- for the Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan
- County Needs Assessments
- August 2003
- Prepared by Cancer Surveillance Program
- Cancer Epidemiology Services
- New Jersey Department of Health
Senior Services
2New Jersey State Cancer RegistryBackground
- established by legislation NJSA 262-104
- a central cancer registry (i.e. population-based
incidence registry)
- all cases of cancer diagnosed October 1978 to the
present (about 40,000 a year)
- except cervical cancer in situ diagnosed after
1994 and certain skin carcinomas
- hospitals, clinical laboratories, physicians,
dentists must report cases
- reporting agreements with New York, Delaware,
Pennsylvania, Florida, Maryland, North Carolina
3New Jersey State Cancer Registry Background
- includes identifiers, demographic
characteristics, medical information, vital
status for each case
- cancer information is coded using the
International Classification of Disease for
Oncology (ICD-O), 2nd edition
- follows data standards of the North American
Association of Central Cancer Registries
- participates in CDCs National Program of Cancer
Registries and NCIs Surveillance, Epidemiology,
and End Results (SEER) program
- an active member of NAACCR
4New Jersey State Cancer RegistryData Quality
- recipient of NAACCRs Gold Standard (highest
possible) for 1995 through 2000 data
- Gold Standard is based on
- completeness of case ascertainment 95
- missing/unknown age at diagnosis, gender, county
- missing/unknown race -
- death certificate only cases -
- duplicate cases -
- passing an edit program 99 correct
- timeliness data submitted within 24 months
5New Jersey Cancer Incidence by County, 1996-2000
Data Sources
- data are from the May, 2003 analytic file
- tabulations using SEERStat, a statistical
software package distributed by NCI
- 1996-1999 populations estimates from NCI
- 2000 populations from U.S. Census Bureau
- Note NJSCR follows the SEER multiple primary
rules thus a patient with cancer can be counted
more than once if diagnosed with two or more
primary cancers.
6New Jersey Cancer Incidence by County, 1996-2000
Hispanic Algorithm
- used the NAACCR Hispanic Identification Algorithm
- auguments the cases reported as Hispanic
- based on
- birthplace
- marital status
- race
- surname match to the 1990 U.S. Census Hispanic
surname list
7County Cancer Incidence Tables and Figures
General Information
- includes the 7 cancers in the CCCP breast,
cervix, colorectal, lung bronchus, melanoma,
oral cavity pharynx, prostate
- include incidence rates and stage at diagnosis by
race, ethnicity, and age group for
- men and women for colorectal, lung bronchus,
oral cavity pharynx cancers and melanoma of the
- women only for breast, cervical cancer
- men only for prostate cancer
- except stage at diagnosis is not included for
lung bronchus cancer
8County Cancer Incidence Tables and Figures
General Information (cont.)
- incidence rates were calculated for invasive
cancers only
- incidence rates are per 100,000 population and
age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. population
- percents diagnosed by stage include invasive and
in situ cases except for cervical cancer
- for the percents diagnosed by stage the in situ
and localized stages are combined except for
breast cancer
- Note invasive cancers are localized, regional,
and metastatic stages in situ cancers are not
considered invasive
9County Cancer Incidence Tables and Figures
General Information (cont.)
- race categories are white, black, and all races
(includes other than white and black races and
unknown race)
- ethnic category is Hispanic (non-Hispanic is not
- race and ethnicity are not mutually exclusive
- age groups are 15-39, 40-49, 50-64, 65-74, 75 and
over (the 0-14 age group was not included due to
very small numbers statewide)
- counts, and rates based on counts, fewer than 5
are suppressed due to unreliability
10County Tables GraphsCancer Incidence
- use to determine opportunities for prevention
activities (and screening activities for
colorectal cancer)
- within the county compare rates among the
different gender, the different race and ethnic
groups and the different age groups
- compare the county rates to the New Jersey rates
- be cautious with rates based on small numbers
- the number of people affected is small
- the rates are not reliable
- Note Corresponding incidence graphs for men and
women are on the same scale.
11County Tables GraphsCancer Incidence by Race
and Ethnicity
- table includes incidence counts and rates for
each year and 1996-2000 combined
- separate table and graphs for each gender where
- table includes all races, whites, blacks,
Hispanics for the county and New Jersey
- first line graph shows annual incidence rates for
whites and blacks in the county and New Jersey
(if data for blacks is suppressed then all races
is shown instead) - second line graph shows annual incidence rates
for Hispanics in the county and New Jersey
12County Tables GraphsCancer Incidence by Age
- separate table and graphs for each gender where
applicable (New Jersey is shown separately)
- table includes incidence counts and rates for
each year and 1996-2000 combined
- table includes five age-groups for the county
- line graph shows annual incidence rates by age
13County Tables GraphsStage at Diagnosis
- use to determine screening needs distant stage
is the most important stage to note
- within the county compare percent diagnosed at
the distant stage among the different race and
ethnic groups and the different age groups
- compare the percent diagnosed at the distant
stage in the county with New Jersey
- be cautious with percents based on small
- the number of people affected is small
- the percents are not reliable
14County Tables GraphsStage at Diagnosis by Race
and Ethnicity
- separate table and charts for each gender where
applicable (New Jersey is shown separately)
- table includes the number and percent of cases
diagnosed at each stage for 1996-2000 combined
- table includes all races, whites, blacks,
Hispanics for the county
- pie charts show the percent diagnosed by stage
for all races, whites, blacks, and Hispanics
- the dark pie slice is the distant stage, the
stage with the lowest survival rate
- Note Read the pie chart clockwise.
15County Tables GraphsStage at Diagnosis by Age
- separate tables and graphs for each gender where
applicable (New Jersey is shown separately)
- table includes the number and percent of cases
diagnosed at each stage for 1996-2000 combined
- table includes five age-groups for the county
(New Jersey is shown separately)
- pie charts show the percent diagnosed by stage
for each age group
- the dark pie slice is the distant stage, the
stage with the lowest survival rate
- Note Read the pie chart clockwise.
16County Tables GraphsComparison with Other Data
- Healthy New Jersey 2010
- this county data is more recent
- age-adjusted rates computed using the 1970 U.S.
population standard so cannot compare with these
county data rates
- Cancer Control Planet
- this county data is more recent
- Planet suppresses counts
- Planet does not include stage at diagnosis
- Currently, the 2000 U.S. population standard is
used nationwide.
17County Tables GraphsGroup Exercise
- three groups (by color of your folder)
- each group has one cancer type for one county
- discuss the data (e.g. compare incidence and
stage at diagnosis among the genders, races,
ethnicity and with New Jersey)
- agree upon two or three prevention/early
detection activities and the target population(s)
for each based on the data
- if time enough, each group report its findings