Title: Happy Holidays from Terps on the Move
1 Happy Holidays from Terps on the Move!
- Continue to be a Terp on the Move this winter
with these healthy tips!
2Holiday Tips from Terps on the Move!
- Have friends and family in town?
- Take them for a walk around your neighborhood,
visit the sights in DC, or bring them for a walk
here on campus!
3Holiday Tips from Terps on the Move!
- Don't starve yourself the day of a party or
holiday feast! - Eat little bits of food throughout the day so you
don't over do it!
4Holiday Tips from Terps on the Move!
- Plan your exercise routine in advance so you can
stay in the habit! Aim for at least 10 minutes a
day-every little bit counts!
5Holiday Tips from Terps on the Move!
- Have a dance party with your favorite holiday
6Holiday Tips from Terps on the Move!
Change your family traditions! Do you normally
sit around the TV after a meal? Take the family
for a walk around the neighborhood to check out
the holiday decorations.
7Holiday Tips from Terps on the Move!
- Go to a nearby ice skating rink and have some
8Holiday Tips from Terps on the Move!
- Remember physical activity can help alleviate a
lot of the stress of the holidays.
9Holiday Tips from Terps on the Move!
- Take your workout to the mall, walk a few extra
laps before shopping - OR
- Leave the wallet at home
- and walk inside the mall
- when it is cold outside!