Title: Immuno-epidemiology of malaria
1Immuno-epidemiology of malaria
- Klaus Dietz
- Department of Medical Biometry
- University of Tübingen, Germany
- DIMACS Worksop
- 11-13 December 2006
- What is immuno-epidemiology?
- What is malaria?
- Why model malaria immunity?
- Malaria immunity models a brief history
- A within-host malaria model
- Concluding remarks
3Serological surveys as immuno-epidemiological
Desowitz RS, Saave JJ, Stein B. The application
of the indirect haemagglutination test in recent
studies on the immuno-epidemiology of human
malaria and the immune response in experimental
malaria. Mil Med.,1311157-1166 (1966).
Suzuki M. Malaria immuno-epidemiology a trial
to link field study with basic science. Gaoxiong
Yi Xue Ke Xue Za Zhi.7224-232 (1991). .....malar
ia serological assessment was carried out in
endemic areas in Haiti, Indonesia, Sudan and in
Brazil Amazon. The serological survey was useful
in finding latent foci in a controlled area, for
the assessment of past epidemics,....
4A theoretical framework for immuno-epidemiology
Woolhouse, M.E.J.et al. Acquired immunology and
epidemiology of Schistosoma haematobium., Nature
351, 757-759, 1991 (Acquisition of this immunity
seems to be related to the cumulative effects of
repeated infection and provides only partial
protection. These characteristics are consistent
with immuno-epidemiological data for both S.
mansoni and S. haematobium infections of humans.)
5Hellriegel, B. Immunoepidemiology-bridging the
gap between immunology and epidemiology. Trends
in Parasitology, 17, 102-106, 2001
- Immunoepidemiology combines individual- and
population-oriented approaches to create new
perspectives. - It examines how inter-individual differences in
immune responses affect the population dynamics
of micro- and macro-parasites to produce the
epidemiological patterns of infection observed in
heterogeneous host populations.
6A cartoon of immuno-epidemiological models
Parasite density
Immunity level
Morbidity level
7STI project on the mathematical modeling of the
impact of malaria vaccines on the clinical
epidemiology and natural history of Plasmodium
falciparum malariaThomas A. Smith and team
- Many millions of simulation runs, each in the
order of hours - Need for supercomputing
8Network Computing
9Volunteer Computing Project
10Malaria cycle
SourceWellcome Trust
11Infected Red Blood Cells (IREs) by asexual (red)
and sexual (green) parasites in Patient G141
12n 54 mean 212 days, median 216 days
13Present geographical distribution of malaria
14The challenge of malaria
The President And Mrs. Bush Will Host The White
House Summit On Malaria On December 14, 2006, In
Washington, DC, To Discuss And Highlight Measures
For Combating This Preventable Disease
In June, President Bush announced a new
commitment to combat malaria. His proposal calls
for an additional 1.2 billion over the next five
years. The money will pay for insecticide-treated
nets, it will allow for indoor spraying against
mosquitoes, and it will provide effective new
combination drugs to treat malaria. Our goal with
this new funding is to reach more than 175
million people in 15 nations. (1.37 /Person/year)
15Growth of the yearly number of malaria
publications Doubling time 10 years and 7 months
16Why model malaria immunity?
- Not necessary, if one is aiming for eradication
- Macdonald, G. Theory of the eradication of
malaria. Bull. WHO 15, 369-387, 1956. - WHO global malaria eradication campaign 1955
17Original Eradication Plans
- Interruption of transmission of main species
infecting humans by DDT spraying - Malaria disappears spontaneously in under 3 years
Source Gabaldon
18Pampana Textbook on malaria eradication
- If malaria eradication will be achieved it will
be first of all due to the computer - Macdonald DDT spraying and mass drug
administration every two months will interrupt
malaria transmission in Africa
19(graph by Martin Eichner)
Cerebral malaria incidence (per 1000 per
year)(ages 0-9 years)
Kilifi N(Kenya)
Kilifi S(Kenya)
Force of infection (per year)
Snow et al. (1997) The Lancet
20Points of attack of potential malaria vaccines
Smith et al (2006)
21Malaria immunity models
- Dietz, K Mathematical models for transmission
and control of malaria. 1091-1133 (1988) - Molineaux, L and Dietz, K Review of intra-host
models of malaria. Parassitologia 41221-231
(1999) - McKenzie, FE and Bossert, WH An integrated model
of Plasmodium falciparum dynamic. J Theor.
Biology 232, 411-426 (2005)
22Ronald Ross (1857-1932)
Second Nobel price in Medicine in 1902
23Infection without (Ross) and with (Macdonald)
Ross (premunition)
24Age-specific prevalence
25Prevalence by age
26Implications of unrealistic assumptions about the
strength of immunity
- Underestimating the strength of immunity leads to
an - underestimate of the basic reproduction number
and consequently an - underestimate of the necessary eradication
efforts and an - overestimate of the expected control effects
27Garki Model (Dietz, Molineaux, Thomas,
1974)Garki Book (Molineaux L and Gramiccia G,
Data http//www.sti.ch/de/forschung/biostatistics
28Garki model fit
29Fit to Garki data of the STI project
30Prevalence by vectorial capacity
31Gupta, S. and Day, K.P. A theoretical framework
for the immunoepidemiology of Plasmodium
falciparum malaria. Parasite Immunology, 16,
361-370 (1994)
32Might malaria yield to mathematics (Economist,
March 12th 1994)
Recent epidemiological work suggests that there
may be a stronger chance of controlinling malaria
than was once thought likely Comparing the
distribution of the strains among people by age
with the spread produced by their model, they
found a very close match if the average number of
secondary cases caused by a single case was
between six and seven.
Gupta, Anderson, Day and Trenholme
33Innate and adaptive immunityStevenson and Riley
- Research on the immunology of malaria has tended
to focus on adaptive immunity - Accumulating evidenceindicates a crucial role
for innate immune responses in protective
immunity to malaria - Innate responses are essential to limit the
initial phase of parasite replication,
controlling the first wave of parasitemia and
allowing the host time to develop specific
adaptive responses that will enable the infection
to be cleared
34(No Transcript)
35Fig 1A
36Fig 1B
37Fig 1C
38Correlations between innate immunity threshold,
parasite growth rate and peak density
39Correlation between innate and adaptive immunity
thresholds and between two parameters for
adaptive immunity
41Vaccine effect on initial multiplication factor
42Fig 3
43Vaccine efficacy
44Conclusions from the within-host model for the
first wave
- The 800 data points for 100 patients could well
be described by a simple model with four
interpretable parameters per patient. - All parameters show large variation.
- The maximum parasitaemia is mainly controlled by
innate immunity. - The benefit of a vaccine targetting the asexual
blood stages is expected to be strongly host
dependent. - At low immunogenicity the expected vaccine
efficacy against severe malaria is much higher
than against fever.
45Concluding remarks
- Historic data (neurosyphilis patients, Garki
project) are still relevant today and in the
future because new data about the natural course
of malaria can for ethical reasons no longer be
collected. - Estimates for basic reproduction numbers are
model dependent. - In spite of the fact that malaria is probably the
disease with the largest number of models there
is still no generally acceptable model.
- Louis Molineaux, Geneva
- Tom Smith and his team at the STI, Basle
- Martin Eichner, Günter Raddatz, Tübingen