Title: Psyc 689 Clin Psychopharmacology
1Psyc 689 Clin Psychopharmacology
- Introduction-Neuroanatomy
2Instructor Contact Details
- Paul J. Wellman
- Office Psychology 248
- Phone
- 979-845-2557 (Office)
- 979-845-2581 (Dept)
- 979-845-4727 (Fax)
- 979-777-3163 (Cell)
- Web site http//psychology.tamu.edu/courses/Wellm
3Psyc 689 Course Details
- Lectures are Wednesday
- 9 am-12 pm
- Exams 2 exams each worth 100 points (exams will
be taken in class) - Readings are from Handbook of Clinical
Psychopharmacology for Therapists (4e) by
Preston, O Neal, and Talaga (2005) -
4Overview Of Course Topics
- Neurophysiology
- Neurochemistry
- Neuroanatomy (functional and neurochemical)
- Basic principles of pharmacology
- Specific disorders
- Psychoses
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Issues of treatment
- Side effect profiles
- Subject characteristics (gender, age, health)
- Psychopharmacology Resources (PDR)
5Physical Approaches to Altering Behavior
- Trephining
- Psychosurgery
- All are based on the idea that altering brain
function can alter behavior - Risk-benefit issues for these treatments
8 Psychopharmacology
- Psychopharmacology is the study of the effects of
drugs on the nervous system and on behavior - The term drug has many meanings
- Medication to treat a disease
- A chemical that is likely to be abused
- An exogenous chemical that significantly alters
the function of certain bodily cells when taken
in relatively low doses (chemical is not required
for normal cellular functioning)
9Development of Psychoactive Drugs
- Alcohol (?)
- Cannabis (THC)
- Opiates
- Caffeine (1300 Ethiopia)
- Cocaine (1200-1500 Incas cocaine isolated in
1859) - Nicotine (1556 Western Europe)
- Ether used as an inhalation toxicant
- Hallucinogens (peyote)
- Stimulants (amphetamine syn in 1887)
- Medicinal chemistry
10Evolution of Localization of Function
11Brocas Area
- Patient Tan showed major deficit in speech
(aphasia) following a stroke - Brocas autopsy of Tans brain (1861) noted
damage in the left hemisphere - the lesion of the left frontal lobe was the
cause of the loss of speech - Case report conclusion was correct
- Brocas paper can be read at http//psychclassics
12Artificial Stimulation of Brain
- Neurons in a region can be artificially activated
to assess the role of that region in behavior - Electrical stimulation involves passing
electrical current through a wire inserted into
brain - Cincinnati physician and brain stimulation
- Conducted in prostitute with bone cancer of skull
- Patient died, but not related to electrical
stimulation - Penfields cortical stimulation studies
(Montreal) - Chemical stimulation can involve infusion of an
excitatory amino acid such as glutamate into a
region - A cannula implanted into a region can be used to
deliver drug solutions into that region - Chemical stimulation can be more specific than
electrical stimulation (glutamate activates cell
bodies, not axons)
13Hunger and Reward After Lateral Hypothalamic
14Neuroanatomy Terms
- The neuraxis is an imaginary line drawn through
the spinal cord up to the front of the brain - Anatomical directions are understood relative to
the neuraxis - Anterior (rostral) toward the head
- Posterior (caudal) toward the tail
- Ventral (inferior) toward the belly
- Dorsal (superior) toward the back (top of head)
- Location in brain
- Ipsilateral same side of brain
- Contralateral opposite side of brain
15Planes of Section
- The brain can be sectioned in three planes
- Each section provides a different view of the
internal anatomy of the brain - Sagittal
- Coronal (or transverse)
- Horizontal
16Two Nervous Systems
- The nervous system consists of two divisions
- The central nervous system (CNS) is comprised of
the brain and spinal cord - The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is comprised
of the cranial/spinal nerves and peripheral
ganglia - PNS nerves project to target organs and to
muscles (efferent) - These nerves also carry sensory information to
the brain (afferent)
17Views of the CNS
- Anatomical
- Nuclei and fibers
- Functional
- Sensory, motor, integrative
- Emotion, reward, memory, sleep and arousal
- Lesion studies, functional imaging studies
- Neurochemical pathways
- Dopamine, serotonin, glutamate, GABA, glycine
18Levels of the CNS
- Cerebral Cortex and brain hemispheres
- Cortical lobes (4 bone-defined, 2 internal)
- Gyri and sulci markers
- Fibers, tracts, commisures, nerves, ganglia,
nuclei, fasciculi (us) - Neurons
- Neuron components
- Synapses and neurotransmitters (NTs)
- Receptors (auto-, post-synaptic)
- Neuron membranes and associated channels
- Ligand-gated voltage-gated
19Midline Brain View
20Cerebral Cortex
- The cerebral cortex forms the outer surface of
the cerebral hemispheres - Cortex surface is convoluted by grooves
- Sulci (small grooves)
- Fissures (large grooves)
- The bulges in cortex are termed gyri
- The cortex is primarily composed of cells, giving
it a gray appearance - The cortex is formed from 6 layers of cells
- Cortex can be divided into 4 lobes frontal,
parietal, occipital, and temporal (limbic makes 5)
21 Orbitofrontal Cortex
- Humans are able to interact socially and to
understand social situations - The analysis of social situations requires an
intact orbitofrontal cortex - Phineas Gage dynamite tamping rod penetrated
orbitofrontal cortex - Gage exhibited reduced inhibitions and
self-concern - Jacobsen reported calming action of frontal lobe
damage in monkeys - Led to the development of prefrontal lobotomy
technique (Moniz)
22Frontal Lobe Neuropathology
- Paralysis (usually flaccid if upper body neuron)
- Paresis (weakness)
- Impaired dexterity
- Motor impersistence
- Subclinical catatonia and motor retardation
- Impairment smooth eye-tracking
- Elevated blink rate
23Primary Sensory and Motor Cortex
24Motor Cortex
- Multiple motor systems control body movements
- Walking, talking, postural, arm and finger
movements - Primary motor cortex is located on the precentral
gyrus - Motor cortex is somatotopically organized (motor
homunculus) - Motor cortex receives input from
- Premotor cortex
- Supplemental motor area
- Frontal association cortex
- Primary somatosensory cortex
- Planning of movements involves the premotor
cortex and the supplemental motor area which
influence the primary motor cortex
25Divisions of Motor Cortex
26Motor Homunculus
27Parietal Lobe Neuropathology
- Issues in receptive speech, naming, comprehension
- Tactile discrimination difficulty
- Vestibular processing (Area 2)
- Route finding issues (spatial)
- Calculation problems
- Right parietal lobe spatial neglect
- Time interval estimate difficulties
- Prosopagnosia (w/ inf. Temporal lobe)
28 Visual Cortex Function
- V4 responds to color and
- perception
- V5 responds to movement
- TEO involved in color discrimination, 2-d
pattern discrimination - TE neurons respond to 3-d
- (a face or a hand)
29Occipital Lobe Neuropathology
- Cortical blindness
- Visual eye movement difficulties (area 8)
- Achromatopsia (rod vision, lacks color perception
- Visual neglect (agnosias)
- Gaze disorders
30 Receptive Fields
- Receptive Field (RF) Those attributes of a
stimulus that will alter the firing rate of a
given sensory cell - Can measure the RF at each level of sensory
system - There are as many RFs as there are cells in a
sensory system - Look for commonalities of fields at each level of
the system - Cortex is organized into columns, with each
column sharing an attribute
31Primary Auditory Cortex
32Temporal Lobe Neuropathology
- Misidentification syndromes Prosopagnosia
- Amnestic syndromes (hippocampus)
- Central deafness (areas 41,42)
- Wernicke related dysphasias (Area 22)
- Receptive
- Conductive type
- Hypo- and hypersexuality
- Panic/fear states
33Limbic System
- The limbic system is comprised of
- Hippocampus involved in learning and memory
- Amygdala involved in emotion
- Mammillary Bodies
- The fornix is a fiber bundle that interconnects
the hippocampus with the mammillary bodies
34Hippocampal Damage and Amnesia
- Severe anterograde amnesia follows bilateral
damage to the hippocampus - Patient H.M. suffered from severe epilepsy
- To minimize his epilepsy, H.M.s surgeons removed
his medial temporal lobe (including the
hippocampus) - Following surgery, H.M. showed severe anterograde
amnesia - No retention for events that have occurred since
1953 - Can recall events that occurred prior to 1953
- H.M.s amnesia was attributed to hippocampal
damage - Patient Boswell herpes encephalitis led to
bilateral damage to the mesial temporal lobe - Amygdala, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex)
- Severe anterograde AND severe retrograde amnesia
35Emotion and the Amygdala
- Threat stimuli increase neural firing and fos
activity within central nucleus of the amygdala - Humans show increased amygdala activity (PET
studies) - Lesions of central nucleus diminish emotional
responses - Reduced fear responses to threat stimuli
- Reduced chance of developing ulcers to stress
- Reduced levels of stress hormones
- Electrical stimulation of central nucleus induces
fear and agitation - Central amygdala nucleus is important for the
expression of emotional responses to aversive
- Diencephalon consists of
- Thalamus contains nuclei that receive sensory
information and transmit it to cortex - Hypothalamus contains nuclei involved in
integration of species-typical behaviors, control
of the autonomic nervous system and pituitary
37The Basal Ganglia
- The basal ganglia are a collection of subcortical
nuclei that lie just under the anterior aspect of
the lateral ventricles - Ganglia is a misnomer (term refers to
collections of cell bodies in periphery) - Basal ganglia consist of the caudate nucleus, the
putamen and the globus pallidus - Input to the basal ganglia is from the primary
motor cortex and the substantia nigra - Output of the basal ganglia is to
- Primary motor cortex, supplemental motor area,
premotor cortex - Brainstem motor nuclei (ventromedial pathways)
38Degenerative Disorders
- Certain diseases produce loss of brain neurons
- Parkinsons disease loss of dopamine neurons
- Huntingtons Chorea loss of GABA/ACh
- Alzheimers disease loss of ACh neurons
- The mesencephalon (midbrain) consists of
- Tectum is the dorsal portion of midbrain
- Superior and inferior colliculi are involved in
the visual and auditory systems - Tegmentum is that portion of the midbrain located
under the tectum and consists of the - Rostral end of the reticular formation
- Periaqueductal gray
- Red nucleus
- Substantia nigra (projects to striatum)
- Ventral tegmental area (part of
- reward circuit)
- Metencephalon consists of the
- Pons
- Contains the core of the reticular formation
- The pons is involved in the control of sleep and
arousal - Cerebellum is involved in motor control
41Neural Control of REM Sleep
- The pons is important for the control of REM
sleep - PGO waves are the first predictor of REM sleep
- ACh neurons in the peribrachial pons modulate REM
sleep - Increased ACh increases REM sleep
- Peribrachial neurons fire at a high rate during
REM sleep - Peribrachial lesions reduce REM sleep
- Pontine ACh neurons project to the thalamus
(control of cortical arousal), to the basal
forebrain (arousal and desynchrony), and to the
tectum (rapid eye movements) - Pontine cells project via magnocellular cells
within medulla to the spinal cord release
glycine to inhibit alpha-motoneurons (induce REM
motor paralysis or atonia)
42Sleep and Neurotransmitters
- Sleep function is altered by
- Norepinephrine (arousal)
- Serotonin (promotes sleep)
- Dopamine (arousal)
- Acetylcholine (in cortex arousal)
- Histamine (arousal)
- GABA (promotes sleep)
- Opioid/opiates (promote sleep)
- The myelencephalon consists of the
- Medulla oblongata
- The medulla is the most caudal portion of brain
and is rostral to the spinal cord - The medulla contains part of the reticular
formation - The nuclei of the medulla control vital functions
such as regulation of the cardiovascular system,
breathing, and skeletal muscle tone