Title: Amortization Table
1Amortization Table
A table display, showing the distribution of the
payment, and the remaining balance.
- Elements
- Payment number
- Interest paid
- Principle paid
- Remaining Balance
2Amortization Table
Beginning Balance ? Principle Interest Paid
?Current Balance monthly interest
rate Principle Paid ? Monthly payment
Interest Paid Remaining Balance ? Previous
Balance Principle Paid
- Need to know
- Monthly Payment
- Number of months for the term of the loan
Table is automatically calculated through monthly
payments until the last payment. The last
payment is calculated separately.
3Amortization Table
An amortization table is usually a calculated
element. It is run in a loop, since the number
of payments is known.
The amortization table is usually a single
routine. However, an amortization table cannot
be constructed until all the loan information has
been processed.
4Amortization Table