Title: Symptoms
1Module VI Diseases Caused by Nematodes
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics
Lesson 3 Kalahasti Malady
- Symptoms
- Infected plants appear in patches in the field,
and are stunted with greener than normal foliage.
- Small brownish yellow lesions appear on the pegs,
and on young developing pods. - Peg length is reduced. In advanced stages of the
disease the entire pod surface becomes blackened.
Course on Diseases of Groundnut
2Module VI Diseases Caused by Nematodes
Virtual Academy for the Semi Arid Tropics
With this, the Lesson 3 on Kalahasti Malady
disease in groundnut, and also this Module VI on
Diseases Caused by Nematodes, concludes. If you
want to check your understanding on diseases
caused by nematodes in groundnut, please click on
Exercise button in Module VI contents. With
this, the Course on Groundnut Diseases also
concludes. To review the course, select any
Module from the Course contents.
Course on Diseases of Groundnut