Title: Staying Connected on the Go
1Staying Connected on the Go
2Wi-fi Now
- To obtain a wi-fi connection in todays world you
must - Be in a wi-fi hot spot (Starbucks, etc.)
- Hotels/airports often charge a fee per hour
- Hard to find when necessary or in unfamiliar
locations - Iphone/Blackberries allow access but with limited
abilities -
3Several Unique Ways to Gain Access to the Web
- Tethering
- 3G/4G USB cards
- Mobile Hotspot
- Mobile device, Smartphone or PDA, used as modem
- Done with USB or through Bluetooth
5Advantages of Tethering
- Low cost
- Any smartphone, such as a Blackberry can be used
for minimal fee/data plan - Free software available to allow free tethering
for small amount of usage - Anytime, Anywhere
- With tethering, all you need is a signal from
your cell phone to allow you to connect - Always have your phone
6Disadvantages of Tethering
- Speeds
- 400kbps to 700kbps
- Expensive
- If not paired with unlimited data plan
- Charged by amount used
73G/4G cards
- Offered by many retailers Sprint, Verizon, etc.
- USB plug in
8Advantages of 3G/4G cards
- Anywhere, Anytime
- Much like tethering, these cards allow internet
access without being in a wifi hotspot - Speed
- Data rates vary per network
- Sprint offering 3G and soon to be 4G coverage
- Use mobile broadband network of carrier
- Easy to Use
9Disadvantages of 3G/4G card
- Expensive
- Pay for card plus 2-year activation fee
- Verizon 129.00
- Sprint 250.00 before rebates/discounts
- One more thing to carry around
- Small as a jump drive
10Mobile Hotspots
- Newly arrived device from Sprint and Verizon
- Connects to internet through wireless network of
11Advantages of Mobile Hotspots
- Ultra light and portable
- 3.5" (H) x 2.3" (W) x 0.4" (D) (Verizon)
- 3.14" x 3.14" x .61 (Sprint)
- Each weigh 2-4 ounces
- 4 Hour rechargeable battery life
- High data speeds
- 600kbps-1.7Mbps (faster speeds if used on Sprints
4G network)
- Can connect up to 5 wifi-enabled devices
- Ipods, video game consoles, other computers
- No software to install or activate
- Turn it on and use
13Disadvantages of Mobile Hotspots
- Expensive
- Retail price
- Sprint 350
- Verizon 270
- Plus 2/yr contract
- One more item to pack on trips