Reading News - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reading News


Tradition criticised for its neglect of theory and an inadequate conception of power ... date in the calendar, but a 'signifier' of the terrorist attacks on ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Reading News

Reading News
critical analysis of news concepts and criteria
lecture Sean Phelan
Analysing media content an overview of research
Can be most easily understood in terms of a broad
critical/administrative dichotomy
  • American administrative tradition
  • Empirical/commercial/practical in orientation
  • Research agenda driven by the advertising needs
    of early media practitioners (1930s/40s) and the
    advent of new media like radio and television
  • Self image as the science of human
    communication simple linear/cause effect
  • Early content analysis objective, systematic
    and quantitative (Berelson)

  • Limited effects thesis - a reaction to the
    Frankfurt School (Marxist) hypodermic or magic
    bullet thesis of media omnipotence
  • Agenda setting research in the 1970s the media
    may not be successful in telling people what to
    think, but very successful in telling people what
    to think about
  • Tradition criticised for its neglect of theory
    and an inadequate conception of power
  • Attacked by critical theorists for its
    subservience to policy considerations and
    capitalist values
  • Hermeneutic of trust towards the media
  • US tradition still administratively led and
    largely industry funded

  • Critical tradition (ideological critique)
  • Role of the media in propagating dominant
    ideological definitions and representations
    (Hall) now became central.
  • News not a neutral product but a sequence
    of socially manufactured messages, which carry
    many of the culturally dominant assumptions of
    our society (Eldridge)
  • Drew on qualitative, interpretative
    methodologies like semiotics
  • Birmingham and Glasgow schools particularly
  • Drew on various Marxist strands
    (Frankfurt/Gramsci etc.) - which regard culture
    as one of the key means of legitimating and
    inculcating capitalist values
  • Hermeneutic of suspicion towards the media
  • Discourse analysis a part of that critical

key theoretical concepts
(1) Early work in the critical tradition
  • A key critical term
  • Shared social systems of belief which incline
    individuals to act and react in certain ways
  • Does not necessarily work at a conscious level
  • Marxist tradition regards ideology as working at
    a subconscious or deep level - bound to
    capitalisms propagation of a false
    consciousness that serves to legitimate or
    naturalise existing social orders
  • Often used a term of abuse as a label to tar
    the other with

  • Ideological critique
  • what Scannell (1998) describes as depth theory
  • regards the surface appearance of news texts as
    potentially unreliable and deceptive
  • maintains that there is an underlying structure
    (structuralism) in the presentation of news
    stories that, when found or illuminated by
    theory, will serve to explain their real form and
  • Marxism
  • Critical tradition that we associate with the
    19th century social philosopher Karl Marx.
  • Spawned many variants
  • Common emphasis on the need for a class analysis
    of society and culture, the dismantling of
    capitalist structures and positive action on
    behalf of the oppressed

  • Hegemony
  • Key concept (Gramsci) in the cultural
    studies/Marxist lexicon
  • Refers to the ways in which social elites secure
    and maintain popular consent though their
    control of key cultural forms and institutions
    like the mass media.
  • Semiotics
  • Very influential in the field of media research
    - particularly to the work of the Birmingham
  • Halls encoding/decoding model
  • Semiotics is, most simply put, the study of
  • The study of the signs and symbols (not just
    linguistic!) used to produce or code socially
    based meanings.

  • Signifiers
  • Term used in semiotics to describe the meanings
    triggerred by particular signs and symbols.
  • For example the linguistic sign september
    11th is no longer simply the mark of another
    date in the calendar, but a signifier of the
    terrorist attacks on America (the signified).
  • News Frames
  • Medias propagation of particular ways of seeing
    the world
  • The principles of selection, emphasis, and
    presentation composed of little tacit theories
    about what news exists, what news happens and
    what news matters (Gitlin in Allan, 1998 120)

(2) the post-modernist lexicon
  • Post-modernism, in its broadest sense, is a term
    used to describe a broad movement in the thought
    processes of the humanities and social sciences
    characterized by
  • a questioning, and in some instances rejection,
    of the modernist belief in reason its
    unproblematic conception of progress
  • a rejection of all totalising discourses or
    meta-narratives, by which it means any
    philosophies which attempt to offer a closed,
    fully explained systematic critic of the social
    order (including some strains of Marxism!)
  • an insistence on the need for linguistic
    reflexivity that is a heightened consciousness
    about ones own language use and the language use
    of others
  • Science versus science!

Critical theory
  • Refers to those paradigms/disciplines/theories of
    social analysis that oppose existing
    paradigms/disciplines/theories because of what a
    critical perspective would regard as their
    uncritical acceptance of existing social
    structures, conventions and inequalities.
  • Some of the more influential critical theorists
    of recent decades include Foucault, Habermas and
  • The term nevertheless has its ironies
  • Is it a brand label of its own?
  • Can uncritical orthodoxy become as staid and
    unreflexive as the orthodoxy it sets out to
  • Need for a critique of the critical!

  • Discourse
  • Widely used term in the humanities and social
  • A variety of definitions (see Foucault)
  • Can be understood as the social process of
    creating meaning through the use of language and
    other symbolic forms
  • Polysemy
  • Post modernist tenet which looks on texts as
    having multiple meanings - not just simple
    bearers of a singular and transparent meaning
    (i.e. open to multiple readings)
  • Sign no longer seen as the fixed unproblematic
    signifier of a particular signified
  • For example, Gandhi no longer simply the
    signifier of non-violent protest but a signifier
    of apple computers!!!
  • Floating signifiers and post-mod circularity

  • Rhetoric
  • Sometimes used in a limited sense to refer to the
    style and organisation of a text only
  • Broader definition the use of words and symbols
    to form attitudes or to induce actions in others
    (See Burke).
  • Rhetoric as persuasion (Aristotle) and
    rhetoric as identification (Burke)
  • Like ideology, often functions as a derogatory
    term in popular discourse
  • Hermeneutics
  • Originally used to describe the work of biblical
  • Simply means interpretation or the act of

  • The other
  • Term used by Lacan in Psychoanalysis
  • Can be looked as the opposite/or shadow that
    informs the construction of a particular
    ideological attitude or disposition.
  • Thus, for example, while being a nationalist in
    Northern Ireland might involve ones attachment
    to particular symbols (say the tricolour) or
    linguistic signs (the six counties), the
    nationalist attitude is also partly constructed
    through its otherness from the rival unionist
  • Bound to questions of identity - a key post-mod
  • Texts
  • Not simply a reference to written texts only
  • Polyphonic texts from a whole range of media

(3) the contribution of linguistics
  • Critical linguistics
  • Based on the principles of systemic functional
  • Maintains that there is a causal relationship
    between semantic structures/language use and our
    cognition/mental experience of the world
  • Assumes, as a working principle, that each
    particular form of linguistic expression in a
    text wording, syntactic option, etc. has its
    reason(s) (See Fowler, 1991 4)
  • Criticised early ideological critique for its
    lack of textual analysis
  • Sets out to show the ideological in various

  • Discourse Analysis
  • commonly used name to describe what is an
    amalgam of, inter alia, critical linguistics,
    sociolinguistics and semiotics
  • Also known as critical discourse analysis
  • As with the term discourse itself, DA has been
    conceived of in a number of different ways, most
    of which suggest in-depth textual analysis
  • Faircloughs definition a wide sociological one,
    appropriate to this module the attempt to show
    systematic links between texts, institutional
    discourse practices, and sociocultural practices
    (Fairclough, 1995 17)
  • Discourse structure
  • the narrative or event structure of a news text,
    encapsulated in the journalists shorthand of
    five Ws and a H who, what, when, where, why,
    how. (See Bell, 1998)

(4) Textual analysis some key tools in the
critical reading of news
  • Agency analysis
  • Basically concerned with the way in which the
    agents/agency behind particular actions are
  • A combination of who how questions
  • Particularly important in newspaper headlines
  • Contrast, for example, the headline (1)
    Argentinean police forces kill 20 protesters with
    (2) 20 dead in Argentina
  • Or (1) 'Arafat is our bin Laden,' Israeli says
    amid fighting (USA Today Headline) (2) Three
    Killed as Israelis Move Into Two West Bank Towns
    (New York Times Headline)

  • Disclaimers
  • Ideologically significant semantic moves (Van
    Dijk, 1998), where one clause/sentence expresses
    a proposition that is then rebutted by the next
  • I have nothing against blacks, but.
  • Of course I abhor and reject violence in all
    its form, but I nevertheless feel our Government
    has the right to use any means it chooses to
    defend itself

  • Lexical sets
  • The cognitive structures or mental map suggested
    by the combination of particular vocabulary.
  • For example, a lexical set of the phrases the
    six counties, the Dublin government and the
    unionist veto might suggest the ideology of
    Irish republicanism.
  • Particularly helpful in understanding the
    structure of opinion pieces and the mental map
    of the author
  • Metonym
  • Essentialist reasoning/use of the part to
    represent the whole
  • 50 people rioting in Nigeria subsequently
    reported as Nigerian riots.

  • Modality
  • Term used to describe a writers attitude (what
    the government must do is.)
  • Can also be used to describe the performative
    style of a TV and radio pundit
  • Important element in editorials and opinion
  • Posture of certainty

  • Nominalisation
  • Clause transformation whereby predicates (i.e.
    verbs and adjectives) are syntactically realised
    as nouns.
  • An important journalistic device, understandably
    used to both summarise stories and cope with
    practical space restrictions.
  • However, a critical reading would emphasise
    nominalisations inherent tendency towards
    metonymic reasoning
  • For example, a small crowd of 30 Palestinians
    (and mainly children) celebrating the WTC
    attacks are forever immortalised as Palestinian
  • Also lend itself towards dehumanisation and
  • For example, the hundreds of homeless people (
    hundreds of individual stories!) on the streets
    of Dublin become abstracted as the problem of

  • Noun phrases
  • Phrases that function as an extension of nouns
    for example the Arab mindset is a noun phrase.
  • Can have all sorts of simple or complex noun
    phrase structures
  • 2 types are particularly common in news
  • Definite article modifier head (for example,
    the Sheedy affair) and
  • Definite article head modifier (the threat
    of GM foods)
  • The head is the term used by critical linguists
    to refer to the it of the noun phrase (see
    Fowler, 1991) what a critical analysis would
    suggest is the it of a more long term narrative
  • Modifier the part used to semantically qualify
    the head (ibid 1991)

  • Overlexicalisation
  • Term used to describe highly expressive and
    exaggerated use of language.
  • Common rhetorical device employed by newspaper
    columnists and TV pundits, sometimes for comic
    effect, sometimes to effect indignation
  • the sick, selfish and uncaring dogma of free
    market dogmatists,
  • Castro loving, champagne socialists who want
    more money for the poverty industry

  • Transitivity variance
  • Concerned with the different kind of processes
    designated by verbs.
  • For example, the sentence Pat hit the dog
    designates a kind of action which has an effect
    on another entity, the dog, whereas the
    sentence Tom ran refers to an action which
    effects only the actor Tom.
  • Transitivity as the foundation of
    representation, in that it shows us how the
    construction of different clauses will analyse
    the same events and situations in ideologically
    different says.
  • For instance, contrast the different ideological
    interpretation of the same event in these
    contrasting newspaper headlines
  • Labour wins bitter election with (2) Labour
  • Israel kills 10 Palestinians including 5
    children with Israeli army kills Palestinian
  • Transitivity variance can be studied in all
    sorts of complex ways, but watch out in
    particular for details of (a) participant 1 (2)
    predicate (3) participant 2 (4) circumstances

  • Syntactic analysis
  • concerned with the position and sequence of
    elements within a clause - what critical
    linguists call clause transformation.
  • One particularly important kind of transformation
    involves the use of the active and passive voice
  • Critical linguists would argue that while two
    clauses might share the same propositional
    meaning, differing only in syntactic ordering,
    the choices are nevertheless of ideological
  • For example, contrast the headline (1) Garda shot
    man from 9 inches with (2) Man shot from 9 inches
    by Garda.
  • A critical linguist might argue that clause 1
    emphasises a story about a Garda who has killed,
    while clause 2 emphasises a story about a man
    who has been shot

  • Universalisation
  • Abstraction device
  • Rhetorical strategies that favour generalisations
    over particulars.
  • Universalising rhetoric lends itself to all sorts
    of ideological uses and effects
  • For example, the American war on terrorism
    becomes the Russian/Israeli/Chinese/Indian
    wars on terrorism
  • Catchy universalising phrase itself an
    abstraction, that conceals the local
    particularities of each of the different

  • Review
  • critical/administrative dichotomy
  • surface analysis versus depth analysis?
  • discourse analysis and the showing of ideology
  • Provisos
  • Is there always a deep explanation?
  • Critical readings by no means exclusively
  • Critical and administrative traditions/methods
    not always mutually exclusive
  • Need for quantitative qualitative content
  • Critical tools of little use without some
    understanding of a the circumstances of a news
  • Focus in on the most ideologically significant
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