Title: UIUC CS 497: Section EA Lecture
1UIUC CS 497 Section EALecture 2
- Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence
- Professor Eyal Amir
- Spring Semester 2004
2Last Time
- Propositional logic as a language for
representing knowledge - Did not touch on reasoning procedures
- Defined language, signature, models
- From homeworks you should know
- Soundness Completeness theorem
- Deduction theorem
- De Morgan Laws
- Reasoning procedures for propositional logic
- Checking Satisfiability (SAT) using DPLL
- Proving entailment using Resolution
- Application du jour Formal Verification
- Applications we will not touch
- AI planning, graph algorithms, cryptography,
4SAT via Generate and Test
- If we have a truth table of KB, then we can check
that KB satisfiable by looking at it. - Problem n propositional symbols ? 2n rows in
truth table - Checking interpretation I takes time O(KB)
- Generating table is expensive O(2n KB) time
- Observation SAT requires us to look only for one
5Clausal Form
- Every formula can be reformulated into an
equivalent CNF formula (conjunction of clauses). - Examples (using De Morgan Laws)
6Clausal Form
- Every formula can be reformulated into an
equivalent CNF formula (conjunction of clauses). - Examples
7Clausal Form
- Every formula can be reformulated into an
equivalent CNF formula (conjunction of clauses). - Examples
8Propagating a Truth-Value
- KB in CNF, and we observe pTRUE
- Then, removing clauses with p positive from KB
gives an equivalent theory. - Example
9Propagating a Truth-Value
- KB in CNF, and we observe pTRUE
- Then, removing negative instances of p from KB
gives an equivalent theory. - Example
10DPLL Search Procedure for CNF
- If no clauses in KB, return T
- If a clause in KB is empty (FALSE), return F
- If KB has a unit clause C with prop. p, then
return DPLL(KB,p?polarity(p,C)) - Choose an uninstantiated variable p
- If DPLL(KB, p?TRUE) returns T, return T
- If DPLL(KB, p?FALSE) returns T, return T
- Return F
11DPLL in Action
On board
12DPLL in Action
On board
Note we could know without thorough
checking that this KB is satisfiable
13DPLL in Action
On board
14Related SAT Solving
- Order of selection of variables (lecture 5)
- Stochastic local search (paper 1)
- Binary Decision Diagrams (paper 2)
- Strategies other than unit (paper 23)
- 2-SAT is solvable in linear time
- Smart backtracking (paper 21)
- Clauses/Vars in Random SAT (paper 22)
- SAT via probabilistic models (paper 15)
15Take a Breath
- Until now SAT solving
- Search in the space of models
- From now Resolution theorem proving
- Search in the space of proofs
- Later Formal Verification
16Resolution Theorem Proving
- Given
- KB a set of propositional sentences
- Query Q a logical sentence
- Calling procedure
- Add ?Q to KB
- Convert KB into clausal form
- Run theorem prover. If we prove contradiction,
return T. Otherwise, return F.
17Resolution Theorem Proving
- Add ?Q to KB
- Convert KB into clausal form
- Run theorem prover. If we prove contradiction,
return T. Otherwise, return F. - Deduction theorem
- KB Q iff KB ? ?Q
18Resolution Theorem Proving
- Add ?Q to KB
- Convert KB into clausal form
- Run theorem prover. If we prove contradiction,
return T. Otherwise, return F. - Deduction theorem
- KB Q iff KB ? ?Q
19Propositional Resolution
- Resolution inference rule
- C1 p1 ? C1
- C2 ?p1 ? C2
- --------------------
- C3 C1 ? C2
C1 ? ?p1 ? C1
C2 ? p1 ? C2
20Propositional Resolution
- Resolution algorithm (saturation)
- While there are unresolved C1,C2
- Select C1, C2 in KB
- If C1, C2 are resolvable, resolve them into a new
clause C3 - Add C3 to KB
- If C3 (empty clause),
- we got a contradiction.
C1 p1 ? C1 C2 ?p1 ? C2 --------------------
C3 C1 ? C2
21Resolution in Action
On board
C1 p1 ? C1 C2 ?p1 ? C2 --------------------
C3 C1 ? C2
Negated Query
22Resolution in Action
On board
C1 p1 ? C1 C2 ?p1 ? C2 --------------------
C3 C1 ? C2
Negated Query
23Properties of Resolution
- Running time for n variables, m clauses
- Resolving two clauses
- O(n)
- Finding two resolvable clauses
- O(1)
- Overall algorithm
- O(3nn)
24Properties of Resolution
- Theorem Resolution is sound
- Resolving clauses in KB generates valid
consequences of KB - Theorem Resolution is refutation complete
- Resolution of KB with ?Q yields the empty clause
iff KB Q
25Properties of Resolution
- Resolution does not always generate Q
- KB a,b, ?a,b, b,c
- Q b ? ?c b,?c
- Theorem Resolution always generates a clause
that subsumes Q iff KB Q - Example Resolving KB generates b
26Simple Enhancements
- Remove subsumed clauses
- p subsumes p , q
- p , q subsumes p , q, r
- ?p does not subsume p , q
- Contract same literals
- p , p , q becomes p , q
- Unit resolution resolve unit clauses first
27Related to Prop. Resolution
- Clause selection for resolution (lecture 5,
paper 19) - Consequence finding (paper 3)
- Prime implicates/implicants (paper 4)
28Resolution vs SAT
- SAT solvers can find models
- Resolution sometimes better at finding
contradictions - With resolution it is easier to explain and
provide a proof
29Summary So Far
- Finding models using DPLL
- Resolution theorem proving allows us to find
contradictions and explanation. - The deduction theorem tells us how to ask queries
from either SAT solvers or Resolution
30Application Hardware Verification
Question Can we set this boolean cirtuit to TRUE?
f5(x1,x2,x3) a function of the input signal
31Application Hardware Verification
SAT(f5) ?
Question Can we set this boolean cirtuit to TRUE?
f5(x1,x2,x3) f3 ? f4 ?f1 ? (f2 ? x3)
?(x1 ? x2) ? (?x2 ? x3)
32Hardware Verification
- Questions in logical circuit verification
- Equivalence of circuits
- Arrival of the circuit to a state (required a
temporal model, which gets propositionalized) - Achieving an output from the circuit
- SAT checking using DPLL (instantiate, propagate,
backtrack) - Entailment/SAT checking using Resolution (create
more and more clauses until KB is saturated) - Formal verification uses mainly SAT checking such
as DPLL, but also sometimes resolution
34Next Time
- FOL Resolution
- Homework
- Read readings (incl. application reading)
- Make sure you know
- Deduction theorem for FOL
- Language of FOL
- Soundness, completeness, and incompleteness
theorems - Models of first-order logic