Appraiser Member
  • Mark McAnally, Appraiser Member
  • TALCB Staff
  • Loretta DeHay, Interim Commissioner
  • Devon Bijansky, TALCB Deputy Counsel

TALCB Executive Session6/24/09
  • FACT Attendees
  • Terry Clark, President
  • Greg Stephens, Vice President
  • Roger Miller, FACT Advocate
  • Lynda Vine, Former FACT Exec. Director
  • Joe Woller, South Texas Chapter Representative

TALCB Executive Session6/24/09
  • Three Exceptional Items Discussed
  • 1)Work toward salary equity with other Article
    VIII agencies
  • Currently the TALCB staff salaries are
    significantly below other agencies with similar
    responsibilities / job codes.
  • The amount of this Exception Item Request is
    38,000 in FY 2010 and 38,000 in FY 2011

TALCB Executive Session6/24/09
  • 2)Transition To Imaged Documents
  • Currently everything is archived in hard copy and
    they have run out of storage capacity. TREC is
    moving imaging all documents including TALCB.
  • The amount of this Exceptional item Request is
    50,000 in FY 2011. No cost in 2010 since the
    expenditure requirement will not take place until
    FY 2011

TALCB Executive Session6/24/09
  • 3) Additional Enforcement Staff
  • Exceptional Item 3 requests four additional full
    time investigators
  • The amount of this Exceptional Item Request is
    176,190 in FT 2010 and 140,750 in FY 2011. The
    difference in the two years is the additional
    equipment cost estimated at 35,440 to get the
    investigators fully equipped in 2010, a cost that
    will not be incurred in 2011.

TALCB Executive Session6/24/09
  • To fund all of the approved Exceptional Items
    will require an estimated 100 per new
    application and 50 / year for renewals for
    currently licensed or certified appraisers ( 100
    per two-year renewal cycle ) .
  • FACT expressed disapproval of such an increase
    based upon feedback from the various member
    organization chapters.

TALCB Executive Session6/24/09
  • Most of the meeting discussion centered around
    the additional staffing request /percentage of
    overall budget increase / FACT opposition since
    we all agreed to a 50 increase in the 80th
    Session that ultimately was increased to 60 when
    enacted and the TALCB remains delinquent in
    enforcement resolution.

TALCB Executive Session6/24/09
  • Alternative Recommendation Outsourcing
  • Rather than hiring four FTEs, an alternative
    being considered is to create a Contractor Fund
    and outsource the complaints to Texas Certified
    Appraisers. The EC appointed Clint Sayers to head
    an ad hoc committee to develop a recommendation
    to the Board at their 8/21/09 meeting.

State / National Appraisal Industry Update
Home Valuation Code of Conduct
  • Private agreement between Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac,
  • Entered into by GSEs to avoid investigation/ suit
    by NYAG
  • Not in statute or regulation
  • Entered into before FHFA Conservatorship
  • FHFA now has regulatory authority

Home Valuation Code of Conduct
  • Originally drafted 3/08
  • Revised Version Published 12/08
  • Effective May 1, 2009
  • Bars mortgage broker ordered appraisals
  • Holds lenders accountable for appraisals through
    reps. warrants skin in the game
  • Promotes appraiser independence, but has some
  • FHA / VA did not adopt.

Home Valuation Code of Conduct
  • Will lead to increased use of (unregulated) AMCs
  • Appraiser Problems with AMCs
  • Cramdown of Appraisal Fees
  • Appraisers want usual customary fee
  • Impact on appraisal quality as less experienced,
    non-designated appraisers are the only ones
    willing to work for reduced fees
  • Overall impact on safety soundness

Home Valuation Code of Conduct
  • Myths and Realities
  • AMCs are not required
  • Banks can achieve compliance internally through
  • Mortgage brokers vs. loan correspondents
  • Does not prohibit communication by a realtor with
    an appraiser

Home Valuation Code of Conduct
  • Updated FAQs MUST READ!
  • Most recent FAQ provides opening for brokers
    allowed to initiate appraisal order through
    authorized agent of lender
  • Can be appraisal company or AMC
  • Broker can pay the agent of the lender

Home Valuation Code of Conduct
  • NAM initiated lawsuit in early 2009
  • Dropped because of immunity provision in law
  • NAR and NAHB are blaming a number of issues with
    the Code
  • Argue that geographic competency is resulting in
    low-ball appraisals, impacting recovery

Home Valuation Code of Conduct
  • NAR instrumental in introduction of H.R. 3044
    (late June 2009)
  • Would order an 18-month moratorium on the Code
  • No action in Congress to date

Home Valuation Code of Conduct
  • AI believes that there are some problems with the
    Codebut there are also some good points
  • Impact on fees bad
  • Business practices of AMCs Bad
  • Appraiser independence good
  • Moratorium is not going to change things
    overnight. AMCs probably here to stay.
  • AIs approach has been solutions oriented

Home Valuation Code of Conduct
  • AI approach
  • Demand the use of qualified, competent appraisers
  • Raise the bar on AMCs through registration/regulat
  • Consider alternatives to bar on mortgage broker
    ordered appraisals (i.e., SAFE Act compliant
  • Elements of H.R. 1728 (separate disclosure)
  • Repeal FHA ML 97-46

Home Valuation Code of Conduct
  • Alternative Assignment Options
  • FHA now has 36 Market Share
  • Up from 3 in 2006

A. I. AMC Legislation
  • Defines what constitutes an AMC
  • Administer a panel
  • Recruit qualify appraisers
  • 3rd party broker of appraisal services
  • Quality control
  • Appraisal Firm vs. AMC
  • AMC 15 appraiser threshold
  • Requires registration of AMCs
  • Identification of owners, directors, managers

AMC Legislation
  • No individual owner can have ever had license
    revoked, denied, refused, etc.
  • No entity that owns an AMC can have an owner with
    a revoked, etc. license
  • Exemptions from Registration
  • AMCs with only employees
  • Bank in-house appraisal depts.
  • Less than 10 appraisal in a state in a year
  • Panel has lt 15 appraisers
  • Controlling party must be an licensed/certified

AMC Legislation
  • Independent contractors to AMC cannot employ or
    contract with individuals who have had license
    action taken
  • Controlling party can never have had license
  • Requires annual audit to ensure adherence to
  • Prohibits AMCs from inappropriately influencing
    appraisers (ala HVCC)
  • Prohibits alteration of reports by AMC

AMC Legislation
  • Establishes a guaranty of payment
  • Establishes a dispute resolution process for
    appraisers that are harmed by the actions of an
  • Grants states enforcement authority

AMC Legislation
  • Five states have enacted AMC laws (AR, LA, NM,
    NV, UT)
  • Utah now in effect (HB 152)
  • New Mexico effective June 19, 2009 (SB 456)
  • Arkansas effective January 1, 2010 (Act 628)
  • Nevada effective January 1, 2010 (AB 287)
  • Hawaii to study AMC reg. (SCR 53) with intent of
    legislating in 2010

AMC Legislation
  • 4 other states (CT, MN, MS, MO) formally
    considered but did not enact AMC legislation in
  • 2 states currently have legislation under
    consideration (CA, NC)
  • 7 other states are in various stages of planning
    state legislation for 2010

AMC Legislation
  • Support
  • Real estate agents and brokers
  • NAR supports AMC registration/regulation
  • Opposition
  • AMC themselves (TAVMA)
  • Banks feel that AMCs are already regulated
    (bankers association lukewarm)

Appraiser Independence
  • Appraiser Independence
  • 34 states currently have laws in place
  • State appraiser Independence laws
  • Many other states currently considering appraiser
    independence laws

Appraiser Independence
  • Language varies by state, but typically
  • Real estate professionals, mortgage brokers,
    bankers, and lenders are prohibited from
    improperly influencing, through coercion,
    extortion, or bribery, the development,
    reporting, result, or review of a real estate
    appraisal sought in connection with a mortgage

Appraiser Independence
  • Latest consideration being driven by federal SAFE
    Act (Title V of HR 3221)
  • Requires registration/licensing of mortgage loan
  • CSBS Model SAFE Act for states
  • Includes favorable appraiser independence

Broker Price Opinions
  • Proliferation in the use of BPOs as valuation
    tools for foreclosures, short sales, loan
  • Our analysis - In at least 23 states, the ability
    of a broker or salesperson to perform a BPO may
    be limited to the real estate listing or purchase
    process (State BPO Laws)
  • Not illegal to order a BPO, but it may be illegal
    for the broker to complete the assignment

Broker Price Opinions
  • HB 1015 BPO Language
  • Nothing in this Act shall prohibit a person who
    holds a valid license under the Real Estate
    License Act of 2000 from performing a comparative
    market analysis or broker price opinion for
    compensation, provided that the person does not
    hold himself out as being a licensed real estate
    appraiser. Nothing in this Act shall prohibit a
    person who holds a valid license under the Real
    Estate License Act of 2000 from performing a
    comparative market analysis or broker price
    opinion for compensation, provided that the
    person does not hold himself out as being a
    licensed real estate appraiser.
  • Regulations are going to be key definition of
    BPO/CMA Listing only?

Broker Price Opinions
  • Were making progress!
  • Change to Freddie Mac Single-Family Selling Guide
    Change (3/30/09)
  • Seller may not use tax-assessed valuations or
    Broker Price Opinions (BPOs) to determine value
  • Written guidance in Georgia, Nebraska, Nevada,
    Pennsylvania, West Virginia

2009 Initiatives- Obama
  • Stress Tests
  • - Worst case scenario of 19 largest banks
  • - Projecting losses of 12 on Commercial Real
    Estate over next two years
  • - Tests dont include more than 500 banks with
    less than 1 Billion with heavy exposure in CRE
  • - Secretary Geithner reassured
  • - Other considerations Since 2007 58 banks
    savings institutions have failed with assets
    totaling 400 billion
  • From Jan-Feb the FDIC sold about 1.18 billion of
    distressed real estate and other commercial loans
    for about 59 cents on the dollar.-

2009 Initiatives Financial Regulatory Reform
  • Financial Regulatory Reform
  • Virtually all players under review
  • Investment banks
  • Hedge Funds
  • Ratings Agencies
  • Non-bank mortgage lenders
  • Mortgage brokers
  • Agencies
  • Securities and Exchange Commission

Federal Agency Update
  • 2009 Stimulus Bill (American Recovery
    Reinvestment Act)
  • 20.1 Billion in Housing
  • 1Billion for rural housing
  • 3 Billion for New Markets Tax Credit
  • 2 Billion for Neighborhood Stabilization Program
  • 27 Billion for Highways
  • 4.6 Billion for Corps of Engineers
  • Homeowners Assistance Program
  • Greening of the Federal Government
  • General Services Administration
  • DOE Building Technologies Program
  • DOE Net Zero Energy Commercial Building Initiative

Small Business Administration
  • Standard Operating Procedure 50-10, Real Estate
    Appraisal Policy
  • Updated in August 2008 and March 2009
  • New Construction Issues
  • Requires lenders to obtain from an appraiser
  • Appraisal with prospective future value
  • An inspection confirming the construction was
    completed in accordance with plans and specs and
  • An analysis of market conditions
  • If upon subsequent inspection and analysis
    findings fall outside of SBA parameters, the
    appraiser shall contact the lender and develop a
    new assignment to analyze an updated market value

Interior Department
  • Appraisal Services Directorate
  • - 2008 Congressional criticism
  • - In response, ASD has committed to reduce
    backlog and promoting faster turnaround times
  • FY 2010 budget strives for full funding (900M)
    for Land and Water Conservation Fund by 2014

Internal Revenue Service
  • NPR on Substantiation and Reporting Requirements
    for Cash and Noncash Charitable Contribution
  • - Implements requirements of the Pension
    Protection Act of 2006
  • - Definition of Qualified Appraiser
  • - Professional appraisal designations
  • - Demonstrated competency
  • - Substance and principles of USPAP

Recent Tax Court Decisions
  • Whitehouse v. Commissioner
  • - Façade easement donation in New Orleans
  • 7.4 million donation
  • IRS audit determined value only 1.15 million
  • Court rejected Income and Cost Approaches
  • Determined value of 1.792 using Market Approach
  • Industry Comments
  • Different rules apply to IRS and taxpayers
  • Confidence in local expert witness
  • USPAP applicability

Recent Tax Court Decisions
  • Hughes v. Commissioner
  • Tried in U.S. Tax Court in Colorado in 2007
  • Facts are complex, but case touches on valuation
  • Taxpayer appraisals claim easement value between
    2.9-3.1 M
  • IRS appraisal claim easement value between
  • 0-238,000
  • Judge dismissed IRS contention that the easements
    had no value
  • Dismissed opinion of private appraiser

Department of Agriculture
  • 2008 Farm Bill
  • 4 billion increase for conservation and working
    lands programs
  • Farm and Ranchland Protection Program
  • Grassland Reserve Program
  • Wetlands Reserve Program
  • Appraisals and area Wide Surveys
  • Section 1619, USDA/FSA Geospatial Information
  • Restricts access to geospatial data known as the
    Common Land Unit (CLU)
  • Complications

Federal Housing Administration
  • FHA market share has increased substantially
  • Doubled from FY 2007 to FY 2008 ( 1.2 million
  • Expected to exceed 2 million in 2009
  • Very active on appraisal issues
  • Manufactured Housing (Itemized Value)
  • Market Conditions Form Adoption
  • ( 2nd appraisal requirements)
  • Hope for Homeowners Program
  • Limits on Cash-Out Refinancings (85 LTV)
  • FHA Appraiser Roster Certified Appraisers

Veterans Administration
  • VA is also very active in the market today
  • Circular 26-09-3
  • A copy of the agreement of sale or sales contract
    be provided to the fee appraiser by the requester
    of the VA appraisal immediately upon assignment
  • http//

111th Congress Appraisal Regulatory
  • H.R. 1728 Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory
    Lending Act
  • Major Provisions
  • Modernization of Title XI
  • Appraisal Subcommittee regulatory authority and
  • New Issues
  • Appraisal Management Companies Registration
  • National Appraisal Independence
  • Limitation of BPOs in Mortgage Origination
  • Required Separation of Appraisal and
    Administration Fees

H.R. 1728
  • Requires written appraisal on all subprime
  • Clarifies that licensing and certification are
    minimum requirements and clients can consider
    professional designations
  • Establishes federal appraisal independence
    standards with penalties 20,000 per day
  • De minimis under review with consumer protection
  • Authorizes grants to state appraisal boards for
  • Authorizes intermediate sanctioning authority to
  • Bans BPOs for mortgage origination
  • Requires state AMC registration within 3 years

H.R. 1728
  • Prospects in the Senate
  • Senate version is likely to be introduced in
    early summer
  • Bill has bipartisan support and there has been
    bipartisan cooperation in the Senate on appraisal
  • There are several competing issues, but there is
    a lot of momentum to address appraisal issues

Other Issues
  • H.R. 436, Certain Estate Tax Relief Act of 2009
  • Departs from long-established fair market value
    guidelines and prohibit minority discounts on
    transfer of nonbusiness assets to family
  • Value of nonbusiness assets would be removed
    from the valuation of an entity, leaving the
    nonbusiness assets to be treated as gifts.

Industry Initiatives
  • Valuation for Financial Reporting
  • FASB 157, Mark to Market
  • FASB ruling grants greater discretion on
    illiquid markets
  • GASB Statement 52
  • Endowments Land and Real Estate Held as
  • Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)
    CFA Institute
  • 2005 version requires regular evaluations of real
    estate investments by designated/certified/license
    d appraisers
  • 2010 Revisions Public Comment

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