Title: Treatment of Postthrombocythemic Myelofibrosis with Myeloid Metaplasia
1Treatment ofPostthrombocythemicMyelofibrosis
with Myeloid Metaplasia
- Maggi Coplin
- June 20, 2003
2Case Study
- 65 yr old AA male high school principal
- Hx throbocytosis in 1986-88
- BM bx 88
- Hypercellular (90) dry tap
- ME ratio 101
- Megakaryocytes were increased and dysplastic
- 4 diffuse reticulin fibrosis
- Dx with chronic myeloproliferative d/o thought to
be MF
3Case Study
- Treated with Hydroxyurea and allopurinol for 1 ½
yrs then stopped on his own - Seen at BJC 1998 (12 years later)
- (Plts 639K, WBC 11, Hb 13.1, LDH 551)
- Bone marrow biopsy similar to 1988
- Dx with ET - stable for 2 years
4Case Study
- 2000 comes in with WBC 78K, Hb 12.9, plt 707
- BM bx 70 cellular
- ME 101
- Moderately increased platelets
- Diffuse reticulin fibrosis
- Cytogenetics normal
5Case Study
- Repeat CBC WBC 10, Hb 12, plt 616
- 15 months later..flu-like symptoms
- peripheral blasts on routine CBC
- WBC 35, 17 blasts Hgb 11.5, plts 108
- BM bx RAEB with MF
- Cytogenetics 46,XY, der(6)t(1,6)(q21p21.3)
- 1 year later ? HSM
6(No Transcript)
7Myelofibrosis with Myeloid Metaplasia
- First described in 1879
- Aka agnogenic myeloid metaplasia or
postthrombocythemic myeloid metaplasia - 1.3/100,00 people
- Median age 60 (90 are gt40)
- Classified as chronic myeloproliferative disorder
(like PV and ET) - Clonal stem cell disorder
- lt5 of ET go to MMM after 10-20 years
8Clinical features
- Chronic, idiopathic progressive anemia
- Extramedullary hematopoiesis
- HSM (SM is the hallmark)
- Bone marrow fibrosis
- Hypercatabolic syndromes (Fatigue, fevers, weight
loss, night sweats) - Evolution to acute leukemia
- suggested by peripheral blood smear
- normocytic anemia
- increased or decreased number of granulocytes and
platelets. - myelophthisis
- teardrop-shaped RBCs (dacryocytes)
- leukoerythroblastosis (nucleated RBCs and
granulocyte precursors) - confirmed by bone marrow biopsy
- Usually dry tap
10Bone Marrow Features
- Ineffective erythropoiesis
- Dysplastic-megakaryocyte hyperplasia (secrete
PDGF, TGF-b, VEGF,bFGF, TNF) - Increase in ratio of immature to total
granulocytes - Reactive bone marrow fibrosis (polyclonal
fibroblasts) - thickening and distortion of the bony trabeculae
(osteosclerosis) - Bcr-abl negative
11 From Tefferi N Engl J Med, Volume
342(17).April 27, 2000.1255-1265
12(No Transcript)
- In 30-50 of patients
- 13q-, 20q-, Trisomy 8,9 chromosome 1, 12 abn
- Chromo 5 and 7 unusual and suggest MDS
- Median survival 3-5 yrs
- Adverse prognostic factors
- Anemia
- Age gt64
- Hypercatabolic sx (wt loss, fatigue, NS, fever)
- WBCgt30 or lt4
- Blastsgt1
- Cytogenetics 8, 12p-
15Dupriez Scoring
16Dupriez Scoring
17Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia following
Essential Thrombocythemia
- 195 patients with ET
- Median age 60 (11-90)
- 7.3 years median F/U
- 31 had elevated LDH (moderate)
- 74 asymptomatic
- 74 had some treatment
- 13 got MMM (6.6) at a median of 8 yrs (3-20)
- Actuarial probability
- 2.7 at 5 years, 8.3 at 10 years, 15 at 15 years
Cervantes et al. BJH 2002118786-790
18MMM following Essential Thrombocythemia
- Features preceding diagnosis of MMM
- Myeloid precursors in peripheral blood
- Increased LDH
- Plt count decrease
- Leukocytosis
- Palpable spleen
- No constitutional symptoms (unlike de novo MMM)
Cervantes et al. BJH 2002118786-790
19Treatment Options
- Halotestin 10mg bid for anemia and prednisone
(0.5/kg/d) for anemia (lt30 RR and transient) - EPO PRBCs
- Danazol 200-800mg/day improves anemia
- Hydroxyurea for increased WBC or Plts
- Busulfan
- Melphalan
- 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine
- N223
- Indications for surgery
- Mechanical discomfort (39)
- Portal HTN (11)
- Severe hypercatabolic symptoms (5)
- PRBC needed frequently (45)
Tefferi et al 2000952226
- Improvement in symptoms in majority
- 16 had increase in hepatomegaly
- 22 had increase in thrombocytosis
- 16 had blast transformation
- Median survival 2 years
- Low plts and BM without hypercellularity assoc
with poor prognosis
Tefferi et al 2000952226
- Operative mortality 9
- postop morbidity 31
- Postop thrombocytosis, hepatomegaly in 25
Tefferi et al 2000952226
23Splenic Radiation
- Radiation in 23 pts
- 100-500cGy to spleen
- Transient benefit (6 months) from pain, spleen
size - 10 mortality from prolonged cytopenias
- Median survival 2 years
242-CdA after splenectomy
- Pts post splenectomy with HM or increased plts
- 2-CdA 0.05-0.1 mg/kg/d civi for 7d q28d
- N9
- 6 male, 3 female
- median age 54 (43-72)
- 7 with MMM median of 8 years
- 1 with MMM post PV for 2 years
- 1 with MMM post ET for 3 years
- Median of 16 mo (2-47) post splenectomy
Tefferi et al BJH 199799352
252-CdA after splenectomy
- Marked fibrosis in 7 pts
- Mild/moderate fibrosis in 2 pts
- 7pts had abnormal cytogenetics
- 8 had HM, 1 had increased plts
- All had palpable HM
- 3 pts were transfusion dependent
- 2 had mild anemia
Tefferi et al BJH 199799352
262-CdA after splenectomy
- At median F/U of 15 months
- 4 were dead (PD in 2, AML in 1, GIB in 1)
- 78 pts had reduction in liver size of 50 and
improvement in fatigue and plts - 50 of responders had durable remission
(4-28months) - No improvement in anemia
- 27 responders died of AML or PD
- 25 marrows had improved fibrosis
- Single-agent thalidomide at 200 mg/d has been
evaluated in MMM - 15 pts accrued at a 200mg/d dose
- Dose escalation of 200mg/d q month planned
- Primary endpoint improved anemia or SM
- Median age 65 (42-79)
- 13 with de novo dz 2 with post ET dz
- Dupriez score 2- 4pts, 1 8pts, 0-3pts
Elliott et al BJH 2002117288
- Anemia improved in 315 pts (20 RR)
- Platelets increased in 1215pts (80 RR)
- Hemoglobin increased to gt11 in 315 pts
- Spleen size decreased in 312 pts (25)
- Toxicities EMH in 1 pt, leukocytosis in 2pts,
thrombocytosis in 315 pts (in both pts with MMM
post ET) - No effect on fibrosis
Elliott et al BJH 2002117288
- Dose escalation was only allowed in 2 pts
- SE constipation, fatigue, parasthesia,
somnolence, anxiety,depression, decreased
hearing, visual changes, tremor - 50mg/d gave same efficacy
- Concluded Myeloproliferative reactions are
possible and serious and that 50mg was safe
Elliott et al BJH 2002117288
- 62 pts from 5 trials with gt100mg/d
- 49 pts (79) had gt4 weeks of trt
- 29 had increase in Hgb
- 38 had increase in plts
- 41 had decreased spleen size
- 45 had a decrease in symptom score
- 18 had myeloproliferative reaction
- 66 had SE and stopped before 6 monhts
Barosi et al ASH 2002 Abstract 3157
31Thalidomide and Prednisone
- 50mg/d THAL 0.5mg/kg/d prednisone for 1 month
then taper steroid over 2 months - Eligibility
- anemia (lt10)
- symptomatic SM
- 21 pts (5 females)
- Median age 66 (43-78)
Mesa et al. Blood 2003 101(7) 2534-41
32Thalidomide and Prednisone
- 95 completed three months
- 13(62) had clinical response (improved Hgb)
- 10 transfusion-dependent pts 70 responded and
40 were independent - 8pts with plts lt100K 6(75) had 50 increase
- 421 (19) had decrease in spleen size
- Responses to spleen size or plts occurred only in
pts who had Hb response
Mesa et al. Blood 2003 101(7) 2534-41
33Thalidomide and Prednisone
- Toxicities
- Constipation 38
- Leukocytosis 38
- Mild neuropathy 29
- Visual changes 19
- Anxiety 19
- 1013 responders finished another 3 months of
thalidomide 60 of them maintained response - Leukocytosis in 38 pts
- Thrombocytosis in 19 pts
Mesa et al. Blood 2003 101(7) 2534-41
- 13 pts 9men/4 females, median age 65
- Dupriez score 2 32
- 1 46
- 0 22
- Abnormal cytogenetics in 32
- 600mg/d for three months
- Response improved anemia or splenomegaly
- No objective responses
- 35 pt with plts lt100K had 50 increase
Odenike et al. ASCO 2003 Abstract 2354
- 4 patients with transfusion dependence
- 600mg/day 5wks-5 months
- 1 pt transfusion independent
- 1 has 60 less transfusions
- 3 had decreased spleen size
DeLoughery et al ASH 2002 Abstract 4944
- N23
- Median age 63 (37-78)
- 7 pts Dupriez Score 2 7 (30)
- 1 10 (4)
- 0 6 (26)
- 9 PRBC dependent
- 11 with constitutional symptoms
- 8 had previous chemo
- 65 had abnormal cytogenetics
Teferri et al. Blood 2002993854
- Gleevec at 400mg/d (200mg/day if reduced)
- 16 pts (70) had treatment held after 1-12 weeks
because of side effects - neutropenia 6pts muscle pain 5 pts
- increase plts 4pts edema 3 pts
- incr bilirubin 1pts
- 1216 pts had 200 mg/day and 9 of them had to
stop this dose also
Teferri et al. Blood 2002993854
- Overall, only 48 of patients (11) could continue
for 3 months and 5 more dropped out later - Only 6 pts continued for 6 months
- No improvement in anemia in any pt
- 2 PR in splenomegaly
- 48 of pts had increase in plts (none in pts with
counts lt100K) - No responses in bone marrow
Teferri et al. Blood 2002993854
- TNF inhibits hematopoiesis, stimulates
fibroblasts, mediates fever and cachexia - Etanercept a soluble TNF receptor
- Open label pilot study
- Dose 25mg SQ biw for 24 weeks
- N22 with MMM
Steensma et al Blood 2002992252
- 20 had objective response
- 1 had Hb increase of 3g/dl and PRBC independent
- 1 had stable Hb by 1g/dl
- 1 decrease in PRBC by 50
- 1 increase plts 16-182K
- 1 spleen 10cm BCM to 2cm BCM
- No response in marrow fibrosis
- 1 pt dropped out for reversible pancytopenia
Steensma et al Blood 2002992252
- 60 had improvement in constitutional symptoms
(1220 pts) - 68 (75) had improved night sweats with 56 had
it stop completely - 77 (100) with weight loss had stable weight (2)
or weight gain (5) - 1020 (50) had improved fatigue
- Before PM asks8 doses is 888 Rx price and 1600
patient price per month
42Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant
- International collaborative study on 55pts
- Median age 42 Non relapse mortality was 27
- 91 engraftment
- 70 had complete hematological response
- 40 had a decrease in fibrosis
- 47 5 yr OS
- 1 year GvH 36
- Age determined outcome
- 62 5yr if lt45 years old
- 14 if gt45 yrs old
Guardiola et al Blood 1999932838
43Allogeneic Stem Cell TransplantReduced Intensity
- Eligibility
- gt45 years old
- Matched sibling ( and one willing to donate)
- Diagnosed with MMM
- Dupriez score of 1-2
- Conditioning Regimen
- Flu 30mg/m2 x5d (day 6 to 2)
- Melphalan 70mg/m2 x2d (day 3, -2)
Devine et al Blood 2002992255
44Allogeneic Stem Cell TransplantReduced Intensity
- GvH Prophylaxis
- FK506 0.03mg/kg/d by civi beginning day-2
- MTX 5mg/m2 IV days 1, 3, 6
- GCSF 5ug/kg/d beginning day 7
- N4 (all males, de novo dz, grade 4 fibrosis,
constitutional sx) - Median age 56 yrs (48-58)
- Diagnosis to Transplant 9.5 months
- F/U 13mo
Devine et al Blood 2002992255
45Allogeneic Stem Cell TransplantReduced Intensity
- No grade 3-4 toxicities
- One had acute GvH (grade 1) 3 chronic
- 100 engraftment by day 18
- 100 decrease in spleen size (2 complete)
- 100 decrease in fibrosis (grade 4 to 1)
- 100 have normal cellularity 1 year later
Devine et al Blood 2002992255
46Case Study
- Hydrea reduced HSM and ascites/LE edema
- Held hydrea for plts 61
- Last CBC WBC 45 Hb 8.3 Plts 108