Title: ThemeXpert Joomla Templates
2Joomla Templates We develop Joomla templates and
extensions on LAMP stack and cook them nicely
with Photoshop, Bootstrap and jQuery to serve
oven hot and fresh by Continuous Integration
Care. As we are a small team, you will get
support directly from the people who write code
and know ins-out about the product.
3- Gravity II Elegancy in Ecommerce
- Lets get down to business with our new theme
release for the month of September, GravityII. - Its an E-commerce template which has creative
and professional way to present your products to
support your business vision, provide ideal
resources to achieve great success.
4- Expose4 Responsive Base Template
- Base template is the solid theme based on Expose,
our fast and slick theme framework! It takes full
advantage of all the latest Expose features like
semantic xHTML markup, a nice and clean
administration UI, Xpert Mega Menu and much more.
5- Photon App Template for Joomla
- This time we have launched a fantastic template
which is responsive to showcase your apps or
works and an wonderful item to share happiness. -
- Photon is perfect choice for any app site but
anybody can customize it to any extent.
6Parallax Slider Parallax slider is another
powerful responsive slider module from
ThemeXpert. Parallax Slider will present your
Joomla or K2 article in a new dimension.
Extremely configurable admin with complete new UI
support Joomla 2.5 and 3.x. Its responsive layout
fix with every device.
Contact Today S1-01-27, Sutramas Apt., Puchong,
Selangor 47120, Malaysia www.themexpert.com