Guam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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'The People of Guam have provided their full unqualified support ... international airlines frequent Guam and the CNMI's international ... uses Guam as its ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Guam

Guam The CNMIProjecting Sea Power 21
  • Jointly Prepared by
  • The Guam And Saipan
  • Chambers Of Commerce
  • August, 2003

Home Port A Carrier Battle Group In The Marianas
  • Our history and our culture are inextricably
    tied to Americas presence in Asia. Our people
    stand proud and ready to play their part to make
    the world and our island a safer place. We are
    steadfast in our commitment to assist the
    military in its mission at any level. We offer
    our island and hospitality even though our role
    will only be a support base for a carrier battle
    group. As patriotic citizens of America we remain
    vigilant in our support...
  • Juan Babauta,
  • Governor of the CNMI
  • The People of Guam have provided their full
    unqualified support and commitment to the home
    porting of submarines, MSC ships and the SEALS
    but we still have lots of potential for greater
    military presence. The patriotic people of Guam
    are ready to do whatever it takes to support the
    home porting of a carrier battle group on Guam.
    We believe the success of such an undertaking
    will be strategically important for our
  • Felix Camacho,
  • Governor Of Guam.

Why Guam The CNMI Offer America The Best
ADVANTAGES For Home Porting
  • Guam The CNMI Offer Six Advantages
  • Geographic location, closer to Asia and the
    Middle East than any other U.S. base/port in case
    of conflict also easily facilitates unilateral
    and multilateral operations.
  • Quality Naval and airbase facilities with
    unencumbered air space and joint use
  • Total support of the local government, and as a
    sovereign territory of the United States, able to
    offer a much simplified environmental and
    regulatory review process.
  • It is the primary theater training area for
    CVW-5. Farallon de Medinilla (FDM) is the only
    feasible full service, multi-force, target range
    in the region additionally the area offers easy
    access to sparsely populated joint and combined
    training areas.
  • 80 of the areas registered voters
    enthusiastically support the home porting of a
    carrier battle group.
  • The area offers an outstanding lifestyle, quality
    of life, and travel opportunities for military
    families and service personnel.

The Geographic Position Of Guam The CNMI
  • In Pursuit Of Mahans Doctrine
  • Sea Control
  • Located 3,300 nautical miles closer to the
    Arabian peninsula than any other U.S.
  • The closest U.S. location to the Asian
    Sub-Continent, Indonesia, Malaysia and South East
  • Guam is 14 hours closer in flight time to
    potential hotspots in Asia than any other U.S.
  • Guam is 5 7 days transit time closer to Asia
    than any other U.S. port.
  • Major U.S. military missions in Asia are either
    based in Guam or dependent upon Guam for support.

  • Guam is Americas largest, and most strategically
    important military asset in the Western Pacific.

  • Sea Denial
  • No other U.S. location in the Pacific affords a
    more strategic position from which to protect the
    major sea lanes of Asia, North to South, East to
  • Guam is in an excellent location to monitor all
    communications pole to pole and from Asia to

Americas best means of avoiding war in Asia is
to cast a large shadow of strength.

The greatest battles won are those gained without
Sun Tzu
A Bit Of America In Asia
  • Guam and the CNMI are as much a part of America
    as Hawaii. We enjoy a U.S. accredited
    university, and most of the retail and lifestyle
    facilities found anywhere in America.
  • Guam and the CNMI have area codes not country
    codes, we enjoy first run movies live American
    Sports programs, MTV, HBO, and have some of the
    finest sports facilities in the world. Thirteen
    world class golf courses, and some of the most
    beautiful beaches anywhere. Guam and the CNMI
    are world class resort communities.
  • Unique experiences abound in nearby Micronesia,
    arguably the best free/wreck diving in the
  • Guam and the CNMI are also close to Asia, only
    three to four hours flying time to Japan, Hong
    Kong, the Philippines, Bali and Australia with
    only 0 2 hour time zone changes.
  • Seven international airlines frequent Guam and
    the CNMIs international airports, the finest in
    the region. Continental uses Guam as its Asian
  • You can easily travel throughout Asia and
    Micronesia, enjoying diverse cultural experiences
    while retaining the safety and security of
    America nearby for your family.

A Great Place To Live
  • Guam and the CNMI offer 13 great golf courses.
  • Spectacular diving, snorkeling, world class sport
    fishing, and beautiful tropical vistas.
  • Shopping, cinemas, world class restaurants, the
    islands of the Marianas have it all.

A Good Place To Raise A Family
  • Its summer time all year round.
  • Strong family values. 70 of all Guamanians go to
    Church every Sunday.
  • Hundreds of organized sports leagues, cultural
    clubs and organizations.
  • One of the lowest crime rates in America.
  • Guam has an award winning DODEA school system,
    with the anticipated construction of a new DODEA
    high school.
  • Guam is a multicultural community where many
    races, ethnicities and heritages live together in
    harmony - perhaps the best example in the world.

Deep Water Port Facilities
  • Apra Harbor is a deep water port with a choke
    point to control entry into the inner harbor but
    at the same time affords easy access to the open
  • Almost 17,000 lineal feet of wharf space, 681
    acres of inner harbor and 2,843 of outer harbor
    area authorized to handle munitions with as much
    as 3 million pounds net explosive weight.
  • Significant nuclear and conventional munitions
    storage and replenishment facilities Naval
  • No political repercussions for the storage and
    handling of nuclear weapons.
  • Privatized ship repair capability with an
    excellent record of past performance capable of
    dry docking and repairing CVBG support vessels.
  • Home ported attack submarines facilitate
    expeditionary strike group exercises and support
    to the battle group preparing for deployment.
  • Military planners estimate that being on Guam or
    in the CNMI equates to a 13 ratio one ship in
    the area is equal to three on the mainland for
    the crew this translates to shorter cruises, more
    time with their families and better morale.
  • State of the art telecommunications access and

Air Base Facilities
  • Underutilized Navy and Air Force capacity with
    significant, unused federal land holdings
    (current building density is 382 square feet per
  • Largest aviation fuel storage capacities in USAF
  • Significant airfield capabilities with light and
    infrequent competing air traffic.
  • Existing facilities are either already suitable
    or easily converted for basing, training, and
    emergency uses.
  • Additional airfield capabilities are available at
    the Guam International Airport, and the Saipan
    International Airport as well as the Tinian
    Airport. Rota and Northwest field are available
    for training and upgraded facilities. Special ops
    can be conducted on other islands in the
    Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas.

Air Operations Facilities
Saipan International Airport suitable for wide
body aircraft.
Tinian Airport, suitable for wide body aircraft
alternative strips suitable for carrier simulat
landings and exercises
Rota Airfield suitable for touch and go training.
Andersen Air Force Base is available for joint-us
e operations as well as off-loading and repairi
ng damaged
Northwest field, available for training and upgr
aded capabilities
Guam International Airport, the former Naval Air
Station, is suitable for joint use space for 118
Orote Point air field suitable for special ops t
Firing Range Training Locations with Little
Public Objection
  • FDM is the highest quality full service
    multi-force range in the region.
  • NDAA FY03 changes the law to allow unfettered
  • Support for the Navy mission in Guam and the CNMI
    is high.
  • FDM, 150nm north of Guam, is the primary theater
    training target for CVW-5.
  • Tinian offers a secure Marine training location.
  • Rota, Tinian and Northwest Field provides an
    excellent land based carrier support airfield to
    support carrier based training activities.

Attack Submarine Base
  • The placement of attack submarines close to the
    theatre of operation offers significant savings.

  • Apra Harbor can easily be made suitable for
    Trident class subs with minimal dredging of Apra
  • The underutilized submarine facilities can easily
    accommodate expansion.

Standby Additional Deep Water Port Facilities
  • For future growth and overflow capacity the port
    prepared and received a 1.5 M grant from US EDA
    to prepare EIS/AE for 2,900 lineal feet of new
    wharf space at Hotel Wharf in about 60-80' of
    water which could be used by carrier or support
    vessels and will be designed to accommodate
  • Navy and GovGuam have MOU in place allowing PAG
    to use dredged material from Navy maintenance and
    construction dredging of Inner Harbor as fill
  • GovGuam and ACOE have signed "Support Agreement"
    allowing ACOE to prepare EIS - grant money has
    been obligated
  • AE is currently under solicitation with ad in
    paper mid July. Completion of EIS/AE tentative
    date is Aug 2005 which is in line with Navy
  • Construction estimated at 35M, being sought
    through all possible sources.

Local Governmental Support For The Militarys
  • Guam and the CNMI will create a permitting task
    force to streamline and speed environmental and
    other local regulatory requirements to home port
    the battle group.
  • The Guam Community College and the College of the
    Northern Mariana Islands, with its existing
    apprentice training programs are positioned to
    cooperate with the Navy, the Chambers of Commerce
    in the islands, private contractors, the ship
    yard, and the Agency for Human Resources
    Development to provide training programs to
    enhance the skill levels of the existing
    workforce to meet the needs of the Navys
  • There is no need for host nation consent of
    pre-positioned war munitions, and no political
    sensitivity to nuclear vessel entry.
  • The Power and Water Authorities of both Guam and
    the CNMI have federal mandates to invest over
    830 million in major system expansions over the
    next ten years. A mix of short term and long
    term expansion plans will expand capacity,
    increase reliability, and provide the necessary
    infrastructure platform to support the areas
    economic recovery and expansion.

The Community Overwhelmingly Supports Home
Porting A Carrier Battle Group On Guam
  • More than 80 of the islands registered voters
    support having an aircraft carrier battle group
    home ported on Guam.
  • Some 75 support the use of Guam as a training
    location for the military.
  • More patriotic Guamanians are recruited into
    military service per capita than any other
    jurisdiction in the country!
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