Title: Chapter 27 World War I and Its Aftermath
1Chapter 27 World War I and Its Aftermath
Section 5 Making the Peace
2- Setting the Scene
- Just weeks after the Great War ended, President
Wilson boarded a steamship bound for France. He
had decided to go in person to Paris, where
Allied leaders would make the peace. Wilson was
certain that he could solve the problems of old
Europe. "Tell me what is right," Wilson urged his
advisers, "and I'll fight for it." - Sadly, it would not be that easy. Europe was a
shattered continent. Its problems, and those of
the world, would not be solved at the Paris Peace
Conference, or for many years afterward.
3I. The Costs of War
- More than 8.5 million people were dead and over
21 million had been wounded
Let us use arithmetic for World War I
9,000,000 dead young men equal
1,350,000,000 pounds of bone and flesh
27,900,000 pounds of brain matter 11,250,000
gallons of blood 414,000,000 years of
life that will never be lived 22,500,000
children who will never be born
The dry if imposing figure "9,000,000 dead" seems
a little less statistical when we view it from
this perspective. Dalton Trumbo, author of Johnny
Got His Gun
4I. The Costs of War
- The devastation was made worse in 1918 by the
influenza pandemic, which killed more than 20
Emergency hospital during influenza epidemic,
Camp Funston, Kansas
5I. The Costs of War
- The costs of rebuilding and paying off war debts
were huge, and famine threatened many regions
Ypres, France
6I. The Costs of War
- Governments collapsed in Russia, Germany,
Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman empire
7I. The Costs of War
- Unrest swept through Europe's colonies, who had
hoped for independence
8II. The Paris Peace Conference
- Woodrow Wilsons talk of self-determination and
democracy raised hopes for a just and lasting
9II. The Paris Peace Conference
- Wilson urged "peace without victory," and wanted
the Fourteen Points to be the basis of the peace
Representatives at the Paris Peace Conference
included, left to right, British prime minister
Lloyd George, Italian foreign minister Giorgio
Sonnino, French premier Georges Clemenceau, and
U.S. president Woodrow Wilson
10II. The Paris Peace Conference
- British PM David Lloyd George knew his people
demanded harsh treatment for Germany
11II. The Paris Peace Conference
- French leader Georges Clemenceau wanted to weaken
Germany so it could never threaten France again
12III. The Treaty of Versailles
- In June 1919 at Versailles, the Germans were
ordered to sign the treaty drawn up by the Allies
13III. The Treaty of Versailles
- Germany was forced to assume full blame for
causing the war and pay reparations totaling over
30 billion
14III. The Treaty of Versailles
- The treaty limited the size of the German
military, returned Alsace and Lorraine to France,
and stripped Germany of its colonies
Lady Germania chained to a torture pole. German
political picture, June 1919.
15III. The Treaty of Versailles
- New nations included the Baltic states, Austria,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia, and
Poland regained independence
16III. The Treaty of Versailles
- In the colonies, the treaties created a system of
mandates administered by western powers
League of Nations Mandate - Middle East Africa
17III. The Treaty of Versailles
- More than 40 nations joined the League of Nations
and agreed to negotiate disputes rather than
resort to war