Title: Criminal Defense Lawyer Jacksonville FL
1Call 904-619-2510
Law Offices of Kate Mesic, PA 1912 Hamilton
Street, Suite 204 Jacksonville, FL 32210
Mesic Law
2- About Kate L. Mesic, Esquire
- Experienced and Compassionate Trial Attorney
- Handles Criminal and Civil Cases
- Former State Prosecutor on your side.
- Memberships
- Executive Board of the Jacksonville Women Lawyers
Association - University Of North Florida Pre-Law Board Of
Advisors - Board Member of the Women Business Owners of
North Florida - Jacksonville Bar Association
- Small Business Resource Network
- North Florida Association of Criminal Defense
Lawyers - Service Areas
- Duval, St. Johns, Nassau and Clay counties,
Jacksonville Beach and Atlantic Beach
3Kate L. Mesic, Esquire handles
- DUI Defense and Criminal Defense
- Foreclosure Defense
- Landlord/Tenant disputes
- Expungement/Sealing of Criminal Records
- Traffic Ticket Defense
- Business Litigation
- Commercial Collections
- Judgment Enforcement
4Mesic Law Practice Areas
DUI Defense Florida has very serious penalties
for even first time offenders. We always provide
a FREE consultations in DUI cases. Criminal
Defense Mesic Law focuses on Criminal Defense,
DUI cases, Sealing of Criminal Records traffic
ticket related problems. Expungement/Sealing of
Criminal Records Sealing of your criminal record
will make a difference in your life. Mesic Law
can help you get your life back by helping your
get your criminal record sealed or
expunged. Traffic Ticket Mesic Law handles all
types of civil traffic infractions. Call our
office to speak with Jacksonville Traffic Ticket
5Mesic Law Practice Areas
- Landlord Tenant Mesic Law handles a variety of
Landlord Tenant Issues for clients on both sides.
These include both residential and commercial
lease disputes and evictions., - Foreclosure Defense Jacksonville foreclosure
defense attorney, Kate Mesic, offers a first
consultation free and can guide you through the
difficult time when your home is in Foreclosure. - Collections If your business is in need of
guidance and advice in Commercial Collections and
Judgment Enforcement, Mesic Law can help you
collect the money that you are owed.
6Contact Us
Law Offices of Kate Mesic, PA Call on
904-619-2510 Fax 904-328-2081 Mail at
kate_at_mesiclaw.com Website www.mesiclaw.com