Title: The Royals of Notre Dame Guam
1The Royals of Notre Dame Guam
2National Junior Honor Society AIJMS 02
3Student Body Association
- Hats off to the Graduate of Agueda Johnston
Middle School 02
4D Graduate AIJMS02
5GCC MEDICAL ASSISTINGStudents _at_ Micronesia
- Clarigene and classmates at Micronesia Mall.
Volunteer for Public Health and Social Services-
- Fats, Cholesterol and Glucose testing _at_Micronesia
6GCC N A Students Volunteer Diabetes Conference
Hyatt Regency Guam03
7GCC M A Student VolunteerDiabetes
Conference-Hyatt Regency Guam03
- Flordeliz Arce and Darlice Marquez
- Assisting guest on Glucose Testing
8GMHA Christmas Décor Cup of Cheer 02
- The 3 Dimension Christmas gift décor by Jimmy
9GCC N A Students Volunteer Diabetes Conference
Hyatt Regency Guam03
- The curious lady about body fats.
- 10 lbs fats display on the table
10GMHA Volunteers AssociationDiabetes
Conference-Hyatt Regency Guam03
11GMHA Volunteer Association Diabetes
Conference-Hyatt Regency Guam03
12Jimmy A. Ventura
13Backyard Harvestby Clarigene Ventura