Title: Latest Fashion Designer's Women's
1Welcome to the wonders of fashion
2The world is full of wonders and miracles but man
takes his little hand and covers his eyes and
sees nothing.
3It's beauty that captures your attention
personality which captures your heart.
4A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile
can work wonders and accomplish miracles.
5You don't love a woman because she is beautiful,
but she is beautiful because you love her
6A woman with a smile makes wonders in life
7Love of beauty is Taste. The creation of beauty
is Art.
8We carry within us the wonders we seek without us.
9Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees
10We carry within us the wonders we seek without us
11Beauty is not in the face beauty is a light in
the heart
12Pretty is something you're born with. But
beautiful, that's an equal opportunity adjective.
13Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in
your eyes.
14Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees
15A beauty is a woman you notice a charmer is one
who notices you.
16Memory believes before knowing remembers.
Believes longer than recollects, longer than
knowing even wonders.
17We live only to discover beauty. All else is a
form of waiting.
18(No Transcript)
1923A Shakespare Sarani, Kolkata - 700017, West
Bengal, India
20Thank You