Title: iSite 3.5: Security Administration I
1iSite 3.5 Security Administration I
2Table of Contents
- Objectives
- Terminology
- Security Overview
- User Account Management
- Define Access Groups
- Assign User Privileges
3Learning Objectives
Understand the purpose and configuration of
- Adding Users
- Adding Access Groups
- Assigning Security Codes to Access Groups
- Resetting User Passwords
- PACS (Picture Archive and Communications System)
- Information Systems designed to manage, store and
distribute medical images and related information
throughout the healthcare enterprise - HIS (Hospital Information System)
- Information Systems designed to manage patient
records including patient registration, billing,
order entry - RIS (Radiology Information System)
- Information Systems designed to manage exams
(orders) including filling orders and scheduling
- MRN (Medical Record Number)
- A unique patient identifier (also known as
Patient ID) used for auditing of billing and
scheduling for patients - Accession Number (ACCession Number)
- A unique exam identifier (also known as an order
number or requisition number) used for auditing
of billing and scheduling of scheduled procedures - SUID (Study Instance Unique IDentifier)
- A unique study identifier used for auditing of
performed imaging service requests
- DICOM (Digital Imaging COmmunication in Medicine)
- DICOM is the predominant communication standard
between imaging equipment throughout the
Healthcare Enterprise - HL7 (Health Level 7)
- HL7 is the predominant messaging standard for
exchanging key sets of administrative and
clinical data in the healthcare enterprise
7Security Overview
8Security Overview
- Security Administration is the management of
Users, Access Groups and Security Codes to ensure
that users have the permissions and therefore the
functionality necessary to perform their job
functions - User Accounts using iSite User Database
- Users must belong to at least one Access Group
- Access Groups are assigned Security Codes
- Security Codes designate permissions
- Access Group Security Codes are cumulative
9Security Overview
Security Code
Security Code
Security Code
Access Group
Security Code
Security Code
Security Code
Security Code
Security Code
Access Group
Security Code
Security Code
10Security Overview
- User Accounts using iSite User Database
- Background
- Users must be members of at least one Access
Group - An Access Group is made up of Multiple Security
Codes - Each Security Code designates a function
- Need to review the Default Access Group Settings
and modify any Security Codes to fit your needs - User determined passwords - If users forget
passwords, the iSite System Administrator can
only Reset password - First time users login or if password Reset
- Password User ID or Username
- Users cannot re-use their previous 10 passwords
11Security Overview
- Password default UserID
- Users are prompted to change password at initial
log-in - iSite Administrator may reset passwords
- Password Enforcement
- Users may not re-use previous 10 passwords
- Minimum password length 3 characters
- iSite Enterprise NO maximum log-in attempts
- iSuite 3 maximum log-in attempts
12Security Overview
- Session Timeouts are assigned to Access Groups
- Session Timeout xx minutes
- Default Session Timeouts 20 minutes (max)
- Auto Logouts may be assigned to individual
Workstations in the iSite client Machine
Preferences - Auto Logout overrides Session Timeout
- Auto Logout xxxxx seconds
- Auto Logout may be utilized for workstations
requiring lengthy periods of inactivity (O.R.) or
to accommodate high traffic zones (E.R.)
13User Account Management
14User Account Management
- In iSuite, select the Sys Admin module
- Click the Security tab
15User Account Management
- To add a new user, from the pull-down menu select
Users and click continue
16User Account Management
17User Account Management
- An empty User Information page is displayed
18User Account Management
- Fill in the user information as requested
- Enter the users name (Last, First)
- Give the user a Title in accordance to their
role this has no use in iSite other than for
organized user management - The Employee field also has no specific use
in iSite - Assign a User ID
19User Account Management
- Fill in the user information as requested
- Select the users default organization in the
drop-down Primary Org box - Select the number of days to force the user to
change the password in the Chg PW Days - The
maximum is 999 days - Currently, Discount Approval has no
functionality in iSite - Check the Active box for a currently active
user account
20User Account Management
- Once information is complete, click add to
create a new user
21User Account Management
- To assign the user to an Access Group, select the
- access groups button
22User Account Management
- Administrators must be familiar with the
definitions of the access groups before assigning
users to them - Assigning users to inappropriate access groups
could compromise sensitive data
23User Account Management
- Select the Access Group(s) to which the user will
belong - Click the ok button
24User Account Management
- User Information screen returns and the Access
Groups for the user are displayed - iSite Enterprise cannot be used by the new user
until the user has been assigned to at least one
access group
25User Account Management
- If a user forgets their password, it can be reset
in iSuite from the User Information screen - Select the reset pw button
- The password is immediately reset to the default
password, which is the same as the User ID
26Define Access Groups
27Define Access Groups
- When creating an access group, a set of security
codes is grouped together, thereby enabling
access to the modules and options in which users
can work - Changes made to an access group concerning
associated security codes affects all users
assigned to that access group - If a user is logged into iSite Enterprise when
you edit their access group information, changes
to user privileges do not take effect until the
user logs out of iSite Enterprise and then logs
back into the system
28Security by Organization
- Users can view patients who belong to the same
organization as the Access Group(s) with which
the users are associated - Organizations are designated via Access Group
setup - If a user belongs to multiple Access Groups which
have different organizations, the user has the
cumulative security rights and access to all
patients in all associated organizations - For example, if a user is given Mark Read
security in Access Group A of ORG A and the user
also belongs to Access Group B of ORG B which
does not grant Mark Read rights, the user has
Mark Read rights for both ORG A and ORG B
29Security by Organization
- With Security by Organization, a user cannot
access exams that are not in the users
organization(s) - If a Patients History Timeline contains exams
that were performed at different organizations,
the user will only have access to view those
exams that were acquired at the organization to
which the user belongs
30Define Access Groups
- To create a new access group, select Access
Groups from the pull-down menu and click continue
31Define Access Groups
- Click the add new button in the Access Groups
32Define Access Groups
- Enter all pertinent information to define and
describe the new Access Group
33Define Access Groups
- Enter the title of the role in the Name field
- Enter the description of the role in the
Description field - Check the Active box for a currently active
Access Group - Determine the length of the Session Timeout
assigned to this Access Group - Session Timeout xx minutes
- Default Session Timeouts 20 minutes (max)
34Security by Organization
- iSite 3.5 Security by Organization feature allows
customers to prevent specific users or user
groups from accessing exams in organizations
(ORGs) to which they do not have clinical
privileges - This gives customers from institutions in
competitive situations an additional level of
access security
35Security by Organization
- Security by Organization supports
multi-organization customers sharing an iVault
who do not want users from one organization to
view patients from another organization for
patient confidentially reasons
36Security by Organization
- Users can view patients who belong to the same
organization as the Access Group(s) with which
the users are associated - Organizations are designated via Access Group
setup - If a user belongs to multiple Access Group(s)
which have different organizations, the user has
the cumulative security rights and access to all
patients in all associated organizations - For example, if a user is given Mark Read
security in Access Group A of ORG A and the user
also belongs to Access Group B of ORG B which
does not grant Mark Read rights, the user has
Mark Read rights for both ORG A and ORG B
37Security by Organization
- With Security by Organization, a user cannot
access exams that are not in the users
organization(s) - If a Patients History Timeline contains exams
that were performed at different organizations,
the user will only have access to view those
exams that were acquired at the organization to
which the user belongs
38Security by Organization
- Philips recommends that all customers verify
their Access Group configurations to ensure that
they are associated with the desired
39Security by Organization
- If the iSite System Administrator does not want
to restrict user access enforced by Security by
Organization, the iSite System Administrator
should make sure that all Access Groups are
configured to associate with the Enterprise
umbrella organization immediately after the
upgrade - This gives users with Access Groups configured
with the Enterprise organization access to
patients across all organizations
40Security by Organization
- Features Not Impacted by Security by Organization
- Security by Organization does not apply to
system-wide features such as Public Folders - For example, if User A in ORG A is given security
code access to Public Folders that contain
patient exams from ORG A and ORG B, User A will
have access to view those exams from ORG B.
Likewise, if User A (in ORG A) is given security
code access to Merge Patients, User A can merge
patients from multiple organizations
41Security by Organization
- The following features are not affected by
Security by Organization - Public Folders
- Viewing Access Exceptions
- Merge Candidates List
- System Preferences Window Width/Center
- System Preferences Image Processing
- System Preferences DICOM Sources
- System Preferences Screen Overlays
- System Preferences Paper Printing
- System Preferences Print to Film
- System Preferences System Plug Ins
- System Preferences System Filters
- System Preferences iExport
- System Preferences iQuery
42Define Access Groups
- After entering all the pertinent information,
click add
43Define Access Groups
- Information is saved and the access group created
appears as an editable entry - From the window shown here, the entries can be
changed and security codes may be added
44Define Access Groups
- Click the - security codes button to add
security codes to this access group
45Define Access Groups
- Select the security codes to grant access to the
group just created - Click the ok button
46Define Access Groups
- Access Group entry window reappears and clicking
the update button finalizes the changes
47Assign User Privileges
48Assign User Privileges
- PACS Admin Team shall have all features and
functions available (SYSADMINALL Access Group) - Caution To enable Exceptions Handler Tab for
iSite Enterprise the ISTSUPPORT Security Code
must be active for the related Access Group
however, ISTSUPPORT allows Access Groups with
ISTUSRPREF active to access System Preferences
and Machine Preferences as well
49Assign User Privileges
- The following list demonstrates all necessary
Access Groups that may be created to assign the
appropriate permissions to all iSite users based
upon previous experiences - PACS Administration Team
- Quality Assurance Clinical Staff
- Information Technology (Support and Security)
- Radiologists
- Radiology Residents
- Clinical Supervisors, Leads, and 3rd Shift Techs
(Radiologic Technologists) - Staff Radiologic Technologists
- Clerical Staff
- Medical Staff Specialists (Cardiologists,
Endoscopy and Surgeons) - Medical and Clinical Staff (Physicians, Nurses)
- EMR Integration Access Group
50Access Privileges
View Images for all exams IMGVUEIMG
Log in to iSite PACS ISTACCESS
View Images for any patient ISTANYPAT
View Images for patient for which the user is not the Ordering Physician ISTANYPHYS
View Images searching by MRN ISTBYMRN
View Images in Exceptions status ISTEXCEPT
View Images that do not have reports ISTNOREP
Show Location Patient Lookup ISTSHOWLOC
Unrestricted Patient Lookup Query Type 3 (must be active) ISTUNRES3
51Workflow Related
User Preferences (General Preferences, Filters, WW/WL, etc.) ISTUSRPREF
System Preferences (System Level Functionality changes) ISTUSRPREF and ISTSUPPORT
System Filters (Create) ISTUSRPREF and ISTSUPPORT
System Filters (Access) ISTSYSFLTR
User Filters (Create) ISTUSRPREF
User Filters (Access) ISTUSRFLTR
Public Folders (Create) ISTPUBFLDR
Public Folders (Access) ISTPUBFLDO
Personal Folders (Create and Access) ISTUSRFLDR
52Workflow Related
CD Manager (CD Burning) ISTMEDEXP
iExport (DICOM Image export) ISTIEXP
IQuery (DICOM Image import) ISTQUERY
Local Exam Cache ISTLCACHE
Paper Print ISTPRNT
Film Print ISTFLMPRNT (must have ISTRAD )
Saving Presentation States ISTPSTATE
Plug-Ins (Recommend link to Intranet without associated Security Code) ISTPLUG
53Image Management
View Exceptions Handler EXHACCESS
Access to Clinical Exam Notes EXHCLNOTE
Remove Exceptions (permanently delete images) EXHWINACT
Resolve Exceptions EXHWRESEX
Digital Image Management (creating patient exceptions due to misidentification) IMGDIGMGMT, IMGULKSUID
Delete Images from Exam Rack (not permanent) ISTIMGDEL
Remove/Resolve Dup UID Warning Message ISTRDUPID
Assign new Study Instance Unique Identifier ISTRGUID
54Technologist Worklist
Study Linking (Matching two Accession Numbers to one Study UID) IMGLINKFUL, IMGLINKLIM, IMGULKSUID, IMGUNLKFUL, IMGUNLKLIM
55Patient Management
Patient/Exam Edit (may be necessary for Exceptions Resolution) SCHCANCEX, SCHEDITEX, SCHEDITEX1, SCHEDITEX2, SCHEDITEX3, SCHEDITEX4, SCHEDITEX5, SCHPTAPPT
56System Management
Access Groups/Security Codes (Add/Edit Access Groups) SADSEC
Reset Passwords (Add/Edit Access Groups) SADSECUSER
System Preferences (System Level Functionality changes) ISTUSRPREF and ISTSUPPORT
System Filters (Create) ISTUSRPREF and ISTSUPPORT
Machine Preferences ISTUSRPREF and ISTMPREF
System Hanging Protocols ISTHPSTD, ISTSYSHP, ISTRAD
57iSite Radiology Specific Features
iSite Radiology access ISTRAD
Mark Read function ISTDICTATE
Series Matching Rules (create) ISTHPSTD
System level Hanging Protocols (create) ISTSYSHP
User level Hanging Protocols (create) ISTUSRHP
Machine Preferences ISTUSRPREF and ISTMPREF
58For assistance, please call customer support at
1-877-328-2808 or 1-877-328-2809
59(No Transcript)