Are the Unborn Human - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Are the Unborn Human


from the tract Do You Believe the Embryo/Fetus is not a ... Brother was pitted against brother; family ... Again, brother fights brother, friends war ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: brother | human | unborn


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Are the Unborn Human

Are the Unborn Human?
  • a critical look into the nature of those not yet
    born,and the implicationsregarding abortion
  • from the tract Do You Believe the Embryo/Fetus
    is not a Human Being?

  • The 19th century saw the United States embroiled
    in a fierce Civil War.

  • Brother was pitted against brother family
    against family. Hundreds of thousands of
    Americans were killed during this dark periodin
    our history
  • not by foreign troops,but by our own people.

  • Of all the factors involved in the cause of this
    war, one stands out

  • Were the slaves human beings with certain
    inalienable rights guaranteed in the U.S.

  • or were they, according to a Supreme Court ruling
    of the day, mere property, entirely at the mercy
    of their owners?

  • Over a century later we see another Civil War
    waging in the United States.
  • Again, brother fights brother, friends war
    against friends.

  • Again, hundreds of thousands are being killed on
    a battlefield,and again the question is

  • Are certain individuals human beings with
    constitutionally guaranteed rights
  • or are they, according to a Supreme Court ruling
    of our day, mere property, at the mercy of their

  • Our Civil War today is Abortion.

  • Those who today call themselves ProLife claim
    that the embryo and fetus are human beings,
  • and that,therefore,they dodeserve aright

  • But isnt the ProLife cause really much ado
    about nothing?
  • Arent they wasting valuable time and energy over
    a non-issue, turning back the clock?

  • Isnt the embryo or fetus only a mass of tissue,
    only potential human life?
  • And arent the ProLife people giving this thing
    a higher priority than it deserves a higher
    priority than a womans right to both privacy and
    to do to her own body as she wants?

  • Those ProChoice people who deny the humanity of
    the unborn - and therefore guarantee them no
    right to life - have their reasons.
  • Lets critically examine those reasons and see if
    we can come to logical conclusions regarding the
    nature of the unborn

how well do it
  • Well title each slide with a specific ProChoice
    reason, then look at it closely, like this
  • I dont believethe embryo or fetusis human

it is onlypotential human life
  • But a potential human being must be an actual
    something else.
  • An actual what, though? A frog? a fish? a
  • It clearly belongs to no other species than the
    human species.

potential X actual Y
it is onlypotential human life
  • And what criteria are used for defining this
    mysterious time at which this undefined potential
    human becomes an actual human?
  • When does the change occur, and again
  • What is it before it reaches humanness?

potential X actual Y
it's only a mass oftissue and blood
  • The heart starts to beat two to four weeks after
    conception. The tiny brain is already generating
    brain waves after 7 weeks

it's only a mass oftissue and blood
  • By the second month (when most abortions take
    place) the arms, legs, fingers, toes, ears, nose,
    mouth, muscles, organs, and bones are either
    formed or close to finish

it's only a mass oftissue and blood
  • It is clear to anyone who has ever seen one of
    the multitude of embryonic or fetal pictures
    available that this tiny entity is more than some
    nondescript mass.

it isn't fully developed
  • A four-year-old is not fully developed, either.
  • A human is not fully developed until the late
    teens to early twenties, and even afterwards
    matures in different ways

it isn't fully developed
  • Can the stage of development really define what
    the being is?
  • Is an adult more human than a child or merely
    more developed?
  • Are those already born more human than the unborn
    or merely more developed?

it isn't conscious
  • Can consciousness be a universal human trait?
  • If so, would a sleeping or anesthetized or
    comatose person be considered non-human because
    of his/her lack of consciousness?

it isn't big enough
  • Size defines humanness?
  • A teenager is more human than an infant because
    of size?
  • A basketball player is more human than a dwarf?

it's inside the womb
  • The location of an individual determines whether
    or not it is a human being?
  • A fetus, the moment before birth, is not human,
    but immediately after birth becomes human?How?

it's inside the womb
  • And is the child, when it is half way out, only

it might be imperfect
  • Like you and me?

it doesn't look human
  • Ones appearance determines humanness?

it doesn't look human
  • Is an ape more human than an embryo because it
    looks more human?

it doesn't look human
  • The important question here What is it? not What
    does it look like?

it's dependent on the mother
  • A three-week-old baby is totally dependent on
    another human, too. It is not able to survive
    alone outside the womb, either.
  • It needs comfort and care and protection and
    food, etc., or it will die.

it's dependent on the mother
  • The total independence of anyone is a myth we
    are all dependent on someone or something other
    than ourselves.
  • How can the one physical condition called
    dependence (by which we are all stricken)
    determine humanness?

it's not viable
  • The ability to survive outside the womb,
    viability, calls upon time place as the
    determining factors of humanness. How?

it's not viable
  • A 7-month preborn fortunate enough to be born in
    the 21st century has a decent chance of survival,
    therefore it is more human than..

it's not viable
  • a 7-month preborn in the 19th century which
    wouldnt have survived outside the womb
  • thus, time defines humanness?
  • and

it's not viable
  • A 6-month preborn fortunate enough to be near a
    medical center is viable, thus human, whereas

it's not viable
  • a 6-month preborn in a rural town on that same
    day is not viable because it wouldnt survive
    outside the womb.
  • Thus, location defines humanness?

it's not viable
  • Does the preborn become more human as its mother
    drives near a hospital but then recede back into
    a nebulous non-human state the farther they drive
    from the emergency room?

it's part of the woman's body
  • The hands are the mothers? The heart? The brain?
  • Taking that argument to its logical conclusion,
    (via the transitive relationship where if A is a
    part of B, and B is a part of C, then A is a part
    of C)

it's part of the woman's body
  • then a pregnant woman has four hands, four
    feet, two brains, and, if the fetus is a boy, the
    woman has both male and female genitalia.

it's part of the woman's body
  • Moreover, and very importantly, the unborn has
    its own unique genetic code in each of its cells
  • not the mothers code, not the fathers code
    its own human genetic code.
  • The fetus is in the mother, attached to the
    mother, but not part of the mother.

it's only a bunch of cells
  • So are we. We have trillions of cells, the unborn
    have from one to millions of cells. And their
    cells, like ours, all have purpose and function.
  • The number of cells no more defines humanness
    than does size.

it isn't wanted
  • Some believe that an embryo or fetus is not to be
    considered a human life until the mother wants
  • The obviousimplication hereis that
    onesfeelings determinethe nature ofthe object
    ofthose feelings

it isn't wanted
  • Therefore, a dog, no longer wanted or loved by
    its owner, becomes non-dog.
  • A father no longer wants his teenage son, so the
    sonsuddenly becomesnon-human.
  • This argument isactually held bysome
    educatedabortionists tojustify what they do.

it isn't alive
  • Its growing.Its developing.Its
    responding.Its functioning.Its burning food
    and oxygen.Its giving off waste products.Its
    cells are reproducing.
  • These are properties of a living being.
  • It is a Life.

definition of a human being
  • What is a universal definition of what makes a
    life a human life?
  • A human is a living organism with human
    chromosomes independent of time or place.
  • All humans already born fit into this definition.
  • So do the unborn.

three big choices
  • There are these three choices
  • The embryo/fetus is a human being.
  • The embryo/fetus is not a human being.
  • We do not know...

  • IF IT IS HUMAN and we intentionally take the life
    of this innocent human being, then we commit
  • Those are strong words but, nevertheless, they
    are the sad, cold logical conclusion

  • We can water it down and ignore the issue by
    calling it the termination of a pregnancy, but
    it is still the intentional taking of an innocent
    human life.
  • This does not imply that a woman allowing an
    abortion has the heart of a murderer.
  • But the action is murder.

not human?
  • IF IT IS NOT HUMAN, if it is not Homo sapiens,
    then to what species does it belong?
  • If it is only potential human life, then what is
    it now?
  • When does it suddenly become worth saving and why
  • Again - What is it, if not human?
  • Then maybe we dont know?

dont know?
  • IF WE DO NOT KNOW IF IT IS HUMAN, is it worth the
  • Is the possible taking of an innocent human life
    ever worth the risk?

  • This is no mere snobby exercise in logic it is
    truly a matter of life and death.
  • There are 4000 abortions a day in the US.
  • Over 50 million/year worldwide

  • If the fetus is human, this is a modern-day
  • Our society is no better than Hitlers Nazi
  • Hows that?!

  • Hitler convinced a blinded nation that there were
    individuals who were less than human, who were
    interfering and dispensable, and who did not have
    the right to live.

  • They allowed them no defense, no rights, no due
    process, and then slaughtered them by the

  • Could the same be said of organizations like the
    National Abortion Rights Action League, Planned
    Parenthood, NOW, and dozens of others?

  • Have they blinded our nation by convincing us
    that there are people who are less than human,
    dispensable, and do not have the same rights to
    Life as you and I?

  • Have they put the rights and privileges of a
    Master Race - those already born - over the lives
    of a defenseless, unwanted race - the Unborn?

the other victim
  • We should also be concerned for the mother
    another victim of abortion.

the other victim
  • In closing her eyes to her childs true nature
    and in bowing to the pressures put upon her by a
    society which cares little for Life, she may be
    snuffing out the Light in her own soul.

the other victim
  • She needs to be told - before it happens - what
    her babys true nature is.
  • Or, if it has already happened, she needs to know
    she can be forgiven

  • Abortion, which many ProAbortion advocates see as
    a simple clinical operation, is to us both the
    losing of a Life and the hardening of a Heart a
    hardening which may lead ultimately to the death
    of the Soul.
  • To us, this is of great concern.

  • Please, wont you speak up for those who cannot
    speak, and take part in defending the
    Defenseless,at the same time delivering their
    mothers from a tragic choice?

Somebody needs to now.
  • for further information and resourcesgo ? prolife pages
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